




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:bō jí








  1. 扩散到;传播到。

    《国语·晋语四》:“其波及 晋国 者,君之餘之,又何以报?”《魏书·天象志三》:“其餘灾波及 晋 魏 ,仍其兵革之祸。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·锡祺》:“我们三个,一齐具疏,求上帝推男子之爱,波及妇人,免他轮迴一转。” 吴玉章 《论辛亥革命》:“这个运动波及十多个省的大小城市。”

  2. 影响到;牵连到。

    唐 柳宗元 《与友人论为文书》:“其间耗费简札,役用心神者,其可数乎?登文章之籙,波及后代,越不过数十人耳。”《警世通言·桂员外途穷忏悔》:“君今日之祸,波及妻子。” 曹亚伯 《武昌革命真史·武昌起义》:“设此营兵士受革命军波及,反受危险,不若将輜重营全体带至 汉口 清静地方集合,再从长计议。” 陈残云 《山谷风烟》第十章:“有些不明了政策,怕波及自己而自杀。”



  1. What you want to avoid is to have one simple change ripple through the various classes of your application.


  2. "Going forward" is so infectious that it has spread from inarticulate bankers and analysts to people who once had a fine way with words.


  3. During past downturns in what has always been a highly cyclical industry, the plane makers have suffered along with their customers.


  4. That issue lies at the heart of the current battles in the U. S. and elsewhere about financial regulation and health care reform.


  5. First, there was a widely spread housing bubble, not just in the United States, but in Ireland, Spain, and other countries as well.


  6. The Dust Bowl that affected the prairie regions of the United States was one infamous drought.


  7. So get back into the workforce as soon as you think your kids can handle it; the benefits will ripple throughout your life.


  8. The next leg is likely to see a spillover into areas of the market and the economy that historically respond to shifts in consumer spending.


  9. Between the secular things, to look at it always, that have no voice, let me passion dust, affected the soul.


  1. 宏观波及效率

    macroscopic sweep efficiency.

  2. 次声波及次声武器

    Infrasonic sound and infrasonic weapon

  3. 疯牛病恐慌波及德国

    Mad Cow Panic Spreads to Germany

  4. 悲剧的反响波及全世界。

    The tragedy resounded around the world.

  5. 气候变化会波及所有国家。

    Climate change affects all nations.

  6. 经济危机波及整个资本主义世界。

    The economic crisis affected the entire capitalist world.

  7. 这次震区波及了整个岛国。

    The earthquake affected the entire island country.

  8. 大火很快波及整幢大楼。

    Fire swept across the building.

  9. 那场火并未波及这些名画。

    The valuable paintings were not touched by the fire.

  10. 她也受到波及, 但程度较轻。

    She has also been affected, but to a lesser degree.

  11. 整个世界都会受到核战争的波及。

    The whole world would be affected by a nuclear war.

  12. 购买力下降的损失波及整个经济。

    The loss of purchasing power spreads through the economy.

  13. 这个危机波及了其它几个成员。

    The crisis threatens to engulf several others.

  14. 商海的战争比军事战争还波及无辜。

    To the sea than the military war, the war also affected the innocent.

  15. 爆炸时正好波及了驶过的货车

    Let me engulf you in the ocean of joy,

  16. 计算机生成卡通涟波及波光闪烁效果

    Computer generation of cartoon ripples and shimmering

  17. 皮肤萎缩波及表皮、真皮和皮下组织。

    Skin atrophy affects cuticular, derma and subcutaneous tissue.

  18. 自此,小小说创作热潮波及全国各地。

    Since then, short story creation boom spread all over the country.

  19. 热带风暴黄蜂肆虐两广、波及湘贵

    Tropical storm Wasp swept Guangdong, Guangxi and spread to Hunan and Guizhou

  20. 炎细胞浸润可波及到皮下脂肪组织。

    Inflammatory cell infiltration can be spread to the subcutaneous adipose tissue.

  21. 一旦战争爆发, 许多国家都要受到波及。

    If a war broke out, many other countries will be affected.

  22. 此外, 世界各地的野生动物也遭受波及。

    Less obviously, plague also ravages wildlife around the world.

  23. 齐40块蒸汽驱蒸汽波及规律研究

    Study on steam sweep in Block Qi40 steam drive process

  24. 那些名画没有遭到这场火灾得波及。

    The valuable paintings were not touched by the fire.

  25. 那些名画没有遭到这场火灾的波及。

    The valuable paintings were not touched by the fire.

  26. 专家们认为干旱的波及面会很广。

    Experts believe that the drought will be extensive.

  27. 专家们认为干旱的波及面会很广。

    Experts believe that the drought will be extensive.

  28. 我们得人力, 资源和生活都被波及了。

    Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved.

  29. 我们的人力,资源和生活都被波及了。

    Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved.

  30. 都柏林的争吵也波及了整个欧洲大陆。

    The ructions in Dublin also rippled across the continent.


  1. 问:波及拼音怎么拼?波及的读音是什么?波及翻译成英文是什么?

    答:波及的读音是bōjí,波及翻译成英文是 affect




拼音:bōjí本意:指波浪所及。后指牵连、影响或扩散到。波及后代,波及甚广,运动波及了十多个省市。释义:意为影响到或牵涉到。《左传·僖公二十三年》:“其波及晋国者,君之馀也。例句与用法:1. 她也受到波及,但程度较轻。She had also been affected, but to a lesser degree.2. 一旦战争爆发,许多国家都要受到波及。If a war broke out, many other countries will be affected.