


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……





汉语拼音:tóng nián









  1. 年龄相同。

    《后汉书·乐成靖王党传》:“﹝ 刘党 ﹞与 肃宗 同年,尤相亲爱。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·言语》:“ 顾悦 与 简文 同年,而髮蚤白。” 巴金 《家》二:“ 琴 和 觉民 同年,只是比他小几个月,所以叫他做表哥。”

  2. 同一年。

    唐 杜甫 《哭李尚书》诗:“ 漳 滨与 蒿里 ,逝水竟同年。” 杨伦 笺注:“言生病死葬,皆在是年也。”《三国演义》第一回:“不求同年同月同日生,只愿同年同月同日死。”

  3. “同年而语”的略语。

    《南史·赵知礼蔡景历等传论》:“ 赵知礼 蔡景歷 属 陈武 经纶之日,居文房书记之任,此乃 宋 齐 之初 傅亮 王俭 之职。若乃校其才用,理不同年,而卒能膺务济时,盖其遇也。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·鉴识》:“加以二传(《公羊传》、《穀梁传》)理有乖僻,言多鄙野,方诸 左 氏,不可同年。”

  4. 古代科举考试同科中式者之互称。

    唐 代同榜进士称“同年”, 明 清 乡试、会试同榜登科者皆称“同年”。 清 代科考先后中式者,其中式之年甲子相同,亦称“ 同年 ”。 唐 李肇 《唐国史补》卷下:“﹝进士﹞俱捷谓之同年。” 元 萨都剌 《送郑天趣进柑入京》诗:“同年若问儂消息,为説愁来奈病何。”《醒世恒言·张廷秀逃生救父》:“你我虽则隔省同年,今日天涯相聚,便如骨肉一般。” 清 顾炎武 《生员论中》:“同榜之士,谓之同年。”《老残游记续集遗稿》第二回:“ 宋次安 还是我乡榜同年呢!” 清 赵翼 《陔馀丛考·同年》:“余庚午乡举, 宛平 黄叔琳 开府係前庚午举人,曾为先后同年之会;大学士 史铁崖 并及见先后进士同年,真为盛事。” 清 阮葵生 《茶馀客话》卷二:“ 乾隆 己未, 赵秋谷 与新贵遥认同年, 沉归愚 诗云:‘后先己未亦同年。’”

  5. 古 安南 苗民互称。参见“ 同年嫂 ”。

  6. 浙江 江山 一带称船家为“同年”。因船家多 桐严 ( 桐庐 、 严州 )人, 桐严 与同年,音近而讹。参见“ 同年妹 ”、“ 同年嫂 ”。



  1. Early tests until(on two) welsh(wells) at the home where he lived as a child found a levels three to four times higher than normal.


  2. The 1998 English language version is dedicated to the memory of Phil Hartman, who was murdered by his wife that same year.


  3. The bank went live later the same year after receiving money from Japanese investors that left Matsuo with a majority stake.


  4. Later that year, his plane was shot down during an air mission over Hanoi and he was taken as a prisoner of war.


  5. And just this year, a Japanese woman aborted her pregnancy after she was told there had been a mistake at a government-run hospital.


  6. It was one of three nominations that year - the others were best director and best original screenplay for Good Night and Good Luck.


  7. In the fall, when he began at Davidson, he found the two advocates he needed, one in the office right next door to Winterberg's.


  8. Suddenly, three boys my age rode up on Sting-Ray bicycles, skidding to a stop in front of me with a triple shriek of rubber.


  9. In February of that year, though, he had already begun military training, part of Adolf Hitler's final hopeless attempt to stave off defeat.


  1. 我们俩同年。

    We're the same age.

  2. 进士同年录

    social influence and documental value

  3. 我们俩同年。

    We're the same age, we were both born in the Year of the Tiger.

  4. 他与我同年。

    He is just my age.

  5. 她和你同年。

    She is the same age as you.

  6. 同年出生组群

    cohort of birth.

  7. 我和妻子同年。

    My wife and I are of the same age.

  8. 他们同年龄。

    They are of the same age.

  9. 约翰和我是同年。

    John and I are of an age.

  10. 我们是同年纪。

    We are the same age.

  11. 我们同年,都属虎。

    We're the same age, we were both born in the Year of the Tiger.

  12. 他们的孩子们都是同年的。

    Their children are all of an age.

  13. 同年一起毕业的学生团体

    the body of students who graduate together this year

  14. 我的表弟和我同年纪。

    My cousin and I are the same age.

  15. 同年2月12日,清帝被迫退位。

    In February 12, Qingdi was forced to abdicate.

  16. 英秀和英镐是同年生。

    Yingxiu and Yinghao were born in the same year.

  17. 同年,威斯康星大学成立。

    The same year the university of Wisconsin was chartered.

  18. 同年并颁布公开收购暨合并规则

    The city Code on Takeovers and Mergers

  19. 同年九月这座大桥竣工。

    The bridge was completed in September of the same year.

  20. 首次薪酬趋势调查在同年进行。

    The first pay trend survey was conducted that year.

  21. 比同年级同学要落后啊。

    You're behind your classmates.

  22. 让他们的行为同年龄一致。

    Let them act their age.

  23. 同年,黑龙江画报刊登罗曼罗兰

    In the same year The Heilongjiang Pictorial published Yans portrait of Romain Roland.

  24. 同年5月,两国联络处开始工作。

    In May, the liaison offices bagan to function.

  25. 同年7月,美国国防部部长访华。

    The US defense secretary visited China in July of the same year.

  26. 跟爸同年去世的约翰蓝侬曾说。

    As John Lennon said, who died the same year as my dad.

  27. 同年,纽约证券交易所成立了纽约期货交易所

    The New York Futures Exchange

  28. 为什么我不能玩?我和你同年耶。

    Why can't I play? I'm the same age as you are.

  29. 同年7月他们去夏威夷看望朋友。

    That July, they went to Hawaii to visit friends.

  30. 同年安高制造了第一个电磁体。

    In the same year Argao made the first electromagnet.


  1. 问:同年拼音怎么拼?同年的读音是什么?同年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同年的读音是tóngnián,同年翻译成英文是 the same year; be a contemporary of

  2. 问:同年龄的拼音怎么拼?同年龄的的读音是什么?同年龄的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同年龄的的读音是tóng nián líng de,同年龄的翻译成英文是 coetaneous


