




水、火、荒旱等所造成的祸害:水~。火~。~难(nàn )。~害。~患。个人的不幸遭遇:招~惹祸。幸~乐祸。破财消~。……



汉语拼音:shòu zāi






  1. 遭受灾害。

    唐 元稹 《镇圭赋》:“以之徵守,则有土之臣至;以之恤患,则受灾之地康。” 丁玲 《水》一:“我们这些人,这些插田的人,这些受灾的人,还拍打不过一个菩萨吗?”



  1. After that, I walked around, I walked through the section of town which had been hit hardest. I walked for close to three hours.


  2. Waiting it out: The global economic downturn has pummeled China hard, with migrant workers being among the worst hit.


  3. Senator Cochran said he would work to "craft language and funding that will be approved by the Senate" in the next recovery bill for all U.


  4. Yet it should also be remembered that pouring money and supplies into a stricken country or region is no guarantor of stability.


  5. While the joys of gadgetry may seem obvious to aid workers, how much has it really done to help victims?


  6. The southern province of Sindh is now described as the worst-affected area with up to four million displaced people.


  7. He was on his way back to Washington, having made a tour of orphanages, hospitals, and tent camps.


  8. One of China's wealthiest men is jumping to Japan's rescue in an attempt to aid both disaster-struck citizens and China's global image.


  9. The love and its force rooted deeply in the bottom of the heart grow support in itself for those who are suffering.


  1. 受灾的情况

    The condition of a disaster.

  2. 旱灾受灾面积

    affected area by drought

  3. 农业受灾面积

    agricultural disaster area.

  4. 小麦受灾率预报

    wheat disaster rate forecast

  5. 受灾率时间序列

    the disaster rate of crops time sequence

  6. 总理牵挂地震受灾群众

    Premier Expresses Concern for Quake Victims

  7. 洪水导致大量作物受灾。

    The flood caused extensive damage to the crops.

  8. 洪水导致大量作物受灾。

    The flood caused extensive damage to the crops.

  9. 作物歉收农民就要受灾。

    The failure of their crops spelt disaster for the peasant farmers.

  10. 人群围聚在受灾现场。

    The crowds gathered about the scene of the disaster.

  11. 巴基斯坦地震受灾者迎接寒冬

    Pakistan Earthquake Survivors Get Ready for Winter

  12. 红十字会为受灾人员提供食宿。

    The Red Cross provides food and shelter for disaster victims.

  13. 我们为地震受灾者筹款

    We raised money in behalf of the earthquake victims

  14. 受灾地区将会安装预警系统。

    Basic early warning systems are being set up in the affected areas.

  15. 他非常关心受灾群众的状况。

    He was much concerned over the plight of the calamitystricken people.

  16. 对地震中受灾的人表示祝福。

    Blessing for the people affected by the earthquake.

  17. 受灾期间,有些人只好去要饭了。

    Some people had to go begging during the disaster.

  18. 我们要帮助群众尽快撤出受灾区域。

    We must help people leave the disaster area.

  19. 红十字会立刻对受灾的人进行援助。

    The Red Cross aids disaster victims right away.

  20. 救灾物资继续源源不断涌入受灾国。

    Aid continues to pour into the devastated country.

  21. 我们应当给受灾地区提供物资补给。

    We have to provision some supplies to the disaster-hit area.

  22. 来帮助受灾者找到他们的亲友

    to allow earthquake victims to find their loved ones.

  23. 二是苗木、竹林和新造林受灾严重。

    Seedlings, bamboo forest and newly planted forests were severely attacked by blizzards.

  24. 我们必须增加给受灾地区的救灾物资。

    We must reinforce the relief material for the disaster-hit area.

  25. 让我们赞扬那些勇敢的受灾群众和家庭。

    Praise the bravery of the victims and their families.

  26. 天亮后受灾的真正程度才显露了出来。

    It wasn't until daylight that the true extent of the catastrophe was revealed.

  27. 按我的估计受灾的面积还不到十分之一。

    To my estimate, not one tenth of the area is affected.

  28. 为了受灾人民,自己苦点、累点,根本不算什么。

    In order to the affected people, their plight, tired, simply nothing.

  29. 这是一个非常受灾的人展现在我们眼前。

    It was a sorely stricken man who lay before us.

  30. 七国集团提议让海啸受灾国延期偿付债款

    Debt Moratorium Proposed for Asian Countries Devastated by Tsunami


  1. 问:受灾拼音怎么拼?受灾的读音是什么?受灾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受灾的读音是shòuzāi,受灾翻译成英文是 be hit by a natural adversity; be disaster-s...

  2. 问:受灾户拼音怎么拼?受灾户的读音是什么?受灾户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受灾户的读音是shòu zāi hù,受灾户翻译成英文是 disaster struck household

  3. 问:受灾地区考察小组拼音怎么拼?受灾地区考察小组的读音是什么?受灾地区考察小组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受灾地区考察小组的读音是shòu zāi dì qū kǎo chá xiǎo zǔ,受灾地区考察小组翻译成英文是 Disaster Area Survey Team




拼音:shòu zaī 基本

解释: [suffer from disaster;hit by a natural adversity] 受到导致巨大的物质损害、损失和不幸的一次突然的灾难 受灾地区 详细

解释: 遭受灾害。 唐 元稹 《镇圭赋》:“以之徵守,则有土之臣至;以之恤患,则受灾之地康。” 丁玲 《水》一:“我们这些人,这些插田的人,这些受灾的人,还拍打不过一个菩萨吗?”1989年《睢县志·书院》:“咸丰九年(1859年)州署受灾,借书院(袁可立府第)为治所。”