







汉语拼音:qīng xiāo








  1. 指熔铸金银。

    《醒世恒言·陆五汉硬留合色鞋》:“家中别无银两,只得把那两锭雪白的大银,在一个倾银铺里去倾销,指望加出些银水。” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·钱穀·革官银匠》:“窥其乡愚孤懦,故将银罐倾翻,急难淘浄,反赖他人。种种奸弊,不一而足。及至倾销起解,元寳从无足色。”

  2. 指资本家或资本集团用低于市场价格的价格,大量抛售商品。目的在于击败竞争对手,独占市场,获取高额利润。

    周恩来 《恢复生产,建设中国》:“拿棉花生产来说,凡是国民党统治区的棉田都减产,因为有 美 棉的倾销。”

  3. 泛指大量抛售商品。

    李劼人 《天魔舞》第二五章:“那自然罗,大家都只顾得逃命,囤积的东西,哪个不想倾销了,寻几个现钱。”



  1. A dumping margin represents by how much the fair-value price exceeds the dumped price.


  2. EU antidumping measures also had been down in recent years, as the bloc moved to encourage free trade.


  3. Just a week ago, the European commission has just announced on imports from China's ceramic tile anti-dumping investigation.


  4. The United States the number of anti-dumping complaint, the general and the status of its economy is strong associated.


  5. For instance, china has been trying to open up the south American markets, they met with strong anti-dumping retaliation.


  6. The WTO on Friday said the Appellate Body upheld earlier findings that part of the EU's dumping rules were inconsistent with WTO rules.


  7. Indeed, except for imposing a few modest anti-dumping penalties, his trade policy is indistinguishable from that of President George W.


  8. A dumping margin represents how much the fair-value price exceeds the dumped price.


  9. Limiting this destructive practice to the handful of cases in which it might be justified will be painful for a few coddled sectors.


  1. 应诉反倾销

    antidumping suit.

  2. 加强反倾销应诉

    improve antidumping appearance

  3. 对华反倾销

    Antidumping toward China.

  4. 反倾销规避会计

    evading accounting of antidumping

  5. 世贸组织反倾销守则

    WTO Antidumping Rules

  6. 清仓物资, 低价倾销。

    dump clearance goods at low price.

  7. 清仓物资,低价倾销。

    dump clearance goods at low price.

  8. 向别国倾销商品

    dump goods into other countries

  9. 遭遇反倾销,应诉不应诉?

    Encountering Antidumping, Appeal or Not?

  10. 如何应对倾销与反倾销

    How to React to the Dumping and Antidumping

  11. 如何应对美国的反倾销

    How to Reply to the Antidumping of USA

  12. 反倾销价格承诺暂行规则

    Interim Rules on Price Commitments for Antidumping Investigations

  13. 他们向国外倾销过剩货物。

    They dump surplus goods abroad.

  14. 反倾销税的经济效应分析

    The Economic Effects Analysis of Antidumping Duties

  15. 他们向外国倾销剩余产品。

    They dump their surplus production on foreign countries.

  16. 试论反倾销的不合理性

    On the Unreasonable Points of Antidumping Laws

  17. 他们把货物倾销给某个国家。

    They dump goods into a certain country.

  18. 库存货品亦将设法削价倾销。

    We shall try to dispose of the stocks we do have at a discount.

  19. 倾销与损害之间存在因果关系。

    existence of a causal link between dumping and the injury.

  20. 该公司在廉价倾销它得货物。

    The company is dumping its goods.

  21. 为此,应当加强对反倾销的研究。

    Therefore, it is urgent to strengthen the research on anti dumping.

  22. 倾销幅度指公平价格超出倾销价格的幅度。

    A dumping margin represents by how much the fairvalue price exceeds the dumped price.

  23. 应诉国外反倾销的会计信息支持

    Accounting Information Support for Pleading Overseas Antidumping

  24. 最优反倾销税的概念与计算

    Concept and Calculating Method of Optimal Countervailing Duty

  25. 论反倾销国内法的经济法属性

    On the Attribute of the Domestic Antidumping Law

  26. 征收反倾销税应当符合公共利益。

    The levying of antidumping tariffs shall be consistent with public interest.

  27. 我认为反倾销协定是正确的保守。

    I think the ADA is correct in being conservative.

  28. 调查之后,裁定是否采取反倾销措施。

    After investigation, whether is the ruling adopted oppose dumping measure.

  29. 对华反倾销法律问题及对策分析

    On the Legal Issues and Antidotes of the Antidumping against China

  30. 海力士经常被对手指控倾销。

    Hynix has often been accused by its rivals of dumping.


  1. 问:倾销拼音怎么拼?倾销的读音是什么?倾销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾销的读音是qīngxiāo,倾销翻译成英文是 dump

  2. 问:倾销税拼音怎么拼?倾销税的读音是什么?倾销税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾销税的读音是qīng xiāo shuì,倾销税翻译成英文是 dumping duty

  3. 问:倾销价格拼音怎么拼?倾销价格的读音是什么?倾销价格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾销价格的读音是qīngxiāojiàgé,倾销价格翻译成英文是 dumping price

  4. 问:倾销差额拼音怎么拼?倾销差额的读音是什么?倾销差额翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾销差额的读音是qīng xiāo chā é,倾销差额翻译成英文是 marginof dumping

  5. 问:倾销市场拼音怎么拼?倾销市场的读音是什么?倾销市场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾销市场的读音是qīng xiāo shì chǎng,倾销市场翻译成英文是 market for dumping goods

  6. 问:倾销幅度拼音怎么拼?倾销幅度的读音是什么?倾销幅度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾销幅度的读音是qīng xiāo fú dù,倾销幅度翻译成英文是 dumping margin

  7. 问:倾销政策拼音怎么拼?倾销政策的读音是什么?倾销政策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾销政策的读音是qīngxiāozhèngcè,倾销政策翻译成英文是 dumping policy

  8. 问:倾销法典拼音怎么拼?倾销法典的读音是什么?倾销法典翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾销法典的读音是qīngxiāofǎdiǎn,倾销法典翻译成英文是 dumping code



倾销,是指一国(地区)的生产商或出口商以低于其国内市场价格或低于成本价格将其商品抛售到另一国(地区)市场的行为。 对倾销的调查和确定,由对外贸易经济合作部负责。