


1. 泥 [ní]2. 泥 [nì]泥 [ní]土和水合成的东西:~巴。~垢。~浆。~煤。~淖(泥污的洼地)。~泞。~洼。像泥的东西:枣~。山药~。印~(盖图章用的印色)。蒜~。泥 [nì]涂抹:~墙。~缝儿(fèngr )。固执,死板:拘……





汉语拼音:ní zhǎo







  1. 烂泥淤积的洼地。亦比喻难以自拔的境地。

    杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第三章:“昨天晚上,战士们在森林中的泥沼里摸了半夜,还没摸出二十里路。” 郭沫若 《李白与杜甫·李白在政治活动中的第一次失败》:“诗中言妇人,特别像关于歌伎侑酒之类,是封建时代的恶习, 李白 与 杜甫 都未能脱出这个泥沼。”



  1. Less than an hour away from the chaotic heart of New Orleans lays a primordial backwater morass known as the Honey Island Swamp.


  2. All that borrowing set the stage for our current economic morass, and now thrift is back in vogue.


  3. I fear that Europe could be mired in low growth not just for a year or two but for a decade.


  4. Bula Melnikov soldiers bogged down, he was about to be engulfed in the moment, seize the teammates stretched over the barrel.


  5. An idea that tantalized global financial markets came out of the weekend and immediately sank into the tar pit of European decision making.


  6. When he had entered the brotherhood he had felt like a man who confidently puts his foot down on the smooth surface of a bog.


  7. But even by their usual gloomy standards, Britons seem to have got themselves into a slough of despond of late.


  8. Chinese manufacturers, meanwhile, are keen to see the U. S. emerge from a housing crisis that has sapped spending power.


  9. There is no mire, but a grassland laid before me, just like a flower in withe and red decorate with a new green grass .


  1. 泥沼没有了。

    There was no mire.

  2. 马陷入泥沼中。

    The horse was stuck in the quag.

  3. 卡车陷入泥沼中。

    The truck was bogged.

  4. 汽车陷入了泥沼。

    The mud was bogging down the cars.

  5. 汽车陷入了泥沼。

    The mud was bogging down the cars.

  6. 坦克陷入泥沼之中。

    The tank bogged down in the mud.

  7. 拖拉机陷入了泥沼。

    The tractor is bogged down in the mud.

  8. 艰难地穿过泥沼

    to slough through the mud

  9. 猪在泥沼中打滚。

    Pigs were wallowing in the mire.

  10. 在泥沼中打滚的猪

    pigs wallowing in the mire

  11. 欢迎光临泥沼开得网站!

    Welcome to the Slough Open website!

  12. 马陷入泥沼中进退不得。

    The horses were stalled in a slough.

  13. 他驱马穿过了泥沼。

    He spurred on through the mud.

  14. 你的车会陷进泥沼的。

    Your car will bog down in the mud.

  15. 偏偏印度还深陷泥沼。

    India was trying down here.

  16. 不要在细节上陷入泥沼。

    Bogged down in details.

  17. 大雨滂沱, 球场变成了泥沼。

    The heavy rain had turned the pitch into a quagmire.

  18. 气泡从泥沼中冒了上来。

    Gases bubbled up from the mud.

  19. 我们慢慢的陷入了爱的泥沼。

    We slowly sank into the mire of love.

  20. 这个国家陷入债务的泥沼之中。

    The country is caught in a morass of debt.

  21. 泥沼中尚有残余气体冒出。

    Recession, there are still vestiges of gas used.

  22. 切特和拉尔夫陷入了泥沼。

    Chet and Ralph were in deepening trouble.

  23. 遥远的泥沼上方升起了薄雾。

    The mist arose in the remote mire.

  24. 遥远的泥沼上方升起了薄雾。

    The Mist arose in the remote mire.

  25. 他的车子已陷入泥沼不动了。

    His car has bogged down and won't move.

  26. 使陷入致使陷入或使陷入泥沼或类似泥沼的境地。

    To cause to sink or become stuck in or as if in mire.

  27. 他的车子陷入泥沼开不动了。

    His car got bogged down and wouldn't move.

  28. 连日降雨之后地面简直像泥沼一样。

    The ground is like a swamp after all that rain.

  29. 大雨把露营地变成了一片泥沼。

    Heavy rain turned the campsite into a mudbath.

  30. 沼泽般的充满了淤泥的或似沼泽的泥沼的

    Full of or resembling mire swampy.


  1. 问:泥沼拼音怎么拼?泥沼的读音是什么?泥沼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泥沼的读音是nízhǎo,泥沼翻译成英文是 mire; slough; swamp

  2. 问:泥沼土拼音怎么拼?泥沼土的读音是什么?泥沼土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泥沼土的读音是ní zhǎo tǔ,泥沼土翻译成英文是 peat soil

  3. 问:泥沼煤拼音怎么拼?泥沼煤的读音是什么?泥沼煤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泥沼煤的读音是ní zhǎo méi,泥沼煤翻译成英文是 boghead coal

  4. 问:泥沼群落拼音怎么拼?泥沼群落的读音是什么?泥沼群落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泥沼群落的读音是ní zhǎo qún luò,泥沼群落翻译成英文是 mudblot community

  5. 问:泥沼质土拼音怎么拼?泥沼质土的读音是什么?泥沼质土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泥沼质土的读音是ní zhǎo zhì tǔ,泥沼质土翻译成英文是 peat soil

  6. 问:泥沼生态系统拼音怎么拼?泥沼生态系统的读音是什么?泥沼生态系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泥沼生态系统的读音是ní zhǎo shēng tài xì tǒng,泥沼生态系统翻译成英文是 mire ecosystem





【示例】:郭沫若《李白与杜甫·李白在政治活动中的第一次失败》:“诗中言妇人,特别像关于歌伎侑酒之类,是封建时代的恶习, 李白 与 杜甫 都未能脱出这个泥沼。”