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动物身体中空的部分:~子。体~。满~热血。器物的中空部分:炉~。乐曲的调子:~调(diào )。唱~。梆子~。说话的声音、语调:开~。京~。装~作势。拿~拿调。……
汉语拼音:lú qiāng
Christopher had broken his spinal cord near the base of his skull, resulting in paralysis from the neck down.
克里斯托弗颅腔底部的脊柱折断了,颈部以下瘫痪。We present the first case of spontaneous otogenic pneumocephalus presenting with a rapid deterioration in conscious level.
我们报道了第一个例自发耳原性颅腔积气患者,表现为意识状态的迅速恶化。There was positive correlation between the AC-PC and skull volume.
矢状位AC-PC与颅腔体积呈正相关关系。Objective: To evaluate the treatment for pulmonary infection after tracheotomy in patients with severe head injury .
目的:探讨重型颅腔损伤气管切开术后肺部感染的预防和治疗。Those who are ascending are massing out in body size and the cranium is expanding.
提升者们正增大身体尺寸并扩张颅腔。If the cribriform plate is fractured or a fracture is suspected, the gastric tube should be inserted orally to prevent intracranial passage.
如果存在或怀疑筛状板损伤,应经口留置胃管,以防胃管误插入颅腔。Brain tissue can't compress in bony cranial cavity.
骨性颅腔,脑组织不可压缩。Assessments in abilities of volume-dependent acute compensation for cranial cavity after intracerebral hemorrhage in supratentorial areas
幕上脑出血颅腔容积急性代偿能力评估与预测Supratentorial region of cranial cavity
Located within the cranial cavity.
Acute brain swelling in the closed cranial cavity is serious.
颅腔面积的研究 其逐步回归方程式与评价
Stady of the Area of Cranial Cavity Its Stepwise Regressive Equation and Evaluation
由头部的皮肤、肌肉和8块脑颅骨(额骨1、顶骨2、蝶骨1、枕骨1、筛骨1、颞骨2)围成的腔。颅腔内有脑。脑和椎管里的脊髓相连。脑和脊髓是指挥、调节人体各种生理活动的中枢。 内有脑。脑和椎管里的脊髓相连。脑和脊髓是指挥、调节人体各种生理活动的中枢。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
◎ 颅腔 lúqiāng [cranial cavity] 由颅骨借缝隙或软骨紧密相连构成的腔隙,以容纳、保护脑、感觉器官及消化、呼吸器官的起始部 词语解释 lúqiāng 颅腔(颅腔) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 颅内的空腔。有容纳和保护脑子的作用。顶部略呈半球形,底部高低不平。