


错误:~字。~误(文字、记载错误)。~谬。~传(chuán )。以~传~。敲诈,假借某种理由向人强迫索取财物或其他权利:~诈。谣言:~言(a.诈伪的话,谣言;b.胡言乱语)。感化,变化:“岁月迁~。”野火烧。……





汉语拼音:é zhà




1.假借某种理由,用 威胁手段向人勒索、敲诈。




  1. 借故敲诈勒索。

    《镜花缘》第九九回:“也有揑造词讼在那里讹诈的。” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录·丁养虚》:“无赖之徒,覬其有肆,欺诬讹诈。” 瞿秋白 《乱弹·水陆道场》:“我们只要看看流氓在茶馆里‘讲道理’的神气,就可以看见这种讹诈撞骗的本事。”



  1. Many people have such a psychological -- " it's better to save trouble. " , " to help a stranger, it may be blackmail" .


  2. And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.


  3. He understood that we could not mediate effectively until it was clear that our actions had not been extorted by Soviet pressure.


  4. The aim is often to blackmail the site: sometimes the owners are told that unless they make a payment, the attacks will continue.


  5. People assured me he wasn't out to rip me off, and I should take him up on his offer of a tour.


  6. NUCLEAR blackmail is an old trick of Kim Jong Il, North Korea's 68-year-old dictator, learnt at the knee of his father, Kim Il Sung.


  7. He hated the blackmail, the deceit, the desperation, and the way one always stabbed the enemy in the back.


  8. perhaps someone was blackmailing her , " suggested one of the other girls hopefully" .


  9. The strange man tried to blackmail the clerk into helping him draw the money, but he failed.


  1. 哭, 就是讹诈。

    Crying is blackmail.

  2. 那是一种讹诈。

    It was a form of blackmail.

  3. 被讹诈而来这里

    Be blackmailed into coming here

  4. 发现选举讹诈的蛛丝马迹

    detecting the unmistakable whiff of electoral blackmail

  5. 我们不会屈服于讹诈。

    We are not going to give way to blackmail.

  6. 我们不需要讹诈或威胁。

    We do not need blackmail or threats.

  7. 他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。

    He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences.

  8. 我根本不准备向讹诈屈服。

    I'm never prepared to surrender to blackmail.

  9. 讹诈可能有用,诚实却是上策。

    Knavery may serve, but honesty is best.

  10. 不能以讹诈为对话的基础。

    One cannot base dialogue on blackmail.

  11. 然后威胁讹诈他们为自己做事。

    And then force them to work for them with threats and blackmail.

  12. 记者讹诈那名律师交给他文件。

    The journalist used blackmail to make the lawyer give him the documents.

  13. 原来他们是在进行赤裸裸地讹诈。

    It turned out that they are resorting to war blackmail in all its nakedness.

  14. 政府坚持说它不会接受暴力讹诈。

    The government insisted that it would not be blackmailed by violence.

  15. 我不会屈从于这种感情上的讹诈。

    I will not submit to emotional blackmail.

  16. 原来他们是在进行赤裸裸的战争讹诈。

    It turns out that they are resorting to war blackmail in all its nakedness.

  17. 这对一些美国人来说, 简直就是讹诈。

    That strikes some Americans as nothing less than blackmail.

  18. 女性每年都被设计师和大商店讹诈。

    Women are blackmailed by the designers and the big stores each year.

  19. 理由是为了不受欺侮, 不被讹诈和威胁。

    Reason is in order to avert bullying, not be blackmail and threats.

  20. 理由是为了不受欺侮,不被讹诈和威逼。

    Reason is in order to avert bullying, not be blackmail and threats.

  21. 别以为你能讹诈我,迫使我做那件事。

    Don't think you can blackmail me into doing that.

  22. 威胁或讹诈、压力或制裁,对我们都不起作用。

    No threat or blackmail, no pressure or sanctions, will ever work on us.

  23. 尼加拉瓜强烈谴责这些施压和讹诈的政策。

    Nicaragua condemns in the strongest terms those policies of pressure and blackmail.

  24. 用美国的信用评级进行讹诈的先例曾经有过。

    The precedent has been set for using Americas credit rating as blackmail.

  25. 那个发言重复了同样的个人攻击,恫吓和讹诈。

    That statement included the same repetition of personal attacks, intimidation and blackmail.

  26. 有趣的是, 在面临明显的讹诈, 法拉利是寻找支持。

    Interestingly, in the face of the apparent blackmail, Ferrari is finding support.

  27. 讹科费米原子能电站他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。

    Enrico fermi atomic power plant He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences.

  28. 我们将不会被讹诈, 或者吓得不敢努力提高发展。

    We will not be blackmailed or scared away from our efforts to enhance development.

  29. 陌生人想讹诈职员迫使他帮他取出钱,但未能得逞。

    The strange man tried to blackmail the clerk into helping him draw the money, but he failed.

  30. 家族管理可以防止任何恶意收购或绿票讹诈的企图。

    Family control would prevent any hostile takeover or greenmail attempt.


  1. 问:讹诈拼音怎么拼?讹诈的读音是什么?讹诈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讹诈的读音是ézhà,讹诈翻译成英文是 extort

  2. 问:讹诈罪拼音怎么拼?讹诈罪的读音是什么?讹诈罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讹诈罪的读音是ézhàzuì,讹诈罪翻译成英文是 extortion

  3. 问:讹诈钱财拼音怎么拼?讹诈钱财的读音是什么?讹诈钱财翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讹诈钱财的读音是ézhàqiáncái,讹诈钱财翻译成英文是 extort money under false pretences




拼音:é zhà 词义: 借故诬赖敲诈。 ①假借某种理由向人强行索取财物:~钱财。 ②威胁恫吓:核~ㄧ政治~。