







汉语拼音:diǎn fú



  1. Use after rub skin: Merbromin of gentian of alcohol of iodine of iodin bend over of hydrogen peroxide solution, the sort of any better? ?


  2. PVP -I to classify Chinese Ministry of Public Health as country disinfect iodine of the medicine bend over basically while being only too .


  3. Even the density is totally the same, different iodine is bent over, the result has a very great difference.


  4. After the insertion side has been chosen, the area is shaved and prepped in a sterile fashion, usually with the bated iodine solution.


  5. No significant difference was observed between the positive rate of qacE-sul1 gene and resistance to ortho-phthalaldehyde or iodophor.


  6. Conclusion: Indophor diluent washing abdominal cavity con reduce infection occur rate effectively.


  7. Objective To compare the therapeutic effect of Iodophor and iodine glycerin in treating gingivitis of rats.


  8. abstract: Objective To explore the curative effect of iodophor coupled pearl on perianal ulcer.


  9. Objective To prepare polyoxinol-iodine with high available iodine concentration and to observe its relevant properties.


  1. 碘伏清洗外耳道的效果观察

    Effect of Cleaning Acoustic Duct with Iodophor

  2. 无菌幕帘和碘伏,去准备育儿袋

    Sterile drapes and betadine. Check Morrison's pouch.

  3. 小孩子皮肤消炎是用碘伏好还是用碘酒好?

    Is dot skin diminish inflammation good with iodin bend over good with tincture of iodine still ?

  4. 碘伏浸浴方法治疗糖尿病患者肢端感染

    Treatment of Chronic Ulcers on Limbs in Diabetes Patients Using Povidone Iodine Water Bath Therapy

  5. 碘伏浸浴治疗糖尿病患者肢端感染的护理

    Applying of iodine immersion to the treatment of diabetic acra infection

  6. 碘伏洗手巾用于护士手部消毒的效果监测

    Monitoring on effect of Iodophor towels used for hands disinfection of nurses

  7. 眼膏在预防碘伏刺激反应中的临床应用研究

    Clinical Use of Oculentum in the Prevention of Irritating Reactions from Iodophor

  8. 碘伏治疗妊娠期智牙冠周炎的疗效观察

    Observation on curative effect of iodophors to treat patients with pericoronitis of the wisdom tooth in gestational period

  9. 薄膜反注培养基法监测加温后的碘伏消毒效果

    Detection of the disinfection effect of heated iodophor by method of injecting culture medium beneath filtration membrane

  10. 碘伏消毒液30天经口染毒对大鼠免疫器官得毒性

    Oral Toxicity of Iodophor Disinfectant on the Immune Organs of Rats

  11. 碘伏消毒液30天经口染毒对大鼠免疫器官的毒性

    Oral Toxicity of Iodophor Disinfectant on the Immune Organs of Rats

  12. 但标准株对碘伏最小杀菌浓度略高于临床分离株。

    However, the resistance of standard strain to minimum bactericidal concentration of iodophor was slightly higher than that of clinically isolated strains.

  13. 碘伏在预防下颌阻生智齿拔除后干槽症中的作用。

    Effect of Povidine Iodine on the Incidence of Dry Socket Caused by Impacted Mandibubar Third Molar Extraction.

  14. 使用碘酒与碘伏消毒皮肤对粘胶薄膜粘合力影响的研究

    Influence of Tincture Iodine and Povidone Used for Disinfection of Skin on Adhesion of Surgical Adhesive Dressing Membrane

  15. 碘伏皮肤消毒不会影响快速血凝仪测量结果的准确性。

    Iodophor sterilization does not influence the accuracy of INR detected with CoaguChek XS.

  16. 碘伏皮肤消毒不会影响快速血凝仪测量结果得准确性。

    Iodophor sterilization does not influence the accuracy of INR detected with CoaguChek XS.

  17. 硝酸银和碘伏消毒后牙敏感中龋窝洞的临床疗效

    The clinical curative effect for hole of sensitive middle dental caries is observed after disinfecting with the silver nitrate and iodoform



中文别名:碘伏、强力碘英文名:Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) 碘伏是单质碘与聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(Povidone)的不定型结合物。聚乙烯吡咯烷酮可溶解分散9%~12%的碘,此时呈现紫黑色液体。但医用碘伏通常浓度较低(1%或以下),呈现浅棕色。