


改正,修改:~正。考~。校(jiào )~。修~。约定,立(契约):~立。~购。~约。用线、铁丝、书钉把书页、纸张连在一起:装~。制定:~计划。评议:“两刃相割,利钝乃知;二论相~,是非乃见”。……





汉语拼音:dìng dìng









  1. 修订;校定。

    《宋史·儒林传七·魏了翁》:“乃著《九经要义》百卷,订定精密,先儒所未有。” 明 宋濂 《<孝经集善>序》:“ 元 室之初, 吴文正公 出于 临川 ,又以今文为正,颇遵刊误章目,重加订定,而为之训解,其旨益明而无遗憾矣。” 鲁迅 《<准风月谈>后记》:“我幸而藏着原本,现在订定标点,照样的抄录在这里。”

  2. 订立定当。

    清 曾纪泽 《携带参赞官暂赴俄都片》:“臣查 中 俄 约章虽经订定,而交涉未完,案件尚多。” 蔡锷 《致袁世凯电》:“拟请中央将选举章程订定颁行,以便遵照办理。” 徐特立 《整顿第一女师之计划》:“订定科学成绩考查法。”

  3. 约定。

    鲁迅 《华盖集·“碰壁”之后》:“底下是请教员开一个会,出来维持的意思的话,订定的时间是当日下午四点钟。”



  1. To control space was one of four aims of a national space policy started by former president Bill Clinton in 1996.


  2. Letting your customers set your standards is a dangerous game, because the race to the bottom is pretty easy to win.


  3. An annual meeting is usually held in January to set new targets for that year.


  4. But Bill Clinton and George Bush act like a team, a pair of touring comedians with a well-honed act.


  5. Situations like this are not that uncommon, the buyer is in charge, and he gets to make the rules. That's the way it usually is.


  6. Each parish should work out a pastoral plan for youth ministry ; it should include reasonable financial supports for various activities .


  7. Without an ample supply of offsets , many countries may have to turn elsewhere to meet their Kyoto targets .


  8. It integrates a variety of initiatives into a management framework that gives a clear direction to public sector reform.


  9. Procedures for submission of the various financial statements via electronic media shall be prescribed by this Corporation.


  1. 达成订定目标

    reach fixed goals

  2. 订定一明确目标。

    Adopt a definite major purpose.

  3. 订定地契或租契

    to execute a deed or lease

  4. 一章程之订定与变更。

    Formulation and amendment of the constitution.

  5. 工人要求立法订定最低工资。

    Workers are asking for legislation on minimum wages.

  6. 订定本身的员工激励计划

    Your Own Staff Motivation Plan

  7. 她把她的希望订定太高。

    She pitched her hope too high.

  8. 管理维护办法及组织订定

    Regulation for the Management, Maintenance and Organization

  9. 那两国订定领土的边界

    The two countries defined the boundary of a territory.

  10. 学生合力创作,订定小组目标。

    Students worked together to create and set their group target.

  11. 订定看似不可能的人生目的。

    Pick a purpose in life that is apparently impossible.

  12. 大陆投资合同与章程之订定

    Joint Venture Agreement and Company Charter in Mainland China

  13. 当局订定农场猪只饲养工作守则

    Code of practice set for pig farms

  14. 重贴现率是由联准会所订定。

    The discount rate is set by the Fed.

  15. 他为了修理屋顶和木匠订定合约。

    He contracted with a carpenter for the repair of the roof.

  16. 会员同意遵守主办者订定的规则。

    Members agree to abide by the regulations set by the organizer.

  17. 现代汽车尚未订定2009年的业务计划。

    The company said it had not yet set a business plan for 2009.

  18. 现代汽车尚未订定2009年得业务计划。

    The company said it had not yet set a business plan for 2009.

  19. 英国宪法是演变的,而美国宪法是订定的。

    The British constitution evolved, while the American constituion was planned.

  20. 举一个例子,我们金融决策的订定。

    For example, financial decision making.

  21. 对呀,我想那是我们所订定的。

    Yes, I think that's what we stipulated.

  22. 有否就外判服务订定财政权限?

    Are there defined levels of financial authority for outsourcing of services?

  23. 全国技能检定计画之订定及公告。

    Drawing up and proclaiming the plan for the National Skills Certification.

  24. 他赞同第3条草案和第9条草案订定的原则。

    He endorsed the principles set out in draft article3 and in article9.

  25. 对于短中长期各阶段, 订定初步的目标。

    Set your initial goals of all lengths.

  26. 我们的营销预算是按销售额的比例订定。

    Our marketing budget is based on a percentage of sales value.

  27. 我们得营销预算是按销售额得比例订定。

    Our marketing budget is based on a percentage of sales value.

  28. 它们是否订定了其减贫或发展目标?

    Do they set their poverty reduction or development goals?

  29. 政务司司长订定日期出席西九小组会议

    CS sets date to attend LegCo Subcommittee meeting

  30. 他们订定只卖给某些特定买主的契约。

    They covenanted that they would sell only to certain buyers.


  1. 问:订定拼音怎么拼?订定的读音是什么?订定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订定的读音是,订定翻译成英文是 stipulate


订定释义是修订;校定、订立定当、约定。拼音是dìng dìng。