




1. 射 [shè]2. 射 [yè]3. 射 [yì]射 [shè]放箭:~箭。后羿~日。用推力或弹力送出子弹等:~击。扫~。发~。~程。~手。气体或液体等受到压力迅速流出:喷~。注~。放出光、热、电波等:~电。辐~。~线。照~。反~。有……



汉语拼音:zhào shè








  1. 映照;光线射在物体上。

    宋 韩琦 《和袁陟节推龙兴寺芍药》:“客来只见轩槛前,国艷天姿相照射。” 杨朔 《潼关之夜》:“他手里拿着一只电筒,四下照射着。”



  1. The sun was beating down mercilessly and there was an urge in the air and an overpowering sense of growth.


  2. His eyes in the light of the exposure, become gray, not black eyes, and the secret to a gray.


  3. The wind could not make him take them off. Then the sun tried. It shone quietly. Soon the man took off his hat and wiped his forehead.


  4. Corals live in tropical waters throughout the world, generally close to the surface where the sun's rays can reach the algae.


  5. Heliotropism A form of phototropism in which flowers move to point toward the sun, tracking it as it moves across the sky.


  6. Acceptable neutrals and good color rendition are obtained upon exposure of the film to any one of a variety of illuminants.


  7. He looked about him absentmindedly , and screwed up his eyes, as though in glaring sunshine.


  8. He knelt there, letting the drip slowly fill up his makeshift "cup, " as the sun beat down on his little back.


  9. "Solar trees" are beginning to shade parking lots, their panels beautifully tilting to face the sun as it moves.


  1. 紫外线照射

    ultraviolet irradiation.

  2. 半剂量照射

    half irradiation.

  3. 远距离照射

    telecurie irradiation

  4. 超高压照射

    supervoltage irradiation.

  5. 孔径照射图例

    aperture illumination example.

  6. 用紫外线照射

    irradiate with ultraviolet rays

  7. 四野盒式照射

    four fields box of types in teletherapy.

  8. 技术性过度照射

    technical overexposure

  9. 斜形照射灯

    oblique illuminator.

  10. 炭精照射灯

    rotary carbon spotlamp.

  11. 鼻咽癌照射

    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  12. 受到紫外线照射。

    And exposure to ultraviolet light.

  13. 前灯照射距离

    range of headlamp

  14. 内照射剂量学

    internal dosemetry.

  15. 钟摆照射法

    pendulum therapy

  16. 腧穴激光照射疗法

    acupoint laser therapy

  17. 照射图表配电盘

    illuminated diagram switchboard

  18. 用紫外线照射食品

    to irradiate the foods

  19. 避免阳光直接照射

    keep out of direct sunlight

  20. 照射量率计

    exposure ratemeter.

  21. 太阳照射整个花园。

    The sun was raying across the garden.

  22. 用探照灯照射敌机

    illuminate the enemy plane with searchlights

  23. 低量长时间照射

    protraction exposure

  24. 持续夜光灯照射

    continuous night light

  25. 外照射急性放射病

    acute external irradiation caused radiation diseases

  26. 避免人造太阳灯照射

    Avoid sunlamps and tanning booths

  27. 他用探照灯照射目标。

    He played a searchlight on an object.

  28. 间脑照射用电极

    electrode for encephalon therapy, diathermy

  29. 来让朝阳照射过来

    Let the sun shine through

  30. 阳光的照射很强。

    Emission of light from the sun is strong.


  1. 问:照射拼音怎么拼?照射的读音是什么?照射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射的读音是zhàoshè,照射翻译成英文是 light up

  2. 问:照射室拼音怎么拼?照射室的读音是什么?照射室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射室的读音是zhào shè shì,照射室翻译成英文是 exposure cell

  3. 问:照射量拼音怎么拼?照射量的读音是什么?照射量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射量的读音是zhào shè liàng,照射量翻译成英文是 Exposure

  4. 问:照射剂量拼音怎么拼?照射剂量的读音是什么?照射剂量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射剂量的读音是zhào shè jì liáng,照射剂量翻译成英文是 exposure dose

  5. 问:照射后的拼音怎么拼?照射后的的读音是什么?照射后的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射后的的读音是zhào shè hòu de,照射后的翻译成英文是 postradiation

  6. 问:照射强度拼音怎么拼?照射强度的读音是什么?照射强度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射强度的读音是zhào shè qiáng dù,照射强度翻译成英文是 exposure rate

  7. 问:照射量率拼音怎么拼?照射量率的读音是什么?照射量率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射量率的读音是zhào shè liànglǜ,照射量率翻译成英文是 Exposure Rate

  8. 问:照射量计拼音怎么拼?照射量计的读音是什么?照射量计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射量计的读音是,照射量计翻译成英文是 exposure meter

  9. 问:照射百分率拼音怎么拼?照射百分率的读音是什么?照射百分率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射百分率的读音是zhào shè bǎi fēn lǜ,照射百分率翻译成英文是 percentage irradiance

  10. 问:照射稳定度拼音怎么拼?照射稳定度的读音是什么?照射稳定度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射稳定度的读音是zhào shè wěn dìng dù,照射稳定度翻译成英文是 irradiation stability

  11. 问:照射后综合征拼音怎么拼?照射后综合征的读音是什么?照射后综合征翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射后综合征的读音是zhào shè hòu zōng hé zhēng,照射后综合征翻译成英文是 postirradiation syndrome

  12. 问:照射辐射剂量拼音怎么拼?照射辐射剂量的读音是什么?照射辐射剂量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射辐射剂量的读音是zhào shè fú shè jì liàng,照射辐射剂量翻译成英文是 exposure radiation dose

  13. 问:照射量测定软片拼音怎么拼?照射量测定软片的读音是什么?照射量测定软片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射量测定软片的读音是zhào shè liàng cè dìng ruǎn piàn,照射量测定软片翻译成英文是 badge

  14. 问:照射试验管理行为拼音怎么拼?照射试验管理行为的读音是什么?照射试验管理行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照射试验管理行为的读音是zhào shè shì yàn guǎn lǐ xíng wéi,照射试验管理行为翻译成英文是 irradiation test management activity

