


1. 藉 [jiè]2. 藉 [jí]藉 [jiè]垫在下面的东西。衬垫:枕~。同“借”。抚慰:慰~。含蓄:蕴~。假设,假使:“公等遇雨,皆已失期,失期当斩。~第令毋斩,而戍死者固十六七”。藉 [jí]践踏,凌辱:“人皆~吾弟”。狼~。进贡……





汉语拼音:jiè kǒu




1.借别人的话作为依据。《左传·成公二年》:“若苟有以藉口而復於寡君,君之惠也。”杜预 注:“藉,荐;復,白也。”孔颖达 疏:“言无物则空口以为报,少有所得则与口为藉,故曰藉口。”

2.多作托辞或假托的理由。宋 陈善《扪虱新话》卷二:“唐 史称 房 杜 不言功,予谓此乃庸人鄙夫持禄固位者得以藉口也。”清 李渔《玉搔头·闻警》:“他假公藉口为除奸横,其实要自逞强兇。”

3.谓充饥。北魏 贾思勰《齐民要术·蔓菁》:“乾而蒸食,既甜且美,自可藉口,何必饥饉。”《续资治通鉴·宋神宗元丰四年》:“我军出界近二旬,所获才三十餘级,何以復命!且食尽矣,请袭取 宥州,聊以藉口。”



  1. 借别人的话作为依据。

    《左传·成公二年》:“若苟有以藉口而復於寡君,君之惠也。” 杜预 注:“藉,荐;復,白也。” 孔颖达 疏:“言无物则空口以为报,少有所得则与口为藉,故曰藉口。”

  2. 多作托辞或假托的理由。

    宋 陈善 《扪虱新话》卷二:“ 唐 史称 房 杜 不言功,予谓此乃庸人鄙夫持禄固位者得以藉口也。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·闻警》:“他假公藉口为除奸横,其实要自逞强兇。”

  3. 谓充饥。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·蔓菁》:“乾而蒸食,既甜且美,自可藉口,何必饥饉。”《续资治通鉴·宋神宗元丰四年》:“我军出界近二旬,所获才三十餘级,何以復命!且食尽矣,请袭取 宥州 ,聊以藉口。”



  1. In fact, I was prepared to be rejected with the excuse, "Sorry madam, but I might not be the right teacher for your child. "


  2. Compared to which, our earlier alibi of "to be rejected" , even though it is not all that agreeable in itself, may appear more tolerable.


  3. Elizabeth: You're not going to volunteer! You're just trying to worm your way out of helping me.


  4. Without a transparent public inspection, CTG cannot fairly cite "fiscal difficulties" as justification for mass retrenchment, said the ATJ.


  5. Lifetime in nothing but a chance while Ni measure this chance at have no any excuse come and go come back this section emotion too!


  6. In fact, his mother often scolded him because she felt that his reading was a form of laziness.


  7. He acknowledges (v. 5) that he was born a sinner, but that did not excuse him for what he had done. He did it.


  8. He began to use sickness as an excuse, developing an embarrassing tendency to faint under pressure.


  9. But those campaigning for sex-workers' rights have objected, fearing that this might give the police a pretext to renew the raids.


  1. 卑鄙的藉口

    a shabby excuse.

  2. 诉苦的藉口

    a peg to hang a grievance on.

  3. 热忱没有藉口。

    Zeal is no excuse.

  4. 很会编造藉口。

    skilful atinventing excuses

  5. 她的藉口靠不住。

    Her excuse was not valid.

  6. 编造藉口, 捏造罪名

    fabricate an excuse, an accusation, etc

  7. 有藉口不去尝试。

    That's no excuse for not trying.

  8. 提出要求的好藉口

    a good peg to hang a claim on

  9. 诡辩的论据、藉口等

    Glib arguments, excuses, etc

  10. 不懂法律不是藉口。

    Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

  11. 站不住脚的藉口

    A thinexcuse

  12. 站不住脚得藉口

    A thinexcuse

  13. 用尽司空见惯的藉口

    make all the usual excuses

  14. 卑劣的做法, 藉口, 谎言

    pitiful efforts, excuses, lies

  15. 藉口是弱者得避难所。

    Excuses are the refuge of the weak.

  16. 藉口是弱者的避难所。

    Excuses are the refuge of the weak.

  17. 她佯称有病以为藉口。

    She pretended illness as an excuse.

  18. 不要找什么藉口了!

    Stop making excuses!

  19. 不要找什么藉口了!

    Stop making excuses!

  20. 我不接受你的藉口。

    I want none of your excuses.

  21. 编造藉口, 故事, 怪论等。

    cook up an excuse, a story, a bizarre theory, etc

  22. 那个藉口似乎有点怪。

    That excuse sounds queer.

  23. 他们苦于找不到藉口。

    They were hard up for an excuse.

  24. 你总是用工作做藉口。

    You always use work as an excuse.

  25. 赖账者不愁没有藉口。

    An ill payer never wants an excuse.

  26. 她老是有圆滑的藉口。

    Shes always ready with a glib excuse.

  27. 消除许多罪过。常见的藉口

    cover a multitude of sins

  28. 她藉口头疼离开了晚会。

    She leave the party on the plea of a headache.

  29. 那是一个荒谬的藉口!

    That's a preposterous excuse!

  30. 那是一个荒谬得藉口!

    That's a preposterous excuse!


藉口,同“借口”,古代时,“藉”通“借”(jiè)。jiè kǒu ㄐㄧㄝ ˋ ㄎㄡˇ