







汉语拼音:jīng qì







  1. 阴阳精灵之气。古谓天地间万物皆秉之以生。

    《易·繫辞上》:“精气为物,游魂为变。” 孔颖达 疏:“云精气为物者,谓阴阳精灵之气,氤氲积聚而为万物也。”《吕氏春秋·尽数》:“精气之集也,必有入也。” 唐 杨炯 《庭菊赋》:“含天地之精气,吸日月之淳光。”《平山冷燕》第十四回:“我想天地生人的精气,生到美人亦可谓发泄尽矣。”

  2. 人的精神元气。

    汉 王充 《论衡·订鬼》:“人之生也,阴阳气具,故骨肉坚,精气盛。” 汉 王充 《论衡·幸偶》:“物善恶同,遭为人用,其不幸偶,犹可伤痛,况含精气之徒乎?” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷上:“皆是精气日足,则筋力日强,聪明日开。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·颐养·止忧》:“此一激也,实足以衝散元神,耗除精气。”

  3. 清明之气。


  4. 肾精之气。

    《素问·上古天真论》:“丈夫八岁,肾气实,髮长齿更;二八肾气盛,天癸至,精气溢写,阴阳和,故能有子。”《韩诗外传》卷一:“贤者不然,精气闐溢而后伤,时不可过也。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪补笔谈·药议》:“山茱萸能补骨髓者,取其核温澁,能祕精气,精气不泄,乃所以补骨髓。”

  5. 犹精诚。

    汉 刘向 《说苑·复恩》:“ 智伯 与 赵襄子 战於 晋阳 下而死, 智伯 之臣 豫让 者怒,以其精气能使 襄子 动心。” 汉 王充 《论衡·感虚》:“此言 杞梁 从军不还,其妻痛之,嚮城而哭,至诚悲痛,精气动城,故城为之崩也。”

  6. 犹灵气。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·<十二个>后记》:“将精气吹入所描写的事象里,使它苏生;也就是在庸俗的生活,尘嚣的市街中,发见诗歌底要素。”



  1. The elderly to essence dry when, with Yin Yang Qiao for law, discipline can be filled over the years of a confrontation.


  2. You will get such a feeling that the lance head should be of a spirit after seeing the fine drill and cultured wood pole.


  3. This point is the lung and spleen of the refined gas gathering place, who asked that lung I can understand how to temper?


  4. He's got the spirit and energy to be a great grifter - now he wants the wisdom that comes with experience.


  5. Five thousand years of Chinese culture has endowed it with spirituality.


  6. Meanwhile, he keeps the Qi from temptation and instigation by the objective environment and wards off wasting and consuming the Qi too much.


  7. Yes, with the uniqueness of cultural self-confidence will have to take the initiative to create.


  8. The common physiological function of the five zang-organs is to transform and store essence.


  9. So Chinese martial arts require the close combination of the inner spirit and breathing with the outer body movements.


  1. 炭精气封圈

    carbon ring gland.

  2. 精气夺则虚

    consumption of normal qi causing asthenia.

  3. 藏精气而不泻

    storing essence instead of excreting foodstuff

  4. 古人认为人不可无精气。

    Ancient people believed that man can not do without vital essence and energy.

  5. 五脏者, 藏精气而不泻

    the five viscera store up the sessence of life and do not dispel them

  6. 坎离交, 天地合精, 太和精气

    integration of yin and yang

  7. 疲劳过度, 导致精气耗损的病理变化。

    Overexertion leading to qi consumption.

  8. 他睡了一会儿, 精气神儿又来了。

    He was refreshed and energetic after a short nap.

  9. 外表也许不错,但精气神儿就不行了。

    You get good lines, perhaps, but no stamina.

  10. 这服药专治精气不足,很适合病人服用。

    This kind of medicine can deal with a lack of kidney Qi effectively, and is very suitable for patients.

  11. 补虚损, 益精气, 保肺益肾, 扶正固本。

    Enriching consumptive disease, benefiting pneuma, protect lung and tonifying kidney, support healthy energy.

  12. 谈武术的精气神论生命的本真与意义

    On the Essence of Life, Vital Energy and Spirit in Wushu On the Essence and Sense of Life

  13. 父母之精气相合, 形成胚胎发育的原始物质。

    The combination of the parental essence forms the original substance of fetus.

  14. 肮脏的办公楼厕所的确会让人失去精气神。

    A dirty office loo is really dispiriting.

  15. 人体精气神的气化状态直接影响人体的生理功能。

    Gasification condition of Spirit, Qi, Soul direct influence physiologic function.

  16. 为了身体素质及精气神,马每天需要锻炼。

    Horses need to exercise each day, for both their physical and psychological welfare.

  17. 他老是拱肩缩背的, 显得很没有精气神。

    He is always hunching his shoulders and bowing his back, which makes him lack spirit and energy.

  18. 他老是拱肩缩背的,显得很没有精气神。

    He is always hunching his shoulders and bowing his back, which makes him lack spirit and energy.

  19. 要求把内在精气神与外部形体动作紧密结合。

    So Chinese martial arts require the close combination of the inner spirit and breathing with the outer body movements.

  20. 水若停滞即失其纯洁,心不活动精气立消。

    Running water is never stale, and an active mind is always sound.

  21. 过度的惊恐, 会损伤脏腑精气, 导致脏腑气机逆乱。

    Excessive panic, will damage the viscera essence, cause the inverse viscera qi activity.

  22. 我想要看到球员们的精气神儿,但目前我还没有看到。

    I want to see the spirit. I didn't see the spirit of this side.

  23. 陛下, 我毫不怀疑您的精气神, 哪怕就那么一丁点。

    Sire, I had no doubts about your mettle not in the slightest.

  24. 精气神学说是对生命现象的高度概括与宏观认识。

    Theory of Jing Qi Shen was the highest summarize and macroscopy recognition about the vital phenomena.

  25. 肾中精气的盛衰, 还影响着脊髓和脑髓的充盈和发育。

    The Rise and Fall of the kidney essence, but also affect the filling and development of the spinal cord and brain.

  26. 找时间让自己沉默平和一下,你会更有精气神儿。

    You can recharge your spirit and find a little peace in a little bit of silence.

  27. 没有人来挽救我们蕴含着一个民族文化精气神韵的民歌吗?

    No one to save our national culture contains a folk rhyme you get his game sharp?

  28. 在会堂里有一个人,被污鬼的精气附着,大声喊叫说,

    And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud voice

  29. 九道先天精气围着藏象飞速旋转, 光晕变幻间, 藏象微微晃动。

    Nine inborn vitalities hide around elephant to fly to soon revolve, the light is dizzy to change Huan, hide an elephant tiny rock.


  1. 问:精气拼音怎么拼?精气的读音是什么?精气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:精气的读音是jīngqì,精气翻译成英文是 In the beliefs of ancient people, things that con...

  2. 问:精气神拼音怎么拼?精气神的读音是什么?精气神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:精气神的读音是jīng qì shén,精气神翻译成英文是 essence of life; vital energy and mental facul...

  3. 问:精气论者拼音怎么拼?精气论者的读音是什么?精气论者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:精气论者的读音是jīng qì lùn zhě,精气论者翻译成英文是 Pneumatist