







汉语拼音:cí qù








  1. 辞别而去。

    《战国策·齐策四》:“愿得赐归,安行而反臣之邑屋,则再拜而辞去也。”《孔丛子·独治》:“ 叔孙通 遂辞去,以法仕 秦 。” 晋 陶潜 《桃花源记》:“餘人各復延至其家,皆出酒食。停数日,辞去。”

  2. 去世的婉辞。

    元 关汉卿 《玉镜台》第一折:“老身姓 温 ,夫主姓 刘 ,早年辞去,别无儿男。”

  3. 辞掉,请求解除(自己的工作)。如:她辞去了原来的工作,到 上海 谋职。



  1. I quit my job at the papers, I closed my school, and I wrapped up my pencils and my brushes and inks, And I decided to go traveling.


  2. As required by my employment contract I hereby give three weeks' notice of my intention to leave my position as a sales engineer.


  3. Sarrazin, who had been one of the German central bank's six chairmen, resigned after publishing a provocative book about integration.


  4. Current PPD Director, Wang, has decided to leave, after 2-years of service.


  5. Jobs resigned from his post as a CEO in the company because he knew his time was come.


  6. Mr. Yunus has said he's ready to stand down as managing director, but only when a plan is in place for a smooth transition.


  7. The newspaper reporters wanted to know why I had resigned form the cabinet but wild horses wouldn't drag it out of me.


  8. Steve Jobs, the firm's iconic boss, is to quit the daily grind, at least for a while, to focus on his health.


  9. Olympus dismissed Mr. Mori as an executive vice president on Nov. 8, and he resigned as a member of the company's board later last month.


  1. 已辞去的职务

    a resigned post

  2. 停数日,辞去。

    He had stayed cordially for several days and left off.

  3. 他辞去了他的职位。

    He resigned from his post.

  4. 他辞去了大臣职务。

    He resigned his portfolio.

  5. 她辞去了部长职务。

    She resigned her portfolio.

  6. 他正考虑辞去职务。

    He is considering resignation.

  7. 他辞去校长的职务。

    He resigned his post as headmaster.

  8. 我辞去大学的职责。

    I resigned my charge at the college.

  9. 她已辞去内阁职位。

    She has resigned from the Government.

  10. 他辞去了秘书职务。

    He resigned from his position as secretary.

  11. 于是他辞去董事职务。

    He resigned from the board.

  12. 她辞去财务主任职务。

    She resigned as finance director.

  13. 她已辞去大臣职位。

    She has resigned from the Government, ie from her job as a minister.

  14. 他将辞去议长之职。

    He will resign as chairman.

  15. 我因他酗酒把他辞去。

    I parted with him for drunkenness.

  16. 将军辞去了他的职务。

    The general resigned from office.

  17. 他辞去了法官的职务。

    He lays down his office as a judge.

  18. 他辞去了司库的职务。

    He resigned from his post as treasurer.

  19. 他已裁夺辞去他的工作。

    Hewis made up his mind to quit his job.

  20. 他结婚后辞去了军职。

    He resigned his commission when he got married.

  21. 我将辞去秘书的职务。

    I will now resign from my position as secretary.

  22. 他辞去了委员会的职务。

    He resigned from the committee.

  23. 她辞去了委员会的职务。

    She resigned from the committee.

  24. 她辞去教育大臣的职务。

    She resigned as education minister.

  25. 他被迫辞去他的主席职务。

    He was forced out of his chairmanship.

  26. 我因病不得不辞去工作。

    I had to leave work on grounds of ill health.

  27. 盖茨辞去微软总执行官

    Bill Gates Quit Microsoft CEO

  28. 他辞去了总工程师的职务。

    He resigned his post as chief engineer.

  29. 拒绝辞去立法会议员职位

    Has refused to resign from Legislative Council

  30. 你本不该辞去你的工作。

    You should not have quit your job.


  1. 问:辞去拼音怎么拼?辞去的读音是什么?辞去翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辞去的读音是cíqù,辞去翻译成英文是 To bid farewell, and leave; To resign