


1. 嵌 [qiàn]2. 嵌 [kàn]嵌 [qiàn]把东西填镶在空隙里:~入。镶~。嵌 [kàn]〔赤~〕地名,在中国台湾省。……





汉语拼音:qiàn yán









  1. 山洞。

    唐 卢照邻 《五悲·悲昔游》:“因嵌巖以为室,就芬芳以列筵。” 唐 王度 《古镜记》:“辞兄之后,先游 嵩山 、 少室 ,降石梁,坐玉坛。属日暮,遇一嵌巖,有一石堂,可容三五人, 勣 栖息止焉。”

  2. 山崖险峻貌。

    唐 李白 《明堂赋》:“窙惚恍以洞啟,呼嵌巖而傍分。” 王琦 注引《韵会》:“嵌巖,山险貌。”

  3. 指峻险的山岩。

    唐 孟郊 《吊卢殷》诗:“磨一片嵌巖,书千古光辉。” 宋 陈亮 《又甲辰秋书》:“ 亮 之生于斯世也,如木出于嵌巖嶔崎之间,奇蹇艰澁,盖未易以常理论。”

  4. 鳞甲张开貌。

    唐 达奚珣 《太常观乐器赋》:“猛兽赫怒而擎钟,金人嵌巖以负簴。”



  1. The palaces and houses of the monks at the Qianyan Temple make up the form of a sleeping Buddha.


  2. A number of common people, celebrity and great persons go to the Taihe Temple in Wutai Mountain along the road of the pilgrim.


  3. This paper introduces in detail the construction technique of rock-embedded piles of sloping ramp terminal.


  4. Thickness of supporting layer and depth of pile in the rock are two important aspects considered in pile design in karst area.


  5. According to the relationship between the pile' s bearing capability and the rock's weathe{##**$$}ring degree, the formulas were got.


  6. So, the lateral bearing property of rock-socketed piles has been concerned by engineering and academia.


  7. and established the first "red" anti-Japanese communication station.


  8. The ultimate uplift capacity of pile is mainly effected affected by enlarged base of pile.


  9. To the author' s knowledge, in karst area punching pile is the most effective method of drilling.


  1. 拱端嵌岩深度

    buried depth of arc abutment.

  2. 钻孔嵌岩灌注桩

    Bored pile of key aggregate

  3. 人工挖孔嵌岩桩

    rock socked pile

  4. 植入法嵌岩钢管桩

    implanted steel pipe pile

  5. 嵌岩桩桩端承载力探讨

    Study of Tip Resistance on Rock Socketed Pile

  6. 钻孔灌注桩嵌岩深度处理

    Discussion on thickness of bored pile into rock foundation

  7. 嵌岩桩嵌岩段侧摩阻力浅析

    Study on Lateral Resistance of Rock Inserted Piles

  8. 嵌岩桩施工质量控制措施

    Rock Socketed Pile Quality Control Measures for the Building of the Production Control Center of Fuzhou Water Company

  9. 某办公楼嵌岩桩的嵌岩深度分析

    Analysis on the Pile Depth Embedded in Rocks of an Office Building in Haikou

  10. 大直径嵌岩灌注桩桩底周边

    Problems of Concrete Quality around the bottom of a Large Diameter Inserted Bored Pile

  11. 病态嵌岩桩模糊综合诊断评定

    The fuzzy evaluation and synthetic judgement method for rock socketed morbid pile

  12. 软岩嵌岩桩嵌岩段的侧阻力研究

    Analysis of Side Resistance for Socketed Pile in Weak Rock

  13. 钻孔嵌岩桩荷载传递特点及分析

    Characteristic of load transfer of bored socket pile

  14. 软岩嵌岩桩承载性状的研究探讨

    Research on load transfer behavior of large diameter soft rock socketed pile

  15. 植入法嵌岩钢管桩桩端锚固技术

    Study of Anchoring Technology to Embed Toe of Steel Tubular Piles into Rock by Implanting

  16. 嵌岩桩软岩侧阻与端阻的修正

    Rectification of Lateral Resistance and Tip Resistance of Rock Wedged Pile in Soft Rock

  17. 嵌岩桩桩端阻力的计算方法比较

    A Comparison of Different Methods for Calculating of the End Bearing Capacity of a Socketed Pile in Rock

  18. 嵌岩灌注桩竖向静载试验研究

    Research on vertical dead load experiment for inserted rock pouring pile

  19. 大直径钢护筒嵌岩桩施工技术

    Constructional technique of large diameter steel guide? well inserted rock pile

  20. 嵌岩抗拔桩孔精确爆破施工技术

    Precise Implementation of Blasting for Piles Imbedded in Rocks

  21. 嵌岩双壁钢围堰的设计与施工

    Inlays the Crag Double Wall Steel to Encircle the Batardeau the Design With To Execute

  22. 低应变法检测桥梁嵌岩桩的评价

    Evaluation on Testing Bridge Bearing Pile with the Low Strain Method

  23. 大口径嵌岩钻进技术发展与展望

    Development of Large diameter Rock Socket Drilling Technology and its Prospect

  24. 长沙红层嵌岩桩承载力计算探讨

    Discussion on bearing capacity calculation of pile embedded in red rock of Changsha area

  25. 软岩嵌岩长桩嵌土段工作机理研究

    Study on Mechanism of the Length in Strata of Long Piles Socketed in Soft Rock

  26. 镶齿滚刀及滚刀钻头嵌岩技术的研究

    Research on Rock Cutting Techniques of Inserted Roller Cutters and Roller Cutter Bits

  27. 嵌岩桩承载力计算及桩底锚固型式

    Bearing Capacity Calculation of Pile Embedded in Rock and ??Teh Anchorage Form of Pile Bottom

  28. 大型墙式嵌岩桩基础的简化计算方法

    A Simplified Calculation Method for Large Embedded Rock Wall Foundations

  29. 火电厂嵌岩桩静载试验荷载的确定

    The Method of Ensuring Vertical Experimental Load of Loading Test of Embedded Rock Pile in Thermal Power Plant

  30. 大直径软岩嵌岩桩侧阻性状实测分析

    Experimental analysis of the character of shaft resistance along large diameter socketed pile casted in soft rock


  1. 问:嵌岩桩拼音怎么拼?嵌岩桩的读音是什么?嵌岩桩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嵌岩桩的读音是qiàn yán zhuāng,嵌岩桩翻译成英文是 socketed pile

  2. 问:嵌岩管柱基础拼音怎么拼?嵌岩管柱基础的读音是什么?嵌岩管柱基础翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嵌岩管柱基础的读音是qiàn yán guǎn zhù jī chǔ,嵌岩管柱基础翻译成英文是 colonnade foundation embedded in bedrock...