


1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……





汉语拼音:nán shuō huà







  1. 犹言不易相处。

    元 秦简夫 《东堂老》第一折:“这老儿可有些兜搭,难説话,慢慢的远打周遭和他説。”

  2. 不便启口。

    《水浒传》第十五回:“ 吴用 寻思道:‘这酒店里须难説话,今夜必是他家权宿,到那里却又理会。’”



  1. It's very hard to speak like a native Chinese speaker.


  2. Inveterate smokers purchase tobacco furtively because they are fearful of their fractious wives.


  3. It was harder than usual


  1. 那个人很难说话。

    That person is very difficult to deal with.

  2. 倒说我方家的人难说话呢!

    And you talk about us Fangs being hard to deal with!

  3. 很难说话像一个以汉语为母语的人。

    It's very hard to speak like a native Chinese speaker.

  4. 我很难做到说话像汉城腔调。

    It's so damned hard to speak like Seoul people do.

  5. 边跳舞边说话很难。

    It's too hard to dance and talk.

  6. 跟她说话很难,因为她听觉不灵。

    It's difficult to talk to her because she is hard of hearing.

  7. 他们那不说话就难过的舌头从来不休息。

    Those aspen leaves of theirs never leave wagging.

  8. 看着这身衣服很难认真听你说话。

    I can't take you seriously in that dress.

  9. 我必须承认,北方人说话我很难理解。

    I must admit I have a little trouble understanding Northerners.

  10. 即便他好的时候, 他也没有耐心, 难打交道, 很少说话。

    And even when he is well, he is impatient, difficult, and a man of very few words.

  11. 说话容易, 动手难。

    That is easier saying than doing.

  12. 说话容易,动手难。

    That is easier saying than doing.

  13. 无声得错误往往比说话得错误更难避免。

    Nonverbal mistakes are often more difficult to avoid than verbal ones.

  14. 无声的错误往往比说话的错误更难避免。

    Nonverbal mistakes are often more difficult to avoid than verbal ones.

  15. 不幸的是, 用升调说话这种习惯很难改变。

    Unfortunately, uptalk can be a tough habit to break.

  16. 一时冲动就脱口而出的说话风格自然很难让人接受。

    An air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved.

  17. 一时冲动就脱口而出的说话风格自然很难让人接受。

    An air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved.

  18. 让他说话不难,难的是说开了止不住他!

    It's not hard to get him talking; the problem is stopping him!

  19. 考克斯,他说话是真得四马难追。

    L. Cox,and he as good as his word.

  20. 习惯了我突然难过的性格你就陪我不说话。

    Was used to I sad disposition you to accompany me not to speak suddenly.

  21. 这位教授说话太快, 我们感到很难理解他得意思。

    He speaks quickly, the tone of his voice so arresting that it sobers everyone.

  22. 这位教授说话太快,我们感到很难理解他的意思。

    He speaks quickly, the tone of his voice so arresting that it sobers everyone.

  23. 他说话时带着着浓重的德国口音,很难让人明白。

    He spoke with a heavy German accent,which was hard to understand.

  24. 我觉得很难看懂书里那些满是俚语的说话段落。

    I found it hard to understand the slangy colloquial passages in the book.

  25. 话题在变换,很难了解雷恩先生在想什么,因为他不说话。

    The talk drifts. It is difficult to follow Mr. Wren's mind because he says nothing.

  26. 大词会使听你说话和读你文章的人感到晦涩难懂。

    Big words can make the way dark for those who hear what you say and read what you write.


  1. 问:难说话拼音怎么拼?难说话的读音是什么?难说话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:难说话的读音是nánshuōhuà,难说话翻译成英文是 difficult to talk with or communicate