




不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……



汉语拼音:xiǎo ràng






  1. 细小的礼让。

    《礼记·儒行》:“其大让如慢,小让如伪。”《史记·项羽本纪》:“大行不顾细谨,大礼不辞小让。” 宋 曾巩 《书魏郑公传》:“令当时削而弃之,成区区之小让,则后世何所据依而諫。”



  1. Before an elder, I will speak softly. But if my voice is too low and hard to hear, it is not appropriate.


  2. Ron Jr. kept calling, waiting, not moving, hoping it would turn and come within range.


  3. Maybe I was so little girl, probably the most difficult academic for me were in my tow studio art classes: printing and studio practice.


  4. I slipped my finger in his tiny hand, amazed by its delicacy.


  5. Since last year, I've had to help my dad get on his horse because of his arm injury, and here he was helping me get up on mine.


  6. Small, small, small! Make your eyes small.


  7. Iwiill make it too small for Mr. Jackson!


  8. But it is surprising that such a small proportion was spent last year.


  9. However, the owner felt that his "plate" is too small and wanted us to wait for another year so that he can enlarge the business.


  1. 趁孩子们还小让他们尽情地玩玩吧。

    Let the children have their fling while they are young.

  2. 你能把这件衣服改小让我穿吗?

    Can you make dress down for me?

  3. 什么事让小草莓忧心忡忡?

    What made the little strawberry worried?

  4. 这让小美人鱼很不是滋味。

    The little mermaid wasn't happy.

  5. 她让小刘给气跑了。

    Xiao Liu made her so angry that she left in a huff.

  6. 别让小草有成长的烦恼。

    Don't give little grass growing vexation.

  7. 让小手指在你肚子上跳一跳

    Dance them on you tummy

  8. 真是让小编回忆起童年啊

    Really let Xiaobian recalled childhood ah

  9. 小力很不好意思,他让小白付钱。

    He let Xiao Bai pay.

  10. 不要再让小猴子在床上跳!

    No more little monkeys jumping on the bed!

  11. 他搔着让小虫咬过的地方。

    He scratched the place where he had been bitten by an insect.

  12. 伽利略让小金属球从斜面滚下。

    Galileo rolled small metal balls down the incline.

  13. 这是让小矮人流口水的苹果派。

    It is apple pies make the men folks'mouths water.

  14. 这是让小矮人流口水得苹果派。

    It is apple pies make the men folks'mouths water.

  15. 不要让小争吵伤害了伟大的友谊。

    Dont let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

  16. 你可以展示一下如何让小东西变大。

    You could make something minuscule seem enormous.

  17. 这只灯笼让小外孙女感到十分骄傲。

    Such a lantern certainly made their granddaughter feel and proud.

  18. 你可以让小猫离开肉饼,但不能让肉饼离开小猫。

    you can leave the kitten meat pie, meat pie, but should not be allowed to leave the kitten.

  19. 让小王来干这个工作,你有意见吗

    Would you object to let Xiao Wang take up the job

  20. 变化的光让小教堂处于不断的变化之中。

    Light transforms the simple chapel into a chapel of light that is consistently undergoing changing atmospheric and dematerializing effects.

  21. 那门太小了,让小胖哥走不进去。

    The door is so small that the fatty boy cannot walk into.

  22. 不要让小的争吵损坏一份伟大的友谊!

    Dont let a little diapute injure a great friendship.

  23. 让小王也能将冠军小戒戒带回台湾吧!

    Let Wang bring Championship ring back to Taiwan as well.

  24. 你没让小老虎留在丛林里是对的。

    You were right not to leave little tiger in the jungle.

  25. 我不会让小玛丽看电视到午夜的。

    I won't allow Little Mary to watch television till midnight.

  26. 然而, 接下来发生的事, 让小李顿时不知所措。

    However, the job that produces next, let Xiaoli be at a loss immediately.

  27. 别让小马驹在外面受冷或是淋湿了。

    Do not let foals get cold or wet out in the field.

  28. 别让小马驹在外面受冷或是淋湿了。

    Do not let foals get cold or wet out in the field.

  29. 会让小美人鱼长出腿来,把她变成人类。

    It would give the mermaid legs and make her human.

  30. 切勿让小偏方治病耽误银屑病患者病情。

    Do not let the small recipe condition psoriasis treatment delay.