




1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……







汉语拼音:ān fèn shǒu jǐ








  • 【解释】:分:本分。规矩老实,守本分,不做违法的事。
  • 【出自】:宋·袁文《翁牖闲评》八:“彼安分守己,恬于进取者,方且以道义自居,其肯如此侥幸乎?”
  • 【示例】:从此养好了,可要安分守己,再别胡行乱闹了。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;中性,指为人规矩老实不越轨


  1. Mark has always been a bit of a ladies' man; it will be interesting to see if he settles down now that he's got married.


  2. He's picking on Peter, and you know Peter's the last man in the world to cause trouble.


  3. Whilst it is not always possible to do this, there are a number of ways you can help keep the person on the straight and narrow way.


  4. He became what he ought to be: useful to his father, steady and quiet, and not living merely for himself.


  5. If you ability law-abiding, hands-off our activities, hurriedly leave a Nanking, we also need not with you difficult.


  6. By going over the Vizier's head, Paser has seriously insulted the prime minister of Egypt. The mayor must be put in his place.


  7. An even bigger factor keeping them in line is the fear that they could be sent home before earning enough to repay their debts.


  8. Instead, with an un-unionlike enthusiasm for the discipline of the marketplace, she adopted a customer-centric approach.


  9. It's alright here as long as you keep your nose clean; if you don't, they treat you badly.


  1. 各守各业。各安职守。安分守己。

    Let the cobbler stick to his last.

  2. 我父亲认为, 人应该安分守己。

    My father believed that people should know their place.

  3. 出狱以后,他下决心要安分守己。

    After he came out of prison, he was determined to keep his nose clean.

  4. 那些人看上去都挺安分守己的。

    Those people all seem peaceful.

  5. 那些人看上去都挺安分守己得。

    Those people all seem peaceful.

  6. 他安分守己,老老实实地生活着。

    He has lived a peaceable and honest life.

  7. 你要安分守己,不要卷到那里头去。

    Keep your nose clean, and don't get involved.

  8. 我知道你是个好人,你是安分守己的。

    I know you've been a conscientious worker, content with your lot and not giving any trouble.

  9. 物之美在于安分守己, 适其自性。

    The aesthetics of things lies in the satisfaction with the status quo.

  10. 费伯先生是安分守己的人, 帕金说。

    Mr. Faber was the quiet sort, Parkin said.

  11. 费伯先生是安分守己得人,帕金说。

    Mr. Faber was the quiet sort, Parkin said.

  12. 她是一个儇薄女子,很不安分守己的。

    She is a skittish girl who doesn't behave herself.

  13. 她是一个儇薄女子,很不安分守己的。

    She is a skittish girl who doesn't behave herself.

  14. 我没有错, 你是一个安分守己的人手。

    You're a steady hand, and I was not mistaken.

  15. 我也得用另一种方式表现得安分守己。

    In another fashion I too was to hold still.

  16. 他们对待仆人不坏,但期望他们时时安分守己。

    They treated their servants well,but expected themalways to know their place.

  17. 按照他自己的标准他是个安分守己的老实人。

    He was an honest man according to his lights.

  18. 比利时是欧洲最安分守己的小国之一。

    She was one of the most unoffending little countries in Europe.

  19. 比利时是欧洲最安分守己得小国之一。

    She was one of the most unoffending little countries in Europe.

  20. 有关的无能为力, 妇女的代表帮助使他们安分守己。

    Women's representation helps to keep them in a place of relative powerlessness.

  21. 你得安分守己忍受一下无枪傍身的日子了。

    You'll be assigned to the rubber gun squad.

  22. 在去年被逮捕两次以后,她不得不安分守己一点。

    She'll have to keep her nose clean after being arrested twice in the past year.

  23. 为了使他们安分守己, 已形成了一套警察镇压体制。

    A repressive police system was formed to keep them in their place.

  24. 我们一到那里, 那些不安分守己的人就会仔细打量我们。

    Those who aren't vegetable will be looking us over from the moment we arrive.

  25. 原说下接过来大家安分守己的,我也不提旧事了。

    We could allsettled down then, minding our own business, and I'd have let bygones be bygones.

  26. 但如今经济不景气, 员工安分守己许多, 公司挖墙脚也更难。

    But economic uncertainty makes workers more inclined to stay put, and firms that want to hire find it harder to entice people to move.

  27. 这位老人便恳切地劝说儿子, 要安分守己, 听从教授的劝告。

    The old man begged his son to settle down and obey his professors.

  28. 他老是跟彼得过不去。彼得是个最安分守己的人,这你知道。

    He's picking on peter, and you know peter's the last man in the world to cause trouble.

  29. 他举止威严文雅,适合做一家之主,并使人人都安分守己。

    He has a fine dignified manner, which suits the head of a house, and keeps people in their proper places.

  30. 他们都安分守己的混着,而他没有一点营生,在大街上闲晃。

    They were going contentedly about their work, while he was idling about the streets.


  1. 问:安分守己拼音怎么拼?安分守己的读音是什么?安分守己翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安分守己的读音是ānfènshǒujǐ,安分守己翻译成英文是 to abide by the law and behave oneself


