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汉语拼音:gǔ rén
From this one can see how much more virtuous and filial the ancients were. We should quickly return to the virtuous ways of old.
可见古人的性情,确是比较淳厚,我们怎能不快快恢复固有道德呢?This kind of bound feet shoes is made of copper and looks like a smoking pipe. Ancient people used to smoke with it.
这是仿水烟筒形制,用铜等铸成的小脚靴,古人有用此吸烟。However, the ancients noted that some stars "wandered" across the sky, popping up in different constellations over time.
然而,古人说一些星星在天空中“游荡”,随着时间的推移从不同的星座弹出。The belief stems from the observation that beans kept in the dark for years will sprout when they're brought back into the sun.
这一信念来自古人观察到的一个现象:豆子被放置在黑暗的地方,数年后当重见阳光时依然能发芽。At the age of 12, she was given a painted scroll of an ancient man with the words, "Seek and the truth shall make you free. "
12岁的时候,别人给她一副画有一位古人的卷轴,上面还写着一些字:“探索和真理将让你轻松。”Copying the ancients, ink pen with him to learn, to understand the idea of his pains.
临摹古人,要学他用笔用墨,懂得他苦心构思。Our forefathers said "the situation is moving from the heart" , and only sing a deep, beautiful, rich voice to appeal to life.
古人云“感人心者莫过于情”,只有唱出深刻、优美、富有感染力的歌声才具有生命力。art and life have never been closer: music, it was believed, was an emanation of the heart and an image of the cosmos.
艺术和生活之间的联系从来没有这样紧密过:古人认为音乐即心声,是宇宙的反映。One representation of it the appearance of the word "catching the louse: in their poems. "