


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……





汉语拼音:hé bào






  1. 两臂环抱。多形容树身之粗大。

    《老子》:“合抱之木,生於毫末。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·言语》:“枫柳虽合抱,亦何所施?” 宋 苏轼 《万松亭》诗:“为问几株能合抱,殷勤记取《角弓》诗。” 许杰 《放田水》:“那边是一株蓬头蓬脑,大可合抱的老樟树。”

  2. 环绕。

    瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十:“四围山色如屏幕,拥着全 赤塔 都城,居高临下,合抱而来,直到车站。” 胡万春 《生长在黄浦江边的人》:“进山丸让浮筒合抱着,终于渐渐地钻出了海底。”



  1. Ferrand was standing underneath the cage of a canary, his hands folded on his pinched-up hat, a nervous smile upon his lips.


  2. I and small partners can to a few people around it, and that really old pear ah, a lot of tree trunks have been empty.


  3. Once you have caught the person, release your hold slightly, and from behind them, put your arms around them, but do not hold them up.


  4. While temporary dam built on the hearth, wearing a mouth two people can seem cauldron, straw burning flames, licking the pot along.


  5. There the three disciples straightened the mangled limbs, and folded the bruised hands upon the pulseless breast.


  6. Many great men were once poor, unimportant boys. Great oaks from little a corn grow.


  7. It is a good 20 minutes in my company before her folded arms and crossed legs begin to unwind themselves.


  8. Formed by large bamboo encircle the table, unique.


  9. Trunk tall, straight, vigorous strong, two adults in order to encircle over.


  1. 合抱相关基因

    Gene cloning

  2. 合抱之木, 生于毫末

    He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom

  3. 树干合抱有15英尺。

    It measures fifteen feet around the trunk.

  4. 树干合抱有15英尺。

    It measures fifteen feet around the trunk.

  5. 合抱至少十英尺的古树

    an old tree that was at least ten feet around

  6. 庭罗合抱树, 门泊钓鱼船。

    Latina encircle the tree, the door parked fishing boat.

  7. 这棵参天古树,足以五人合抱。

    The ancient towering tree is so thick that it takes fives people to put their arms around it.

  8. 这棵参天古树,足以五人合抱。

    The ancient towering tree is so thick that it takes fives people to put their arms around it.

  9. 合抱之木,生于毫末。九层之台,起于垒土。

    The beginning of all things is small.

  10. 他哥哥向她求助的时候,她双臂合抱在胸前。

    She folded her hands when her brother asked for help.

  11. 他哥哥向她求助的时候,她双臂合抱在胸前。

    She folded her hands when her brother asked for help.

  12. 这颗古树非常的高大,三个成年人都无法合抱。

    This old tree is so big that even three men can't hold it together.

  13. 村庄旁边就有一株需要3个人才能合抱的古枫树。

    I still remember that big old tree growing at the gate of my village, which takes three people to embrace.

  14. 村庄旁边就有一株需要3个人才能合抱得古枫树。

    I still remember that big old tree growing at the gate of my village, which takes three people to embrace.

  15. 楼内大钟,高约2米,须3人才能合抱,钟声依旧雄浑激越。

    The bell measures two metres high, with a girth that takes three pairs of outstretched arms to encircle and it gives forth the same mellow, sonorous sounds as its predecessor.

  16. 为了腾出位置建新图书馆,一棵五英尺合抱的老树被砍掉了。

    An old tree five feet around was cut down to make room for the new library.

  17. 这棵巨大红桧树, 树龄超过3000年, 高达50多米, 15个人才合抱拢来。

    This is a giant red cedar which, reputedly more than 3 000 years old, stands more than 50 metres tall with a girth that takes 15 pairs of outstretched arms to encircle.


  1. 问:合抱拼音怎么拼?合抱的读音是什么?合抱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合抱的读音是hébào,合抱翻译成英文是 To wrap one's arms around.; Often used to des...




拼音:hébào英文:of a tree,etc