


1. 冲 [chōng]2. 冲 [chòng]冲 [chōng]用水或酒浇注,水撞击:~茶。~剂。~洗。~荡。向上钻,直上:~腾。~入云霄。破解不祥:~喜。空虚,谦虚:“大盈若~,其用不穷”。~挹(yì)。谦~。幼小:~昧。~弱。~龄。方……





汉语拼音:chōng fēng








  1. 谓突向敌阵冲击。

    《魏书·肃宗纪》:“妖党狂丑,必可荡涤,衝锋斩级,自依恆赏。” 明 无名氏 《东明闻见录·永历四年》:“屯田须牛种,练兵须足食,衝锋须坚甲利兵。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·分扰》:“衝锋的,争先赴敌休回头;接应的,要审机观变把前军护。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第十四章:“这个滋味可不如打几个冲锋痛快!”

  2. 比喻作事领先。

    老舍 《女店员》第三幕:“我们一块儿去干,一块儿去忙,一块儿冲锋打胜仗!”



  1. Like the bayonet charge, operational art will become a relic-but one that some will not want to leave behind.


  2. All the way, he learned later, German snipers had had him in their sights but, out of pity for this madman, had not fired.


  3. If your opponent is shifting in an attempt to set up a charge or a ranged or area attack, either of these allies might foil those plans.


  4. Under submachinegun cover, the company commander rushed forward to the foot of the enemy's blockhouse.


  5. Paladins will love this: Furious Charge seems to be very similar to the Paladin's Charge skill.


  6. Then he led to high ground troops launched the attack, the countless times, are the enemy charge again and again to dominant.


  7. Only a week into the campaign, however, Order 66 was issued, and Deviss cut down Bees as he led an assault on enemy lines.


  8. The next day there was a great battle. The horse was badly wounded in the final charge.


  9. It was a bleached photo of a young soldier with an old submachinegun in his hand.


  1. 轻骑兵冲锋

    Charge of the Light Brigade.

  2. 冲锋被击退了。

    The charge was repulsed.

  3. 号兵,吹冲锋号!

    Trumpeter, sound the charge!

  4. 他们向敌人冲锋。

    They rushed the enemy.

  5. 他命令我们冲锋。

    He ordered us to charge.

  6. 冲锋之前队形散乱

    The unit is spread out just before charging

  7. 打退敌人的冲锋

    beat back the enemy assault

  8. 冲锋舟定位测流

    Chongfeng Boat locating survey flow

  9. 为帝国的荣耀, 冲锋!

    For the glory of the Imperium, Charge!

  10. 我们向敌人发起冲锋。

    We charged at the enemy.

  11. 为帝国的荣耀,冲锋!

    For the glory of the Imperium, Charge!

  12. 冲锋舟动船测流

    flow measurement with a shop to charge

  13. 号手吹响了冲锋号

    The bugler sounded the charge.

  14. 共产党员应该冲锋在前。

    Communists must lead in the charge.

  15. 冲锋的号角吹响了。

    The bugle sounded the charge.

  16. 熊冲锋, 撕碎, 星火。

    Feral Charge , Shred, Starfire.

  17. 熊冲锋,撕碎,星火。

    Feral Charge , Shred, Starfire.

  18. 在改革中,他们冲锋在前。

    They are in the vanguard of the reform movement.

  19. 冲锋裤, 最好有侧拉链。

    Waterproof OUTER PANTS, preferably with sidezips on legs.

  20. 去年我们是冲锋在第一线!

    Last year, we were on the front lines!

  21. 骑兵向敌方要塞发起冲锋。

    The cavalry charged the hostile fort.

  22. 这是一个冲锋的号角。

    This was a revealing call to arms.

  23. 象猫咪移动, 象公羊冲锋

    I move like a cat, charge like a ram

  24. 不但等待冲锋号角响起时

    Not only when the bugle plays

  25. 战争以骑兵的冲锋开始了。

    The battle began with a cavalry charge.

  26. 战士向敌人的防线发起冲锋

    Soldier charge the enemy lines

  27. 从任何形态变为熊后冲锋

    Shift to Dire Bear From and Feral Charge from any form

  28. 野性冲锋可以在猫形态使用。

    Feral Charge Can now be used in Cat form.

  29. 士兵们将步枪放平准备冲锋。

    The soldiers couched their rifles and prepared to charge.

  30. 我们的部队向敌人的防线冲锋。

    Our troops charged at the enemy lines.


  1. 问:冲锋拼音怎么拼?冲锋的读音是什么?冲锋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲锋的读音是chōngfēng,冲锋翻译成英文是 charge

  2. 问:冲锋陷阵拼音怎么拼?冲锋陷阵的读音是什么?冲锋陷阵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲锋陷阵的读音是chōngfēngxiànzhèn,冲锋陷阵翻译成英文是 charge the enemy lines; fight a brave battle...

  3. 问:冲锋枪拼音怎么拼?冲锋枪的读音是什么?冲锋枪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲锋枪的读音是chōngfēngqiāng,冲锋枪翻译成英文是 an automatic machine gun to be handled by one per...

  4. 问:冲锋枪弹拼音怎么拼?冲锋枪弹的读音是什么?冲锋枪弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲锋枪弹的读音是chōng fēng qiāng dàn,冲锋枪弹翻译成英文是 Submachine Gun Cartridge

  5. 问:冲锋枪教范拼音怎么拼?冲锋枪教范的读音是什么?冲锋枪教范翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲锋枪教范的读音是chōng fēng qiāng jiào fàn,冲锋枪教范翻译成英文是 Manual of the Submachine Gun

  6. 问:冲锋队 (纳粹党)拼音怎么拼?冲锋队 (纳粹党)的读音是什么?冲锋队 (纳粹党)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲锋队 (纳粹党)的读音是,冲锋队 (纳粹党)翻译成英文是 Sturmabteilung



“冲锋”是个多义词,它可以指冲锋(《变形金刚雷霆舰队》人物), 冲锋(变形金刚美版G1角色), 冲锋(PVP类型的网络游戏), 冲锋(词语解释)。