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慢,与“急”相对:~步。~行(xíng )。~慢。迟~。延迟:~刑。~办。~役。~征。刻不容~。放松,松弛:~和。~冲。~解(jiě)。和~。苏醒,恢复:~气。~醒。……
汉语拼音:jiǎn huǎn
The Fed's classic mistake that led to the Great Depression was that it tightened monetary policy when it should have eased.
美联储引领大萧条的经典错误在于当萧条减缓时候紧缩了银根。If it had slowed the spread of HIV, moral advocates might have had a point.
如果它能减缓艾滋病病毒的传播,卫道士可能得到一个理由。Therefore, places hopes in two times sells slows down the size non-pressure, is no different with the moron to talk nonsense.
因此,寄希望于二次发售来减缓大小非的压力,无异于痴人说梦。In a statement, Mr Bezos says he is "looking forward" to a slowdown in the company's rate of growth in technology spending later this year.
年报声明中,贝佐斯先生说他“预计”下半年公司技术研发支出的增长会减缓。The White House game plans seem to be: Get a health-care bill through and argue that will reduce the deficit by slowing health-cost growth.
白宫的策略似乎是:保证医疗卫生法案的通过,并认为此举将通过减缓医疗费的增长降低赤字。But, he concludes, most researchers say that in the absence of a vaccine, a combination of these methods could slow the onward march of HIV.
但是,Cohen得出结论说,在缺乏疫苗的情况下,对这些方法的联合应用确实能够减缓艾滋病毒扩张的脚步。The high consumption low investment pattern has reduced productivity growth, and with that the rate of GNP growth.
高消费低投资的经济模式减缓了生产力和GNP的增长。Heavy industry seems to be shifting into a lower gear, with China's crude steel output growing at its slowest pace in a year in June.
重工业成长动力似乎减缓,6月中国粗钢产量以一年业最低速度增长。However, the momentum of the talks appears to have been slowing in recent weeks, with no date yet set for the next round of discussions.