


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……


1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……



汉语拼音:guò fù






  1. 双方交易,由中人经手交付钱或货物。

    明 冯梦龙 《酒家佣·李固陷狱》:“[浄]本管见钱手忒快,上司访察全凭拜。[小浄]我也要寻过付的。”《红楼梦》第六八回:“ 旺儿 听了有他做主,便又命 张华 状子上添上自己,説:‘你只告我来往过付,一应调唆二爷做的。’”



  1. The training course lasted for only a month or so. I had not met with Miss Fu since then, nor do I know where she is now.


  2. Please note that all applications for lump sum repayment must be applied in-person or submitted in written form.


  3. At 4pm, our team had lunch+dinner at a very good restaurant. The food was good too. But each of us just paid $22!


  4. send in your request in writing , by post or by fax.


  1. 我付过账了。

    I've already paid the bill.

  2. 钱已经付过了。

    The bill has been paid.

  3. 我已付过账了。

    I took care of the check.

  4. 我已付过钱了。

    I already paid.

  5. 没投过票, 没付过税。

    I never voted or paid taxes.

  6. 没投过票,没付过税。

    I never voted or paid taxes.

  7. 保释金付过了,走吧。

    Posted your bail.We can go.

  8. 保释金付过了,走吧。

    Posted your bail. We can go.

  9. 那本书已经付过钱了。

    That book is paid for.

  10. 那个男人从没按时付过账。

    That fellow never pays his bills on time.

  11. 我住这儿可没付过租金

    It's not like I pay rent on this thing.

  12. 服务员的小费我已付过了。

    I've taken care of the waiter.

  13. 我的目标是避免付过多的税。

    My aim is to avoid pay too much tax.

  14. 我得目标是避免付过多得税。

    My aim is to avoid pay too much tax.

  15. 这套西服我已付过钱了。

    I have paid for this suit already.

  16. 上次你付过, 这次该我付账。

    You paid last time. This is on me, I insist.

  17. 但那辆车你已经付过钱了!

    Because you already paid for it!

  18. 我们有一个月没有付过钱了。

    We didn't pay for over a month.

  19. 我确实付过钱, 但是我没干那事。

    I did pay but I did nothing.

  20. 付过房租,现在又该付食品店老板了。

    Rent was paid, and now came the grocer.

  21. 据我所理解,你毕生从没付过账。

    From what I read, you never paid a bill in your life.

  22. 享利叔叔已经替她付过去年的租金。

    Uncle Henry had paid last year's taxes on it for her.

  23. 他说前面那位女士已经给你付过了。

    He said the lady ahead of me had paid my toll.

  24. 商店主人一般不收回已付过款的货物。

    Shopkeepers will not usually take back goods after they have been paid off.

  25. 我付过钱之后, 店员便给了我一张收据。

    After I paid the money, the shop assistant gave me a receipt.

  26. 在台湾的菲律宾移工付过高的仲介费。

    Filipino migrant workers in Taiwan pay exorbitant placement fees.

  27. 我付过钱之后,店员便给了我一张发票。

    After I paid the money, the shop assistant gave me a receipt.

  28. 我们为付过钱得每个人都留了座位。

    We have stayed the seat for everyone who have paid money.

  29. 我们为付过钱的每个人都留了座位。

    We have stayed the seat for everyone who have paid money.

  30. 同样地,人类没有为这些自然资源付过一分钱。

    Once again, most of that doesn't get paid.



基本解释 [pay through an intermediary in a business deal] 由中人经手交付双方交易的钱或货物 详细解释 双方交易,由中人经手交付钱或货物。 明 冯梦龙 《酒家佣·李固陷狱》:“[浄]本管见钱手忒快,上司访察全凭拜。[小浄]我也要寻过付的。”《红楼梦》第六八回:“ 旺儿 听了有他做主,便又命 张华 状子上添上自己,说:‘你只告我来往过付,一应调唆二爷做的。’”