







汉语拼音:shì bì








  1. 根据事物发展趋势推测必然怎样。

    汉 荀悦 《汉纪·平帝纪》:“贼攻城不得,势必不能聚,所过乏食,以此招之则降,击之则灭。” 草明 《乘风破浪》第三章:“这样,正当的目的达不到,而他俩的关系势必要更恶化。”



  1. But a show that pushes boundaries and presents the country's leaders in a less-than-positive light is bound to spark criticism .


  2. The coming up with the " Children - basis" argument, as a historic Word Paradigm, will inevitably break the practices of tale creation.


  3. Then, too, as the supply of youthful workers shrinks, wages should rise and push up the rate of inflation and the cost of capital.


  4. then it would be impossible for that person to tell whether or not the computer was thinking.


  5. Revolutionary changes the face of this, China is bound to the majority of the SMEs to develope-commerce will follow the path of the road.


  6. As a "cosmopolitan" international figure (and Jewish), he would be a prime target for the extreme right.


  7. Ever since the election, Tom DeLay and his staff had been firing up the right-wing networks to demand my impeachment.


  8. Once the wind and the waves of China's economic ship in the next year is bound to encounter greater resistance to the outside.


  9. When you go on vacation and see a sign that says Free Lunch you know that the timeshare sales pitch is going to accompany it.


  1. 少年老成, 势必难解。

    You cannot put old heads on young shoulders.

  2. 少年老成,势必难解。

    You cannot put old heads on young shoulders.

  3. 看来,这段势必要写。

    it seems we shall have to write one.

  4. 饮酒过度,势必影响健康。

    Excessive drinking will undoubtedly affect one's health.

  5. 生产线势必保持运转下去。

    The assembly line of necessity kept moving.

  6. 我们势必被迫依恃法国驻军。

    We were forced to rely on french contingents.

  7. 这种报道势必会引发忧虑。

    Reports of this kind are guaranteed to cause anxiety.

  8. 不同的立场势必形成不同的见解。

    Ones opinion tends to differ in accordance with ones standpoint.

  9. 我们势必会觉得它特别重要。

    without distorting its importance.

  10. 牧民们势必要跟着畜群迁移。

    Herdsmen must, of necessity, move with the herds.

  11. 这势必增加病人的紧张情绪。

    It certainly increases stress for the patient.

  12. 如果一块增大了, 另一块势必减

    If one gets more, the other must receive less.

  13. 保守党执政,改革步伐势必加快。

    The pace of change is likely to quicken under a Conservative government.

  14. 这势必要造成不可想象的饥荒。

    It would have resulted in an unimaginable hunger catastrophe.

  15. 一本势必使一些人不安的书

    a Book that is Bound to ruffle some people.

  16. 人们对手机的需求势必会增长。

    People's demand for mobile phones (UK)/ cell phones (US) is bound to increase.

  17. 保守党势必接连第三届执政。

    The Tories in their third term will be unstoppable.

  18. 保守党势必接连第叁届执政。

    The Tories in their third term will be unstoppable.

  19. 这势必对经济增长造成重大影响。

    This is bound to have a significant impact on economic growth.

  20. 他的背叛势必深深伤了她的心。

    His unfaithfulness had certainly broken her heart.

  21. 对社会和环境势必造成不利影响。

    There will always be negative social and environmental consequences.

  22. 这两种道德观势必会发生冲突。

    Conflict must arise between the two morality.

  23. 这势必会使他统治世界的计划

    It certainly would set his plan for world domination.

  24. 悲观主义者认为中美势必成为敌手。

    Pessimists believe China and America are condemned to be rivals.

  25. 他的年龄势必会引起医疗事故诉讼

    his age will make it an instant malpractice suit.

  26. 倾听这种音乐的人则势必要出钱。

    They who listen to such music may expect to have to pay the piper.

  27. 这势必影响到我们摆脱困境的方式。

    This is bound to affect how we get out of the mess.

  28. 木材价格上涨,新建房屋的价格势必随着上涨。

    Lumber prices go up, and higher prices for new houses are bound to result.

  29. 规划缺乏协调, 势必造成极大的浪费。

    Lack planning coordination can be extremely costly.

  30. 这样的决定势必带来巨大的政治风险。

    Such a decision would entail a huge political risk.


  1. 问:势必拼音怎么拼?势必的读音是什么?势必翻译成英文是什么?

    答:势必的读音是shìbì,势必翻译成英文是 be bound to




【注音】:shì bì
