







汉语拼音:láo jià







  1. 请别人帮忙做事时用以表示谦恭的套语。犹言麻烦您。

    《老残游记》第十三回:“劳儜驾,看他伙计送进去,就出来,请儜把门就锁上。劳驾,劳驾!” 沙汀 《在其香居茶馆里》:“不然,也不敢劳驾你哥子动步了。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第五章:“有些外互助组的庄稼人,一再表示,要劳驾他捎些稻种。”



  1. I hope you will bring Elton, ' said he: 'but I will not trouble you to give any other invitations. '


  2. Excuse me. How much does it cost for a subway ticket ?


  3. A Excuse me, how much for the lacquer table?


  4. I wonder if you mind looking at my throat for a minute?


  5. In those cases, cut the speaker off as soon as possible with a simple "Excuse me - I've got to go. "


  6. "Good, " said Moody, limping forward as he pulled the stopper out of the flask of potion. "Straight in here, if you please. "


  7. would it be too much of an imposition to ask you pick my parents up from the airport?


  8. Why bother the user with entering a city and state when it's possible to look them up with just a ZIP code?


  9. My excellent friend, please excuse me now because my own energy has faded now and I must excuse myself from our conversation and rest.


  1. 劳驾关门。

    Would you mind shutting the door?

  2. 劳驾,买单。

    Can we have the bill please?

  3. 劳驾,张华。

    Excuse me, Zhang Hua.

  4. 劳驾把灯开开。

    Would you mind turning the light on?

  5. 劳驾,借火使使。

    Excuse me. Could you give me a light ?

  6. 劳驾, 书店在哪?

    Excuse me, where is the bookshop?

  7. 劳驾,书店在哪?

    Excuse me, where is the bookshop?

  8. 劳驾, 借火儿。

    Excuse me, would you give me a light please? or please may I have a light?

  9. 抱歉,劳驾,你能。

    Excuse me.Excuse me.Excuse me!Could you please.

  10. 抱歉,劳驾,你能。

    Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me! Could you please.

  11. 劳驾你把门关上?

    Would you kindly close the door?

  12. 劳驾把窗子关上。

    I will thank you to close the window.

  13. 劳驾, 来三杯黑啤酒。

    Three stouts, please.

  14. 劳驾,来三杯黑啤酒。

    Three stouts, please.

  15. 劳驾,把盐递过来。

    Excuse me, would you mind passing me the salt?

  16. 劳驾,把盐递过来。

    Excuse me, would you mind passing me the salt ?

  17. 劳驾, 请问饭厅在哪儿?

    Excuse me, where is the restaurant?

  18. 我想预约理发, 劳驾。

    I would like to make an appointment for a hairdo, please.

  19. 我想预约理发,劳驾。

    I would like to make an appointment for a hairdo, please.

  20. 劳驾帮个忙好吗

    Will you be so kind as to do me a favour.

  21. 劳驾, 能帮个忙吗?

    Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me.

  22. 劳驾。能帮个忙吗?

    Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me?

  23. 现在 劳驾二位让开。

    Now, if you'll excuse me.

  24. 劳驾, 挪挪窝儿行吗?

    Excuse me, would you move over a bit?

  25. 劳驾,挪挪窝儿行吗?

    Excuse me, would you move over a bit?

  26. 劳驾, 我的书在哪儿?

    Excuse me, where is my book?

  27. 劳驾,我的书在哪儿?

    Excuse me, where is my book?

  28. 劳驾,我要那红色的。

    I'd like the red one, please.

  29. 劳驾帮我开一下门。

    Kindly oblige me by opening the door.

  30. 劳驾, 我要一打铅笔。

    I want a dozen of pencils, please!


  1. 问:劳驾拼音怎么拼?劳驾的读音是什么?劳驾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劳驾的读音是láojià,劳驾翻译成英文是 excuse me

  2. 问:劳驾!拼音怎么拼?劳驾!的读音是什么?劳驾!翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劳驾!的读音是Láojià!,劳驾!翻译成英文是 excuse me!; pardon me!



词目 劳驾发音 láo jià释义 请别人帮忙做事时用以表示谦恭的套语。犹言麻烦您。