




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:zàng shēn







  1. In front was that chapel and ancient bridge. The headless knight had ever arrived there, and then returned to his tomb.


  2. In days gone by this was a place of death for mariners, their ships impaled on reefs and their bones bleached by the sun.


  3. Making straight for the door is much wiser, since he who hangs around risks being eaten by his consort.


  4. But he continued to visit the mountaintop where the men were buried, until he could no longer make the climb.


  5. If Nokia did not want to be consumed by the flames, it had no choice but to plunge into the "icy waters" below.


  6. messmates , but if flint was living , this would be a hot spot for you and me.


  7. The daring raid that the president ordered delivered Osama bin Laden to the bottom of the Indian Ocean.


  8. About 160 million years ago a female pterosaur with an injured wing dropped from the sky into a watery grave.


  9. For hearing the ship I went away in was CAST away in Yarmouth road, it was a great while before he had any assurance that I was not drown'd.


  1. 他葬身大海。

    The sea was his tomb.

  2. 水手们葬身大海。

    The sailors will be buried in the deep.

  3. 水手们葬身大海。

    The sailors will be buried in the deep.

  4. 水葬。葬身水中

    a watery grave

  5. 海盗船葬身大海。

    The pirate was buried at sea.

  6. 他将会葬身于大海。

    The sea will be his tomb.

  7. 船已葬身海底, 无法打捞。

    The ship was buried, beyond retrieval, at the bottom of the sea.

  8. 执葬身故的贫苦人士

    pauper disposal

  9. 船上的乘客全部葬身海底了。

    All passengers on board sank down to a watery grave.

  10. 这条船撞上了冰山葬身海底。

    The ship hit iceberg and buried at sea.

  11. 沉船使船长和许多乘客葬身海底。

    The sinking ship carried down with her the captain and many passengers.

  12. 唯我独生, 船上同伴皆葬身海底。

    But I am alive, and not drown'd as all my ship's company was.

  13. 那位诗人得葬身之处仍然不清楚。

    The poet's burial place remains unknown.

  14. 那位诗人的葬身之处仍然不清楚。

    The poet's burial place remains unknown.

  15. 若不是你搭救, 我恐怕已经葬身鱼腹了。

    But for your help, I could have fed the fishes.

  16. 一不小心便会沉舟折戟, 葬身海底。

    Will be fruitless trips to accidentally Shen Zhou, died in the seabed.

  17. 矿井发生事故时许多矿工葬身于坑内。

    Many miners were entombed in the cave when there was an accident at the mine.

  18. 阿尔卑斯山列车失火多人葬身火窟

    Scores Dead In Austrian Alps Train Fire

  19. 我也是, 人生苦短, 为何要葬身在工作里。

    Me too. Life is short. Why should we bury ourselves in work?

  20. 他是一名好水手, 但是最后竟葬身鱼腹了。

    He was a fine seaman, but ended up in Davy Joneslocker.

  21. 这艘船在海上遇到飓风, 一些水手葬身海底。

    The was hit by a hurricane and some sailors buried at sea.

  22. 他是一名好水手,但是最后竟葬身海底了。

    He was a fine seaman, but ended up in Davy Jones'locker.

  23. 而在变化无常的比思开湾,他几乎葬身鱼腹。

    It was in the treacherous Bay of Biscay, however, where he nearly met with a watery grave.

  24. 范德比尔特从来没有学过游泳,也葬身鱼腹。

    The sea also claimed Vanderbilt, who had never learned to swim.

  25. 结婚是爱情的坟墓,不结婚岂不是死无葬身之地

    Marriage is the tomb of love,marriage would not be dead without burial

  26. 如果你从船上落身下水, 你会葬身腹的。

    If you fall overboard, you'll end up feeding the fishes.

  27. 老先生说,现在演奏的正是描述他们葬身火海时的曲调。

    and this, said he, is the tune that the piper played while they were burning.

  28. 没有你,我肯定会葬身在这堆不死生物手里。

    Without you, I surely would have perished at the boney hands of the undead.

  29. 世界之窗餐厅70多名雇员和100多名顾客葬身于火海之中。

    More than 70 employees and 98 customers of Windows on the World died in the inferno.

  30. 如果他们要绕过那个小岬就会有葬身鱼腹的危险。

    They'll catch a packet if they try to go round the points.


  1. 问:葬身拼音怎么拼?葬身的读音是什么?葬身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:葬身的读音是zàngshēn,葬身翻译成英文是 be buried

  2. 问:葬身鱼腹拼音怎么拼?葬身鱼腹的读音是什么?葬身鱼腹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:葬身鱼腹的读音是zàngshēnyúfù,葬身鱼腹翻译成英文是 to become food for the fish—to be drowned...



zàngshēn 葬 身 〖beburied〗埋葬尸体,也借指残骸以某处为归宿! 例如:葬身火海