







汉语拼音:kuí wú








  1. 亦作“ 魁吾 ”。亦作“ 魁俉 ”。犹言高大壮实。

    《史记·留侯世家论》:“余以为其人计魁梧奇伟,至见其图,状貌如妇人好女。” 裴駰 集解引 应劭 曰:“魁梧,丘虚壮大之意。” 唐 善感 《李愍碑》:“容仪逈拔,奇貌魁俉。” 宋 黄庭坚 《武昌松风阁》诗:“我来名之意适然,老松魁梧数百年。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷四:“有 沙 氏子,土司之后也, 彩云 ( 万彩云 )悦其魁吾,宠之专房。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第四章:“停了一阵,他又把 周大勇 打量一番,像是从 周大勇 那魁梧的身材上得到了什么启示。”



  1. The burly man with the disheveled red beard walked swiftly up the platform toward the approaching train, uncovering his head as he went.


  2. These two enormous men wearing nothing but their shorts, standing there trying to beat each other to death.


  3. Anyway, I could see that he was in a state of great terror, for his tottering legs would scarcely support his stout, bulky form.


  4. The common man of Asia like this big, friendly, informal, democratic, serious young American.


  5. He was a big man, perhaps a few years older than I, with short dark hair parted to the side and rimless glasses.


  6. he had all the best part of beauty -- a fine countenance , a good figure, and very pleasing address.


  7. "If the strapper stops, the factory has to stop, so we felt it was important to put in the best bit of equipment, " explains Gerard Wiper.


  8. He was a giant of a man with a long square face, a wide mouth and a complexion suffused with the colour of red sandalwood.


  9. He was very tall, with a dark, Spanish complexion, fine , expressive black eyes, and close-curling hair , also of a glossy blackness.


  1. 魁梧的身材

    a massy figure

  2. 魁梧的战士

    a Herculean warrior

  3. 他体型魁梧

    He stood over six feet tall.

  4. 他身材魁梧。

    He is tall and sturdy.

  5. 他高大魁梧。

    He was a big, burly man.

  6. 他高大魁梧。

    He was tall and heavyset.

  7. 魁梧的,结实的

    Well, there was a big, burly

  8. 魁梧有力的汉子

    ringtailed roarer

  9. 身材魁梧的小伙子

    a strapping lad

  10. 高大,魁梧,小眼睛。

    Big, burly men with narrow eyes.

  11. 那位运动员身材魁梧。

    That athlete has a large frame.

  12. 一个体格魁梧的青年

    A burly set young man

  13. 他长得魁梧强壮。

    He's big and muscular.

  14. 李小龙身材不算魁梧。

    Bruce Lee was not a big man.

  15. 他是个身材魁梧的人。

    He is a man of large build.

  16. 一个魁梧的警察来了。

    A big buriy poiiceman came back.

  17. 你这么英俊魁梧,这么有教养。

    You are a tall, handsome, and wellbred fellow.

  18. 他很苗条,他的女朋友很魁梧。

    He is a slim boy, while his girlfriend is well-built.

  19. 高大魁梧而有勇气的女子

    A large, strong, courageous woman.

  20. 他是个身材魁梧的老先生。

    He was a stout old gentleman.

  21. 他身材魁梧, 留着红胡须。

    He was heavilybuilt and sported a red moustache.

  22. 这个运动员长得魁梧强壮。

    The player's big and muscular.

  23. 他是个魁梧壮实, 粗野的人。

    He was a great brawny brute of a man.

  24. 他好吗?是不是又魁梧, 又神气?

    Was he well? Was he big and bold?

  25. 这位运动员有着魁梧的体格。

    This athlete has a powerful frame.

  26. 他体格魁梧,身材像一棵橡树。

    Eg. He is a huge man, built like an oak tree.

  27. 一个魁梧的流浪汉正在徒步旅行

    A burly bum came hiking

  28. 他是个魁梧壮实, 冷酷无情的人。

    He was a great brawny brute of a man.

  29. 不,是像我一样魁梧的男孩。

    No, strapping boys, like me.

  30. 实际上他生得魁梧壮实,大手大脚。

    In point of fact he was broad and heavy, with large hands and feet.


  1. 问:魁梧拼音怎么拼?魁梧的读音是什么?魁梧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魁梧的读音是kuíwú,魁梧翻译成英文是 tall and sturdy

  2. 问:魁梧的拼音怎么拼?魁梧的的读音是什么?魁梧的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魁梧的的读音是,魁梧的翻译成英文是 burlier


