如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 卡 [qiǎ]2. 卡 [kǎ]卡 [qiǎ]在交通要道设置的检查或收税的地方:关~。~子。夹东西的器具:发(fà)~。领带~。夹在中间,堵塞:~壳。鱼刺~在嗓子里。卡 [kǎ]用手的虎口紧紧按住:~脖子。把人阻挡住:~住敌人的退路。……
1. 尺 [chǐ]2. 尺 [chě]尺 [chǐ]中国市制长度单位(亦称“市尺”。一尺等于十寸。西汉时一尺等于0.231米,今三尺等于一米):~素(a.一尺长的白绢,借指小画幅;b.书信)。~短寸长。~牍。量长度的器具:竹~。像尺的东西……
汉语拼音:kǎ chǐ
This tends to provide students with a sliding scale of right and wrong rather than a set of absolutes.
这种教育方式倾向于让学生们获得一种对与错的游标卡尺,而不只是一套绝对的标准。Able to read drawing and specification; Able to use measurement tools, like caliper, hi-pot tester etc.
会使用量测工具,如:游标卡尺、高压测试仪等;能够读懂图纸和规范;Measuring the swelling with pressure-sensitive callipers allowed Dr Spottiswoode to determine the strength of each bird's immune system.
通过用压感卡尺测量肿包大小能够使Spottiswoode博士得以确定免疫反映的强度。The fixed jaw in a set of calipers against which an object to be measured is placed.
似铁砧物一组卡尺中夹放被测物体的固定腭夹Able to use and read vernier calipers, micrometers, depth gauges and other basic and simple machinist's measuring instrument.
会使用和读出游标卡尺,千分尺,深度尺以及一些常用的测量工具。Be able to use general gages for inspection like venire caliper micrometer etc.
能够正确使用常规的量具,比如游标卡尺,千分尺等;A digital caliper used for facial and tooth measurements.
数字卡尺用于面部和牙齿的测量。All TWG products are designed with maximum multi-fit [dual drill] capability to provide caliper clearance for a broad range of vehicles.
所有的贸易小组产品设计最大的多适合[双钻]能力为车辆提供广泛卡尺检查。Multipurpose vernier depth gages are suitable for measuring depth , steps , T-slots , internal dimension and external dimension.