


核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……





汉语拼音:jì cè








  1. 亦作“ 计筴 ”。谋划;策略。

    《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“ 文帝 闻其客 平原君 为计策,使吏捕欲治。”《史记·魏其武安侯列传》:“ 孝景 崩,即日太子立,称制,所镇抚多有 田蚡 宾客计筴。” 三国 魏 刘劭 《人物志·材能》:“计策之能,术家之材也。故在朝也则三孤之任,为国则变化之政。” 宋 刘安世 《论李察知济州不当》:“数对宾佐,自矜其能,以谓用我计策,遂有成効。” 萧红 《白面孔》:“我想这是用的什么计策吧?把他弄上了圈套。”

  2. 犹计料。

    宋 宋祁 《杨太尉神道碑》:“于时公联掌皇城,密以情告,厚利盗言,或啗或訐,公即计策其诈……即日向发其谋,魁慝擒伏,扑燎未然。”参见“ 计料 ”。



  1. Just as he finished congratulating himself on his innocent ruse he was bumped hard by one of his opponents.


  2. The fox, with all his thousand tricks, had not been able to get out of sight, and fell a prey to the dogs.


  3. I was tempted to glance at the growing pile, just to check the size, but I knew that idea would not be helpful to my no-vomiting strategy.


  4. OBERON This falls out better than I could devise. But hast thou yet latch'd the Athenian's eyes With the love-juice, as I did bid thee do?


  5. But there is no obvious reason why it is worse for a president to take advice from his deputy than, for example, from his wife.


  6. The Egyptian opposition's takeover of the area around the parliament this week began with a trick.


  7. Oceanic iron fertilization is one of many proposed, planet-scale engineering solutions to climate change.


  8. People, it seems, are naturally inclined to do this anyway, but you can egg them on with a few simple tricks.


  9. Timothy Geithner, the US Treasury secretary, has come up with a wheeze that would allow governments to leverage their financial firepower.


  1. 他们秘密制订计策。

    They made their plans in secret.

  2. 你不需要耍计策

    You don't need to play dirty.

  3. 密谋诡计, 计策或图谋

    A trick, a scheme, or an intrigue.

  4. 密谋诡计,计策或图谋

    A trick, a scheme, or an intrigue.

  5. 这些计策对他有帮助。

    These tactics will help him.

  6. 很明显他改变了计策。

    He's obviously changed strategies.

  7. 你是自身计策的产物。

    You are the product of your own brainstorm.

  8. 矩阵对策上的计策理论

    Theory of tricks on a matrix game

  9. 连续对策上的计策理论

    Theory on Tricks on a Continuous Game

  10. 连续对策上的计策问题

    The Trick Problems about a Continuous Game

  11. 盖吉斯朋得最后计策。

    Guy of Gisborne's Last Attempt.

  12. 盖吉斯朋的最后计策。

    Guy of Gisborne's Last Attempt.

  13. 获悉敌方计策的机密情报。

    Have secret intelligence of the enemy's plans.

  14. 定下了诱敌深入的计策

    make a plan to lure the enemy in

  15. 用一计策反对或破坏另一计策

    To oppose or subvert one plot with another.

  16. 可能我的计策太明显了

    Perhaps my ploy was a bit too obvious

  17. 他会热切地抓住这个计策。

    He would snatch eagerly at a plan.

  18. 计策战胜别人的欺骗性手段

    A deceptive means of getting the better of someone.

  19. 最后他们想出了一条计策。

    Finally they hit upon a strategy.

  20. 晋献公采纳了荀息的计策。

    So Duke Xian of the State of Jin accepted Xun Xi's plan.

  21. 那这些花只是个计策 明白了。

    So the flowers were just a ruse.

  22. 这个小计策能救我的命吗?

    Did that little trick save my life?

  23. 按时间安排须注意事项的计策。

    A temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to.

  24. 他和太太共同想出一个计策。

    Together, he and his wife made a plan.

  25. 矩阵对策上的计策问题及其实例

    The Problem about Trick on a Matrix Game and Its Living Examples

  26. 这个计策特别适合波洛涅斯的性格。

    This artifice was particularly adapted to the disposition of Polonius

  27. 反计为挫败或击败进攻的计策

    A plot to frustrate or defeat an attack.

  28. 同一条计策很难用上两次。

    It is hard to pull the same trick twice.

  29. 迈克尔和艾略特有了个计策。

    Michael and Elliott had a plan.

  30. 我们想出了一个帮他的计策。

    We devised a scheme to help him.


  1. 问:计策拼音怎么拼?计策的读音是什么?计策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:计策的读音是jìcè,计策翻译成英文是 strategy



计策 jì cè 释义 [stratagem;plan;ruse;trick] 计谋;策略 又叫方法、谋略,如《三十六计》的计,即计策的意思。指人们通过积极发挥主观能动性,采用一种十分巧妙地方法达到自己目的的过程即为施展计策。 示例:明 冯梦龙 清 蔡元放《东周列国志》第八十二回:“召浑良夫计议:‘用何计策,可复得宝器?’”