











汉语拼音:qí mǎ zhǎo mǎ







  • 【解释】:骑着马去找别的马。原比喻一面占着一个位置,一面去另找更称心的工作。现多比喻东西就在自己这里,还到处去找。
  • 【出自】:宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷二十八:“诵经不不见有无义,真似骑驴更觅驴。”
  • 【示例】:他得一边儿找事,还得一边儿拉散座;~,他不能闲起来。
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语、分句;用于人


  1. na.
  2. look for a horse while sitting on one -- to hold on to one job while seeking a better one;look for donkey on donkey back -- absentminded;look for the horse while riding on it;ride a horse while looking for it

  1. 我做这份工作是骑马找马。

    I'm just marking time in this job.

  2. 他马上叫来一个帮手,陪他骑马去找农夫算帐。

    At once he called a hired hand to accompany him and rode out with the farmer.

  3. 因此, 她去找马, 要求他用马背驮她逃离猎狗。

    So, she went to the horse, and asked him to carry her away from the dogs on his back.

  4. 当空气恢复清新的时候,杰德立刻开始找马。

    When the air became clear, Jed looked for the horse.

  5. 恺乐和奶奶,恺恩和爸爸,一道骑马看马,还看小狗。

    Kevin and his little playmates had a good time outside the Carousel.

  6. 他骑马带着猎犬,越过篱墙,涉过小河去找猎。

    He follows his hounds over hedges and through rivers.

  7. 没有骑马或没有马的。

    not on horseback or provided with horses.

  8. 她第一次骑马就坠马骨折了。

    The first time she rode a horse, she fell off and broke a bone.

  9. 她第一次骑马就坠马骨折了。

    The first time she rode a horse, she fell off and broke a bone.

  10. 马把骑马的人掀翻下来。

    The horse threw its rider.

  11. 马对骑马人的轻击做出了反应。

    The horse answered to its riders touch.

  12. 马把骑马的人掀翻下来。她把马具从马头上取下。

    She lifted the harness over the horse's head.

  13. 我们要找马克 霍洛韦

    We're looking for Mark Holloway.

  14. 我们要找马克 霍洛韦。

    We're looking for Mark Holloway.

  15. 其中最吓人的是一个无头骑士骑着马到处找他丢失的头。

    The most horrible part was that the nohead knight rode to look for his missing head.

  16. 你好,我想找马洛先生,谢谢!

    Hello, could I speak to Mr. Marlow, please

  17. 他找马云磨嘴皮子, 让马云把51。

    He looks for Ma Yun jabber, cloud letting a horse lets 51.

  18. 如果我不知道答案, 那就去找马拉。

    If I don't know the answer, then go ask Malah.

  19. 接线员请接分机7049号找马丁先生,好 吗

    Operator, would you mind switching this call through to Mr. Martin on extension 7049

  20. 他们试着骑马,但那些马不喜欢炎热的天气和沙漠。

    They tried to ride horses, but those horses didn't like hot weather and desert.

  21. 骑马的人勒住了马。

    The rider reined in his horse.

  22. 我们骑马跟着领头得马跑了几分钟。

    We trotted after the leading horse for some minutes.

  23. 决不能让汤姆这样干, 骑着马四处去找人。

    It is absolutely impossible to let Tom go on in this way, riding about in quest of any body.

  24. 国王把格雷特尔扶上腾跃着的马,他们骑马向天宫走去。

    The King lifted Gretel on to his prancing horse and they rode to his palace.

  25. 假装骑马。

    Pretend to ride a horse.

  26. 骑马疾驰。

    To ride a horse at a gallop.

  27. 骑马。骑骡子。

    Riding a horse. Riding a mule.

  28. 她善於骑马。

    She sat her horse well.

  29. 骑马下海人

    Riders to the Sea

  30. 骑马过草原

    ride the prairies


  1. 问:骑马找马拼音怎么拼?骑马找马的读音是什么?骑马找马翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骑马找马的读音是qímǎzhǎomǎ,骑马找马翻译成英文是 to sit on one horse and look for another - to hold on...


