




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……







  1. The Spurs will find out what he's capable of doing but they liked what they saw of him in college.


  2. After growing up in a family of seven children in Birmingham, Spelling met her first serious partner, a man, when she was at university.


  3. The advice is backed by the National Union of Students and is being handed out on leaflets at universities over the next couple of weeks.


  4. Freshmen in college to meet the meeting, our principal, said the arrival of our grand welcome, and wish we had a wonderful college life.


  5. Otherwise, the name of the college students are the only secondary school students to stay in the university only.


  6. Joan: Gee, I hadn't thought of that. Now, I suppose I ought to try to get something in business line, since that's my major in college.


  7. The original premise of Felicity made it out as a drama with comic touches, a sort of 1990s The Wonder Years set at college.


  8. And since so much of the action was playing out on college campuses, I decided to stick with the undergraduate scene I knew.


  9. The girl wept a lot during her first semester in college. After all, it was the first time that she had ever lived far away from her family.


  1. 他在大学求学。

    He studies at college.

  2. 我在大学教书。

    I teach in a university.

  3. 我在大学学习。

    I study at... university.

  4. 他们在哪?在大学。

    Onde eles esto Na universidade.

  5. 我在大学修历史。

    I'm taking history at university.

  6. 我在大学修历史。

    I'm taking history at university.

  7. 他在大学攻读神学。

    He read theology at university.

  8. 她在大学攻读历史

    She read history as an undergraduate.

  9. 他在大学专攻物理。

    He specialized in physics at college.

  10. 一直固定在大学任教

    fixture in the university

  11. 他在大学讲授哲学。

    He lectured on philosophy at university.

  12. 她在大学继续深造。

    She is pursuing her studies at the university.

  13. 她在大学学习经济学。

    Shes studying economics at college.

  14. 在大学里, 要分秒必争!

    Time Management. In college, every seconds count!

  15. 我在大学经常打球。

    I played some ball in college.

  16. 她在大学中挣扎着。

    She is floundering in college.

  17. 她住在大学宿舍里。

    She lived in a college dormitory.

  18. 在大学期间我省吃俭用。

    I and pinched and saved my way through college.

  19. 他们是在大学结识的。

    They palled up at college.

  20. 我后来在大学才学的。

    I learned later, at college.

  21. 你在大学学习绘画吗?

    Do you study drawing at college?

  22. 他在大学学习植物学。

    He studied botany at university.

  23. 在大学里我主修理科。

    In college I majored in science.

  24. 你在大学教什么课程

    What courses do you teach in the campus

  25. 我在大学里工作, 离异。

    I work in a university, divorced.

  26. 简在大学学习天文学。

    Jane studied astronomy in university.

  27. 她在大学里读经济学。

    She is studying economics at college.

  28. 我的初恋在大学时代。

    I had my puppy love in the university.

  29. 她在大学学习统计学。

    Shes studying statistics at university.

  30. 你在大学读什么科目?

    What subjects are you studying at the college?