


1. 南 [nán]2. 南 [nā]南 [nán]方向,早晨面对太阳,右手的一边,与“北”相对:~北。~方。~面。~国(指中国南部)。~陲(南部边疆)。~极。~半球。姓。南 [nā]〔~无(mó)〕佛教用语,意思是合掌稽首,表示对佛尊敬或……





汉语拼音:nán hán






南韩 [大韩民国,简称“韩国”,位于东亚朝鲜半岛南部,总面积约@@@@@万平方公里(占朝鲜半岛面积的@@@@@%),通用韩语,总人口约@@@@@万。首都为首尔。#####]
  1. 大韩民国,简称“韩国”,位于东亚朝鲜半岛南部,总面积约@@@@@万平方公里(占朝鲜半岛面积的@@@@@%),通用韩语,总人口约@@@@@万。首都为首尔。



  1. Thanking South Korea for her agreement of the land swap, that Taiwan owns the resources of Grain, Fish, and Rubber.


  2. But as she progressed, she became disenchanted with the rigorous training regimen of her South Korean club team.


  3. He had not been such a bad president as far as foreign policy or the economy went. But those efforts suddenly counted for nothing.


  4. South Korean political manipulation. . . The North may be trying to undermine support for the existing Lee Myung-bak administration.


  5. During the sea battle, a South Korean patrol boat hit by a North Korean patrol boat sank as it was being towed back.


  6. I also understand about not being able to travel with me to South Korea.


  7. Despite being a very modern city, the South Korean capital has centuries of history, and it's all pretty easy to take in.


  8. An Air China Boeing 767 travelling from Beijing to Pusan in South Korea crashed into a mountain, killing 128 of the 166 on board.


  9. He's supremely confident, though, of South Korea's ability to discourage any designs the North might have of risking another shooting war.


  1. 从南韩撤出资金

    yank money from South Korea

  2. 俄罗斯取代南韩,居第9位。

    Russia overtook South Korea to rank ninth.

  3. 南韩妇女化很重的妆。

    South Korean women wear heavy makeup.

  4. 南韩和丹麦加强双边关系。

    South Korea and Denmark strengthening bilateral relations.

  5. 南韩是一个多山的国家。

    South Korea is a mountainous country.

  6. 老师将台湾和南韩加以比较。

    The teacher drew a comparison between Taiwan and South Korea.

  7. 南韩已经明令禁止人类再生克隆。

    Human reproductive cloning already is banned in South Korea.

  8. 南韩这场怒火始于食物之争。

    The Korean blowup started with a food fight.

  9. 她的朋友说南韩是个疯狂的地方。

    Her chum said that South Korea is a scary place.

  10. 南韩正在为经济的复苏而迅速重整旗鼓。

    South Korea is making one of the swiftest comebacks.

  11. 笑一笑, 不要让南韩的小朋友看笑话了。

    Smile, kids from the South might see this.

  12. 感觉十分激动在南韩非常有影响力哦。

    Was a quite influential figure in South Korea.

  13. 在南韩三星靠生产和营销联袂发家。

    In South Korea Samsung has prospered by keeping both production and marketing in house.

  14. 南韩预期在星期一和星期二上演军事训练。

    South Korea is now expected to stage the military drills Monday or Tuesday.

  15. 我们推断和哥伦比亚、巴拿马、南韩签约。

    We concluded agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea.

  16. 每年有好几万南韩年轻人出国学习英语。

    Tens of thousands of young Koreans go abroad as they try to learn to speak English.

  17. 朴先生说, 人们正在恢复对南韩经济的信心。

    Confidence in the South Korean economy is returning, Mr. Park says.

  18. 朴先生说,人们正在恢复对南韩经济得信心。

    Confidence in the South Korean economy is returning, Mr. Park says.

  19. 朴先生说,人们正在恢复对南韩经济的信心。

    Confidence in the South Korean economy is returning, Mr. Park says.

  20. 经过上半埸的赛事后, 南韩尽力追和多哥。

    After the first half of the game, South Korea pushed for an equalizer against Togo.

  21. 案例之一, 南韩科学家, 黄禹锡是一个强有力的例子。

    The case of Korean scientist Hwang Woo Suk offers one powerful example.

  22. 南韩和美国的关系在和平与紧张中长期摇摆不定。

    Koreas relations with American have long seesawed between peace and peril.

  23. 对核的回收利用,使南韩即将拥有制造核弹的能力。

    Nuclear recycling would bring South Korea to the brink of being able to make bombs.

  24. 去年八月二十七日,南韩一名学生在首尔上网。

    South Korean student surfs the Internet in Seoul on Aug. 27, 2007.

  25. 相较于新加坡、香港和南韩,台湾的电价是最低的。

    When compared to Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea, Taiwan has the lowest energy costs.

  26. 南韩抗议者举牌抗议在首尔举行的自由贸易协定会谈。

    South Korean protester holds a picket at a rally to protest free trade agreement talks in Seoul March 9, 2006.

  27. 南韩官员已表示相信华府即将与平壤恢复实质对话。

    South Korean officials said they believe that the United States will soon resume substantial dialogs with Pyongyang

  28. 在联合国的支持下,有美国参加的盟军代表南韩介入了战争。

    Under the aegis of the United Nations, nations allied with the United States intervened on behalf of South Korea.

  29. 其它由破坏森林变成植树造林的亚洲国家包括南韩和越南。

    Other Asian countries that have gone from deforestation to afforestation include South Korea and Vietnam.

  30. 南韩在探求它的经济命运时也选择了不要像日本那样。

    South Korea also chooses not to be like Japan in seeking its economic destiny.


  1. 问:南韩神学拼音怎么拼?南韩神学的读音是什么?南韩神学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:南韩神学的读音是nánhánshénxué,南韩神学翻译成英文是 Korean theology

  2. 问:南韩死刑制度拼音怎么拼?南韩死刑制度的读音是什么?南韩死刑制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:南韩死刑制度的读音是,南韩死刑制度翻译成英文是 Capital punishment in South Korea

  3. 问:南韩环球影城拼音怎么拼?南韩环球影城的读音是什么?南韩环球影城翻译成英文是什么?

    答:南韩环球影城的读音是,南韩环球影城翻译成英文是 Universal Studios South Korea