




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……



汉语拼音:nián zhōng






  1. 即中年,壮年。

    《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》:“吾年中时,尝欲受其方。” 司马贞 索隐:“案年中,谓中年时也。中年,亦壮年也。古人语自尔。”

  2. 谓一年之内。如:这件事我一定在年中办妥。



  1. Yamaichi had been one of Japan's top four brokerages, and its failure is considered an iconic marker of the era known as the "lost decade. "

  2. There is still a chance that the divorce statistics might turn out to be better than the gloomy prediction from the ONS in coming years.

  3. The sun "was thought to be having a cooling effect over the last few years, " Forster notes, a thought now shown likely to be mistaken.

  4. If we had to raise revenues, it's fair to ask those of us in high-income groups, who got the primary benefit of growth over the last decade.

  5. Every day for decades, engineer Phil Pressel would come home from work and be unable to tell his wife what he'd been doing all day.

  6. "Many new cable systems are slated to enter service between Europe and Egypt in the next few years, " he said.

  7. Keeping all this in mind, PILOT wanted to create a shape and design that was more simple than in year's past, but still unique.

  8. I spent so much time on club activities during the four years. However, I did not miss any of my classes.

  9. But for the last 35 years, the US has been trying to help China grow.


  1. 最近几年中

    in recent years.

  2. 一年中的月份

    The Months of the year

  3. 一年中的四季。

    The four seasons of the year.

  4. 两年中的五次叛乱。

    five rebellions in two years

  5. 一年中有两个学期。

    There are two semesters in a year.

  6. 在一年中喜庆的季节

    At this festive season of the year

  7. 她在四年中怀孕叁次。

    She's had three pregnancies in four years.

  8. 二是在本会计年度年中

    Transfer during the fiscal year

  9. 在那些年中,他博览群书。

    Over the years, he read widely.

  10. 一年中你会病几次?

    How often do you get sick in one year?

  11. 正是一年中春暖之季。

    The year's at the spring.

  12. 一年中最昏暗的冬夕。

    The darkest evening of the year.

  13. 一年中发生月食的次数

    A letter from author number of lunar eclipses during a calendar year

  14. 彼得五年中转会三次。

    Peter transferred three times in five years.

  15. 彼得五年中转会三次。

    Peter transferred three times in five years.

  16. 四月是一年中的第四个月。

    April is fourth month of the year.

  17. 八月是一年中的第八个月。

    August is the eighth month in a year.

  18. 二月是一年中的第二个月。

    February is the second month in a year.

  19. 十月是一年中的第十个月。

    October is the tenth month of the year.

  20. 九月是一年中的第九个月。

    September is the ninth month of a year.

  21. 二月是一年中的第二个月。

    February is the second month in a year.

  22. 春季一年中最早的季节

    That first spring, Deb noticed the crocuses.

  23. 三年中, 他的收入增至三倍。

    His income tripled in three years.

  24. 想过去一年中发生的事

    thinking about everything that happened this year.

  25. 一年中的第三个月是三月。

    The eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

  26. 春季是一年中最好的季节。

    Spring is the best season of the year.

  27. 夏季是一年中最好的时光。

    Summertime is the best time of the year.

  28. 年中, 学年中期一年或一学年的中期

    The middle of the calendar or academic year.

  29. 这象征性的一年中的短短一瞬。

    a tiny fraction of the year.

  30. 这是四年中第一次削减利率。

    It was the first cut in four years.


  1. 问:年中拼音怎么拼?年中的读音是什么?年中翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年中的读音是niánzhōng,年中翻译成英文是 The middle of a year, usually refers to June and Ju...

  2. 问:年中某日拼音怎么拼?年中某日的读音是什么?年中某日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年中某日的读音是nián zhōng mǒu rì,年中某日翻译成英文是 Day-of-Year



词目:年中 拼音:niánzhōng 英文:Midyear 词义:一个历年的中间或中间一段时间 详细解释 1. 即中年,壮年。

《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》:“吾年中时,尝欲受其方。”司马贞 索隐:“案年中,谓中年时也。中年,亦壮年也。古人语自尔。” 2. 谓一年之内。如:这件事我一定在年中办妥。