




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:jiǔ dà






  1. 久远宏大。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·史传》:“使一代之制共日月而长存,王霸之跡并天地而久大。” 宋 苏辙 《陈州为张安道论时事书》:“嚮使陛下推行此道,始终不变,则臣以为久大之功可得而致矣。” 清 王夫之 《思问录·内篇》:“宇宙者,积而成乎久大者也。”



  1. The conversation about which operating system to use was at least one that all of Apple's top executives were familiar with.


  2. But soon, majority the student appear for the meeting in poor fettle, the interest not thick phenomenon.


  3. Recently, their oldest daughter asked Mr. Araya if the family would have to move.


  4. Shortly after the quake, the pandas were transferred to safer places, but the bamboo groves could not be moved.


  5. Use this approach to work, you will really simple. Rattan Yihui, there is some living there, and soon, the.




  1. 久大盐业公司

    Jiuda Salt Co.

  2. 他的名誉越传越远,越久越大。

    His name has spread far and wide and become more and more celebrated with the passing of time.

  3. 机场滑行道桥建筑年限久, 荷载大, 断交难。

    The taxiway bridge have been built for long years and with high loading.

  4. 我认为这不错, 这让我想起了很久之前的大黄蜂。

    Oh, I think its darling. It reminds me a lot of Bumble Bee.

  5. 这是一个为了更久、更大的愉悦而暂缓享乐的问题。

    It is a question of delaying gratification for the sake of a longer lasting and more satisfying pleasure.

  6. 那只是一个更大更久的泡沫之前的一个小光点而已。

    It turned out to be a blip on the way to an even bigger, longer boom.

  7. 这种结果得危险在于, 维持越久, 泡沫越大, 损失也将越大。

    And the consequence is that the longer the maintenance isthe bigger bubbles and losses will be.

  8. 这种结果的危险在于, 维持越久, 泡沫越大, 损失也将越大。

    And the consequence is that the longer the maintenance isthe bigger bubbles and losses will be.

  9. 大游戏大的太久了,手都长茧子了,你连鞋带都系不上。

    Your hands are so gnarled from gripping the controller, you can not even tie your shoes.

  10. 有时候他们要等很久才赚到一大笔钱。

    Sometimes they had to wait a long time for good things to happen.

  11. 决议拖得越久, 损失就越大, 债务负担也就越重。

    The longer resolution is postponed, the greater the losses and the larger the debt burden.

  12. 汽车和政治一样, 混迹江湖的日子越久, 影响力就越大。

    In cars as well as politics, incumbency equals power.

  13. 很久以前,有个大商人带领商队去另一个国家卖货。

    Once upon a time, a certain tradesman was leading a caravan to another country to sell his goods.

  14. 这场大辩论酝酿已久。

    This great debate has been brewing for a long time.

  15. 也不可能吸尘太久,以免内袋变大到能噎死一只老虎。

    It is impossible to let the vacuuming go for too long, lest the bezoars become large enough to choke a tiger.

  16. 太阳的亮度在几十亿年内甚至更久都不会有大幅度的变化。

    The Sun's brightness should not change greatly for a thousand million years or more.

  17. 呼和浩特保存最完好规模最大,年代最久的喇嘛教寺院。

    Hohhot bestpreserved largest and the oldest in the temple Lamaism.

  18. 大公司对此殷切期盼已久。

    Big companies have long been preparing for it with enthusiasm.

  19. 很久很久以前,就有了四大发明。

    Long long ago, there were four great inventions.

  20. 什么大案子?是你期待已久的吗?

    the big score the mother lode the one you ve been waiting for.

  21. 屋大维在位时间长达44年之久。

    Thereafter, Octavian ruled Rome for 44 years.

  22. 她不会生气很久的,不过是小题大作。

    She won't be angry for long; its only a storm in a teacup.

  23. 那场大火烧了很久才受到控制。

    The fire went on for some time before it was brought under control.

  24. 亚特兰大太大了,你住这儿很久了吗

    Atlanta is a tough city to figure out. Have you lived here long?

  25. 经济衰退持续越久, 对幸福的摧毁就越大。

    The longer the recession, the greater the destruction of happiness.

  26. 经济衰退持续越久,对幸福得摧毁就越大。

    The longer the recession,the greater the destruction of happiness.

  27. 很久以前,这座山脚下有个很大的湖。

    Once upon a time, there was a large lake at the foot of the mountain.

  28. 很久以前,这座山脚下有个很大的湖。

    Once upon a time, there was a large lake at the foot of the mountain.

  29. 很久以前,一座大山隆隆作响,摇晃起来。

    Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake.

  30. 很久很久以前, 在森林里有一棵大橡木树。

    Once upon a time, there was a large oak tree in the forest.