


1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……





汉语拼音:hóng táng






  1. 食用糖的一种。褐黄色、赤褐色或黑色,用甘蔗的糖浆熬过后搅拌、冷却而成,含有砂糖和糖蜜,具特殊香味。多为妇女产后食用。

    冰心 《张嫂》:“我连忙上楼去,用红纸包了五十块钱的票子,交给 老张 ,说:‘给 张嫂 买点红糖吃。’”



  1. One day, when he was a child, his mother sent him out to buy her some brown sugar, but he returned with some white sugar instead.


  2. Note that sugar has various aliases: Brown sugar, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup and evaporated cane juice are a few examples.


  3. Do not eat sugar, used brown sugar, honey instead. Instant noodles, MSG did not want to eat.


  4. Melt the butter in a sauce pan. Add the flour, oatmeal and brown sugar. Mix into a paste.


  5. Adding a little butter, ranch dressing, cheese sauce or brown sugar to a vegetable dish can significantly improve its kid appeal.


  6. Put the next 5 ingredients into the saucepan. Heat on medium for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly, until the brown sugar is dissolved.


  7. In a saucepan, simmer ginger, cinnamon, and water 20 minutes, or more for stronger tea. Add honey or sugar and strain tea through a sieve.


  8. adding by parts of weight of brown sugar and every kind of trace element, stirring, mixing and packing into finished products.


  9. Our poor grass and hay are a hundred times better than his rich porridge and sweet brown sugar.


  1. 多喝点红糖水。

    Drink bit of red syrup more.

  2. 对不起, 红糖卖完了。

    I'm sorry, brown sugar is out of stock.

  3. 对不起,红糖卖完了。

    I'm sorry ,brown sugar is out of stock .

  4. 白糖比红糖易于测量

    White sugar measures more easily than brown.

  5. 红糖排毒,还你润白肌肤

    Brown Sugar Eliminating Poison, Making your White Skin Return.

  6. 生姜红糖饮料的加工工艺研究

    Preparation of a Beverage with Brown Sugar and Ginger Juice

  7. 在碗放入白糖, 红糖和黄油。

    In a bowl place white sugar, brown sugar and butter.

  8. 红糖是红色得糖吗 没见过!

    The English name is brown sugar, understand

  9. 红糖茶饮治疗婴幼儿腹泻30例

    Treatment of 30 Cases of Infantile Diarrhea by Decoction with Brown Sugar and Tea

  10. 红糖姜汁麦米粥的工艺研究

    Study on the Breakfast Project Wheat Rice Congee of Brown Suger and Ginger

  11. 古法红糖是你美妙、健康的选择。

    It is a wonderful and healthy choice for you.

  12. 我感觉到醋。糖蜜。番茄酱。红糖!

    BSensing vinegar. molasses. tomato paste. brown sugar!

  13. 上面盖满许多奶油、红糖和棉棉糖。

    With lots of butter and brown sugar and marshmallows on top.

  14. 洒上红糖,柠檬汁和橡树果粉末。

    Sprinkle the fruit with brown sugar a teaspoon of lemon juice and nutmeg.

  15. 取干姜10克,大枣20个,红糖粳米各30克。

    10 grams from dried ginger, jujube20, brown sugar,30 grams of japonica rice.

  16. 用糖蜜或红糖做成的黑麦面包。

    A rye bread made with molasses or brown sugar.

  17. 我们的建筑师浑身沾满冰沙的红糖水。

    Our architect was covered in red syrup.

  18. 小碗红糖造型古朴、典雅,包装也很别致。

    Small bowl of brown sugar, modeling simple, elegant, very chic packaging.

  19. 古法红糖是黑颜色,微湿的传统糖。

    Traditional Brown Sugar is a black color, moist and traditional sugar.

  20. 在一碗中混合水, 红糖, 生抽, 苹果汁。

    In a bowl, combine the water, brown sugar, soy sauce, apple juice.

  21. 至于感冒, 你可以喝些红糖煮得姜茶。

    For a cold, you can drink tea made of brown sugar and ginger.

  22. 至于感冒,你可以喝些红糖煮的姜茶。

    For a cold, you can drink tea made of brown sugar and ginger.

  23. 我特别地以红糖代替白糖做了这个蛋糕。

    I made this cake specially, with brown sugar instead of white.

  24. 在一小碗中, 混合红糖, 腰果, 盐与姜粉。

    In a small bowl, combine brown sugar, cashews, salt and ginger.

  25. 快乐由此如红糖遇见热茶般,融化和漫延。

    Happiness is gonna be melting and spreading, just like browN sugaR meets hot tea.

  26. 将番茄,红糖,茴香,蒜和生姜放入处理器中。

    Place tomatoes, brown sugar, cumin, garlic, and ginger in processor.

  27. 玫瑰花茶里加冰糖,红茶里放红糖,菊花茶里加甘草片。

    Put crystal sugar in rose tea, brown sugar in black tea, liquorice slice in chrysanthemum tea.

  28. 淋上果汁并给每个苹果上面针铺上1茶匙红糖。

    Pour the juice over the apples and top each apple with 1 teaspoon brown sugar.

  29. 小便白、大便溏、舌苔白,肯定是要服生姜红糖汤了。

    Whitish urine, sloppy stool, white tongue coating are symptoms for taking Fresh Ginger and Brown Sugar Decoction.

  30. 加入波萝块,撒上红糖。炒到变为棕色,加入朗姆酒。

    Add the pineapple cubes, and then the brown sugar. Fry until brown. Add the rum.


  1. 问:红糖拼音怎么拼?红糖的读音是什么?红糖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红糖的读音是hóngtáng,红糖翻译成英文是 brown sugar; dark brown sugar