







汉语拼音:kuài gōng






  1. 指球类运动中的快速进攻战术。

    国宝 《“天安门城墙”后继有人了》:“她弹跳轻捷有力,能攻善守,且擅长快攻、拦网。”



  1. I really like how they got out on the break and kept their turnovers down. This was a solid, professional beat-down by the Rockets.


  2. A few minutes later, Brooks among the fast break Fancy playing ball, Mike - Harris watched the ball fly away on their own side.


  3. In such a way, Suns had to keep most of their players to fight for the rebounds and could not be able to run the fast break.


  4. Hopefully, this will lay some basic groundwork for you to (with practice) start countering these rushes.


  5. During the middle game you can use your Home City to build up your economy or to support a rush attack.


  6. His defense has steadily improved. His passing and ability to run the floor continue to help the team.


  7. The fast break usually begins with the defense of the board but not with scrambling for the ball.


  8. What the Rocket fears are teams of using fast attack, and the Phoenix Suns is just outstanding at it.


  9. This will speed up the time to unit production and decrease the impact of all-in rushes without affecting the early-game scouting phase.


  1. 近台快攻。

    Fast attacks over the table.

  2. 发动快攻次数少。

    Few times of fast break.

  3. 快攻需要多加练习。

    Fast break need more practice.

  4. 雄鹿队打快攻得手。

    The Bucks scores a quick ball.

  5. 我们队想打快攻。

    Our team wants to launch a quick attack.

  6. 很明显,影队快攻。

    Well, thats obvious, Shadow team rushing.

  7. 肯雄鹿队打快攻得手。

    K The Bucks scores a quick ball.

  8. 他很擅长传球,快攻和突破。

    He is good at pass the ball, fast attack and break through.

  9. 快攻是篮球战术中的重点部分。

    Fast attack is one of the strategies in playing basketball.

  10. 我们反对慢攻提倡快攻。

    We are strongly against the slow break but are strongly for the fast break.

  11. 你们3个后卫要当心他们的快攻。

    You three guards are in there to stop their fast break.

  12. 篮球端线球快攻的组织及运用

    Organization and application of quick baskatball launch at end line

  13. 他们打控制球战术,我们打快攻。

    They are playing a control game, we are playing the fast break.

  14. 快攻技术在手球比赛中的主导作用

    The Main Effect of Quick Attack Technique for the Handball Competition

  15. 中外女子篮球快攻特点的对比研究

    Contrastive study of the quick attack characteristics of Chinese and foreign women basketball

  16. 广东队快攻, 外援史密斯反击得分。

    Guangdong break team, foreign aid to counter Smith scored.

  17. 收割者17是对抗这类快攻最好得阵营。

    Reaper15 is the best faction to stop the Bloodhound rush.

  18. 收割者17是对抗这类快攻最好的阵营。

    Reaper17 is the best faction to stop the Bloodhound rush.

  19. 阿尔斯通是可怕的, 在快攻上很可怕!

    Rafer is horrible, horrible in fast break.

  20. 篮板球快攻和端线球快攻的发动受到遏制。

    The rebound quick attacks the launch which quick attacks with the end armature to receive the containment.

  21. 快攻是预算表示租赁服务具有无纸交易。

    Fastbreak is the Budget express rental service featuring paperless transactions.

  22. 对直拍正胶快攻打法创新的思考

    Innovation on Penholder Grip Fast Attack with the Rubber Surface Racket of Table Tennis

  23. 第28届奥运会中外男篮快攻能力的比较研究

    A research on the fast break ability compare between Chinese and foreign man basketball teams in the 28th Olympic Games

  24. 第28届奥运会中外男篮快攻能力得比较研究

    A research on the fast break ability compare between Chinese and foreign man basketball teams in the 28th Olympic Games

  25. 中日韩男子手球比赛快攻发动时机的比较研究

    In Handball Games Among Chiana, Japan and Korea

  26. 浅谈快攻在教学中学生易犯的错误与纠正方法

    On Easily Made Mistakes in Fast Attack and Ways to Correct Them

  27. 拉攻战术是快攻打法对付削球类打法得主要战术。

    Pull attacking tactics is quick attack hits a law to cope with snick kind the main tactics that makes a way.

  28. 拉攻战术是快攻打法对付削球类打法的主要战术。

    Pull attacking tactics is quick attack hits a law to cope with snick kind the main tactics that makes a way.

  29. 不过,如果您得对手没有采用影队快攻,您将浪费1200元。

    However,if your opponent does not Shadow Team rush,are going to be about 1,200 bucks.

  30. 火箭最怵那些打快攻的球队,太阳则是其中的佼佼者。

    What the Rocket fears are teams of using fast attack, and the Phoenix Suns is just outstanding at it.


  1. 问:快攻拼音怎么拼?快攻的读音是什么?快攻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快攻的读音是kuàigōng,快攻翻译成英文是 fast break; quick attack

  2. 问:快攻路线拼音怎么拼?快攻路线的读音是什么?快攻路线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快攻路线的读音是kuài gōng lù xiàn,快攻路线翻译成英文是 lane

  3. 问:快攻结合弧圈球拼音怎么拼?快攻结合弧圈球的读音是什么?快攻结合弧圈球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快攻结合弧圈球的读音是kuài gōng jié hé hú quān qiú,快攻结合弧圈球翻译成英文是 fast attack and loop