











汉语拼音:fù zhé wù dǎo



  1. 网络
  2. The Dumbest Moments in Business History

  1. 他在重蹈你的覆辙。

    He's been following your career.

  2. 柴德威决计不蹈此覆辙。

    Chadwick was determined that no such thing was going to happen to him.

  3. 我不会重蹈艾萨克的覆辙。

    What happened to Isaac's not gonna happen to me.

  4. 我不会重蹈艾萨克的覆辙。

    What happened to Isaac's not gonna happen to me.

  5. 我不想让你再重蹈我的覆辙。

    I don't want you to go through what I did.

  6. 她不想重蹈第一次婚姻的覆辙。

    She does not want to repeat the mistake of her first marriage.

  7. 别拿我跟你比,我没重蹈你的覆辙。

    Stop comparing us. I never did what you did.

  8. 而非再一次 重蹈战争悲剧的覆辙

    and not once again repeat the tragedies of war.

  9. 也不愿意承认你在重蹈我的覆辙

    Than take out a gall bladder that you're the new me.

  10. 我只是不想你重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙。

    I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl.

  11. 冰岛肯定不希望重蹈阿根廷覆辙。

    A similar path must be an unappealing prospect for Iceland.

  12. 我又如何教导他们,让他们不再重蹈我的覆辙?

    How can I teach them about what I did so that they don't do the same thing?

  13. 我们不要重蹈伊朗的覆辙 进行错误的改革

    Let us not repeat the mistake of Iran, of Misdaq revolution.

  14. 他的目的就是要让读者不要重蹈自己的覆辙。

    His aim is to discourage readers from doing likewise.

  15. 重要的是不要重蹈2005年审议大会失败的覆辙。

    It was important not to repeat the failure of the2005 Review Conference.

  16. 不解决这个问题,有机棉会重蹈彩棉覆辙。

    Do not solve this problem, organic cotton will be repeating the mistakes colored.

  17. 重要得是不要重蹈2005年审议大会失败得覆辙。

    It was important not to repeat the failure of the2005 Review Conference.

  18. 请不要再重蹈我们对待艾滋病和疟疾的覆辙

    We cannot make the mistakes we've made with malaria and HIV.

  19. 那么是什么拯救我们于全面重蹈大萧条覆辙的呢?

    So what saved us from a full replay of the Great Depression?

  20. 艾拉告诉我她的人生其实是在 重蹈她母亲的覆辙。

    And Ella says to me that she is repeating the cycle of her own mother's life before her.

  21. 我真心希望你们按照我现在说的做而不要重蹈我的覆辙!

    I sincerely hope every body do as I now say not as I did!

  22. 之后, 中共采取了一切努力来避免重蹈苏联解体的覆辙。

    And the CPC thereafter took all efforts to avoid repeating the same mistakes of the USSR.

  23. 美国能避免继续重蹈过去金融危机和经济衰退的覆辙吗?

    Can the U. S. avoid continuing down the deep rut of past financial crises and recessions.

  24. 希望本书可以帮助读者避免在某些方面重蹈笔者的覆辙。

    It is hoped that the reader will be helped to avoid some of my pitfalls.

  25. 我认为,没有任何一家公司愿意重蹈贝尔斯登的覆辙。

    I do not think any company is interested in repeating the experience of Bear Stearns.

  26. 慢着,他吃粉笔吗?因为我不想你重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙。

    Wait dose he eat chalk Just, cause, I dont want her to go through what I did with Carl.

