


1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……





汉语拼音:jī àn






  1. Perhaps I am fashioned for the ornament of a temple, or a precious vase for the table of a king.


  2. Performance in this regard as the height of the traditional couch Jian continue to increase;


  3. The table for placing the memorial to the throne


  1. 放奏章的几案。案, 古时狭长的桌子

    The table for placing the memorial to the throne

  2. 放奏章得几案。案,古时狭长得桌子

    The table for placing the memorial to the throne.

  3. 这种厨的出现与汉代的几案不无联系。

    The emergence of this kitchen and the Han dynasty's ji an not without contact.

  4. 还包括了我们为贵公司做得几个企划案样本。

    Also included are a few sample proposals we have put together for your company.

  5. 还包括了我们为贵公司做的几个企划案样本。

    Also included are a few sample proposals we have put together for your company.

  6. 当然在维多利亚州也曾经出现过几起纵火案。

    We We've also have had some cases of arson as you know across the state.

  7. 公安行政诉讼受案范围几个疑难问题浅探

    Superficial Discussion about Several Knotty Problems of Range of Public Security Administrative Lawsuit

  8. 最近这里发生了几起行凶抢劫案。

    There have been several muggings here recently.

  9. 古冈被扣留两个星期以协助警方调查他涉及的几起偷车案。

    Kugan was held under a twoweek remand to facilitate police investigations linking him to several car theft cases.

  10. 这几个男人坚持说案发时他们在国外。

    The men maintained they were out of the country when the crime was committed.

  11. 从人到案破案模式的几个问题

    Several Problems of from Suspect to Case Detection Pattern.

  12. 扣关无僮仆,窥室惟案几。

    No deduction related restaveks, but the case illustrates several rooms.

  13. 几年前的人口失踪案。

    Missing persons case from a couple of years ago.

  14. 几年前的人口失踪案。

    Missing persons case from a couple of years ago.

  15. 对一起拒付案的几点思考

    Reflections on a case of dishonor or of payment

  16. 处理一件医疗诉讼案的几点思考

    Some thoughts on the handling of a medical lawsuit

  17. 关于行政诉讼受案范围的几点思考

    Reflections on the Appellate Extention of Administrative Lawsuits

  18. 几位政客成了贪污案的指控标靶。

    Charges of corruption were leveled at several politicians.

  19. 对于他的几项罪名, 我们将并案审理。

    We will put him on a comprehensive trial.

  20. 对于他的几项罪名,我们将并案审理。

    We will put him on a comprehensive trial.

  21. 警方用了几天时间追查到案中目标。

    It took the police several days to track down their quarry.

  22. 我强烈建议您花几分钟时间浏览他的文件案。

    I highly suggest you spend a few minutes browsing his archives.

  23. 审讯结果表明这个组织中几个主要人物都牵连在案。

    The trial resulted in the implication of several major figures in the organization.

  24. 印度和几内亚指出,它们对绑架案进行了统计。

    India and Guinea indicated that they kept statistics on the number of cases of kidnapping.

  25. 仍有几项发行案正在筹划中,可能影响最终排名。

    There are still a few offerings in the pipeline that could change the final status of the league table rankings.

  26. 审讯结果表明这个组织中有几个主要人物都牵连在案。

    The trial resulted in the implication of several major figures in the organization.

  27. 地震后的几个月内,海地就发生了至少250起强奸案。

    Months after the earthquake, took place in Haiti at least 250 cases of rape.

  28. 警方正在调查一起涉及几个冒充承包商的复杂诈骗案。

    Police are investigating a complex fraud involving several hogus contractors.

  29. 对一起非医疗事故纠纷案二审改判理由的几点思考

    Discussion on a case of non medical malpractice changed the judgment at appellate court

  30. 几星期之后, 该案开庭审理。

    Some weeks later the case was heard.


  1. 问:几案拼音怎么拼?几案的读音是什么?几案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:几案的读音是jī'àn,几案翻译成英文是 A long table; referring to all kinds of tables....


