







汉语拼音:chǎo cài








  1. Some of the subtle, porcelain or, pattern exquisite bowls, single look, like art, but she did a variety of cooking, stews, all vivid.


  2. Then I heard the noise of frying from upstairs, and I smelt captivating scent at the door of master bedroom.


  3. It can be chopped up in stir-fries, used in curries and casseroles or drunk as a tea.


  4. Syrup from a cylindrical hole in the middle to the outside of the jet as used in cooking around the pot.


  5. Hanging is not the original hack, plus a few of the oil dipper I started cooking the.


  6. While frying vegetables no longer with take an oil bottle at will on pour, start to be fussy about every detail, sorry, you already old.


  7. To make her mother more than to eat, HU Ji Shan in cooking as much as possible tricks.


  8. By the main courses, most everyone was slurping up the fried rice, lo mein and stir fry topped with assorted critters.


  9. The product can also be used for frying, stewing, acetarious dishes, noodles, bean noodles and vermicelli.


  1. 炒菜心虾球

    Saute Prawn balls with vegetable heart.

  2. 我喜欢用马铃薯炒菜。

    I like to cook dishes with potatoes.

  3. 你炒菜用油多吗

    Do you cook your vegetables with much oil

  4. 李新厨师炒菜不好吃。

    LI The new chef cooks unpalatable dish.

  5. 他没有要炒菜,只吃白饭。

    He only ate plain rice.

  6. 我要了两个炒菜一个汤。

    I ordered two dishes and a soup.

  7. 猪油可以炼成油, 用来炒菜。

    Lard can be rendered down and used for cooking.

  8. 我还要用来炒菜呢,亲爱的

    I need it for a casserole, honey.

  9. 我不是教我的学生们如何用炒菜的!

    I'm not teaching my cadets how to use a wok!

  10. 我在餐馆点了一道清炒菜花。

    I ordered a dish of unmixed stir-fried cauliflower in the restaurant.

  11. 中餐燃气炒菜灶热效率的提高

    Increasing Thermal Efficiency of Chinese Cooking Gas Appliance

  12. 我每次炒菜都要放八角茴香。

    Every time I cook I use spice.

  13. 我每次炒菜都要放八角茴香。

    Every time I cook I use spice.

  14. 炒菜会使蔬菜变暗影响菜色。

    Vegetables cooked in water containing excessive iron turn dark and look unappealing.

  15. 炒菜前先打开炉子上得抽油烟机。

    Turn on the fan over the stove before you start frying.

  16. 炒菜前先打开炉子上的抽油烟机。

    Turn on the fan over the stove before you start frying.

  17. 炒菜得香味顺着走廊飘散开来。

    Cooking smells wafted along the hall.

  18. 炒菜的香味顺着走廊飘散开来。

    Cooking smells wafted along the hall.

  19. 把冻肉化开吧,我准备炒菜了。

    Please defrost the frozen meat for me, I am going to cook it.

  20. 我妈妈把肉切成碎片准备炒菜。

    My mother chipped the meat out to be ready to stirfry.

  21. 我想要一份炒菜,一碗米饭和一碗汤。

    I want a fried dish, rice and soup.

  22. 中餐炒菜灶的系统热效率分析

    Thermal Efficiency Analysis of Chinese Cooking Appliances

  23. 她用炒菜铲子把这个松饼翻面。

    She turned the pancake over with her the spatula.

  24. 传统中式炒菜锅是用碳钢制造的。

    The traditional wok is made of carbon steel.

  25. 你需要我做什么,准备,炒菜还是切肉。

    What do you need me to do? Prep? Saute? Chop?

  26. 宜与野味、红肉、炒菜和奶酪搭配饮用。

    Delicious with game, red meat, casseroles and cheese.

  27. 用砂锅熬菜, 做饭均可, 不能用来炒菜。

    Boil with a casserole dish, cooking can not be used for cooking.

  28. 厨师炒菜前先在锅底涂上一层油。

    The cook greased the pan before frying the vegetables.

  29. 我讨厌在我的厨房里炒菜,那太油腻了。

    I hate people frying in my kitchen. It's too oily.

  30. 肉上的这些肥大肉块可以炼成油, 用来炒菜。

    These lumps of fat from the meat can be rendered down and used for cooking.


  1. 问:炒菜拼音怎么拼?炒菜的读音是什么?炒菜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炒菜的读音是chǎocài,炒菜翻译成英文是 make dishes; a stir-fried dish


