


抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):~篮。~弹(dàn )。跳进去:~河。自~罗网。放进去,送进去:~入。~资。~标。走向,进入:~宿(找地方住宿)。~奔。~靠。~降。~师(从师学习)。~诉。发向:~射。~影。寄,递送:~递。~稿。合:~合。意气相……


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……



汉语拼音:tóu hé









  1. 相合;融洽。

    《文选·班固<答宾戏>》“啾发投曲感耳之声” 唐 李善 注:“投曲,投合歌曲也。” 明 袁宏道 《与梅客生书》:“家弟自 云中 归,极口称 梅开府 才略盖世,识见絶伦,且意气投合,不减 庞道玄 之遇于节使也。”《儒林外史》第三十回:“话説 杜慎卿 同 季苇萧 相交起来,极其投合。” 沙汀 《困兽记》一:“他又每每感到一点和他性情不相投合的凄怆。”

  2. 迎合。

    宋 叶适 《庐州钱公墓志铭》:“﹝公﹞始末皆守一説,思虑皆执一意,非若他视时上下,随世改易,揣摩而投合之也。” 清 吴敏树 《业师两先生传》:“吾以不悦时人之文,故未能工为媚状,以取投合。” 孙犁 《澹定集·致铁凝信》:“多大的作家,也不能说都能投合每个人的口味。”



  1. My uncle trash talked the barkeep who catered to the enemy soldiers, but he never refused the money I brought home.


  2. It was an occupation that appealed to his sardonic temper.


  3. It was a bright day for Miss Ainley when she was summoned to Fieldnead to deliberate on projects so congenial to her.


  4. When I first started meeting with Blue Sky years ago, there was something about how their stuff looked that appealed to me.


  5. The Victorian habit of mind was unduly preoccupied by what was socially and morally convenient.


  6. Unfortunately, these firms rarely cater for retail customers, the supposed beneficiaries of the crusade.


  7. She felt alien to him, unable to fit herself to his need.


  8. He ran a campaign that appealed to the centre, promising, among other things, tax cuts for almost all US households.


  9. It has built its base by appealing to the white and Coloured minorities.


  1. 投合对方所好

    cater to the tastes of the other party

  2. 投合顾客的口味

    cater to the tastes of the customers

  3. 他俩脾气很投合。

    The two of them are quite congenial.

  4. 投合一般人的趣味

    cater to popular tastes

  5. 两人性格很投合。

    The two of them suited each other perfectly.

  6. 俩人性格很投合。

    The two of them suited each other perfectly.

  7. 他们俩脾气很投合。

    The two of them are quite congenial.

  8. 这部电影不投合我意。

    This movie does not appeal to me.

  9. 这想法很投合他得心意。

    The idea appealed to him.

  10. 这想法很投合他的心意。

    The idea appealed to him.

  11. 这个想法投合了我经理的想法。

    This idea appealed to our manager.

  12. 这部电影投合年轻人的喜好。

    The film appeals to young people.

  13. 投合大众心意的东西就是好的。

    What catches the fancy of the multitude is good.

  14. 所在你得要使你自己投合你得主子。

    So you must make yourself agreeable to your master.

  15. 东方的传奇正投合他的探险精神。

    The romance of the East had appealed to his adventurous spirit.

  16. 做些更能投合你心意的工作。

    Do something that will appeal to you more.

  17. 很明显,我的计划投合了他的心意。

    It was clear my plan had taken hold upon his fancy.

  18. 所在你得要使你自己投合你的主子。

    So you must make yourself agreeable to your master.

  19. 投合, 契合合谐地做出反应或回应

    To react or interact harmoniously.

  20. 这是一本投合成年人口味的杂志。

    This is a magazine catering to the interests of adults.

  21. 投合,一致达到或处于一致的状态,如意见看法

    To come into or be in accord, as of opinion.

  22. 我们得政治家要学会投合广大普通群众得需要。

    Our politicians should learn to cater for the man in the street.

  23. 我们的政治家要学会投合广大普通群众的需要。

    Our politicians should learn to cater for the man in the street.

  24. 她觉得和他不投合, 觉得自己不能适应他的需要。

    She felt alien to him, unable to fit herself to his need.

  25. 金沙江创投合伙人朱啸虎说。

    Jin Shajiang achieved cast tiger of copartner Zhu Xiao to say.

  26. 然而在生活事务各方面,投合是可恶的实用准则。

    Convenience is, however, in all affairs of life, an execrable test of value.

  27. 然而, 在生活的一切事务中投合是可恶的实用准则。

    Convenience is, however, in all affairs of life, an execrable test of value.

  28. 这是我在感情上与之相投合的最好的政治家。

    This is the last politician to whom I will become emotionally attached.

  29. 艺术家投合传统派的观点, 便是最可恶的叛逆行为。

    When an artist deserts to the side of the angels it is the most odious of treasons.

  30. 这个问题是要有一能投合选民对的配套政策。

    It's a question of getting the right mix of policies to appeal to the electorate.


  1. 问:投合拼音怎么拼?投合的读音是什么?投合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:投合的读音是tóuhé,投合翻译成英文是 get along; cater to


