




尊重,有礼貌地对待:尊~。致~。~重(zhòng )。~爱。~仰。恭~。~辞。~慕。~献。表示敬意的礼物:喜~。寿~。有礼貌地送上去:~酒。~香。谨慎,不怠慢:慎始~终(自始自终都谨慎不懈)。姓。……



汉语拼音:xiào jìng









  1. 孝顺父母,尊敬亲长。

    《诗大序》:“先王以是经夫妇,成孝敬,厚人伦,美教化,移风俗。”《左传·文公十八年》:“孝敬忠信为吉德,盗贼藏姦为凶德。”《汉书·武帝纪》:“故旅耆老,復孝敬,选豪俊,讲文学。” 唐 许浑 《题卫将军庙》诗序:“既而以孝敬睦闺门,以然信居乡里。”《红楼梦》第五十回:“ 贾母 见他来了,心中喜欢,道:‘我怕你冻着,所以不许人告诉你去。你真是个小鬼灵精儿,到底找了我来。论礼,孝敬也不在这上头。’”

  2. 谓孝顺尊敬。

    浩然 《艳阳天》第八八章:“厉害是厉害,他可是很孝敬他妈呀!”

  3. 送礼或钱物给尊长,以示孝心或敬意。

    《红楼梦》第二六回:“你説这四样礼物,可难得不难得……我先孝敬了母亲,赶着就给你们老太太、姨母送了些去。”《儒林外史》第四八回:“我小侄没有孝敬老师和世叔,怎反受起老师的惠来?” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“这给我啦,那只当着你这是孝敬爸爸的。”

  4. 旧时以钱物贿赂、讨好上司或其他有力者,亦称“ 孝敬 ”。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一百回:“少大人应酬过几天,便要到外面买东西,什么孝敬上司的,送同寅的,自己公馆用的,无非是洋货。”《老残游记》第十六回:“ 胡举人 就把这一千银票子双手捧上,説道:‘这是 贾魏氏 那一案, 魏 家孝敬老公祖的,求老公祖格外成全。’” 老舍 《茶馆》第二幕:“ 王掌柜 ,孝敬老总们点茶钱,请他们到别处喝去吧!”



  1. However, he never complained with her mother. On the contrary, he studied harder to show filial respect for his mother.


  2. You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.


  3. The baby cuckoo pretended to be caring and said to her, "don't worry, mother, I'll take care of you once I grow up" .


  4. No, it is of great significance, but is not merely a only the word, and it is promoting Chinese filial piety the elder the fine tradition!


  5. But if I can be dutiful to parents who hate me, only then will I meet the standards of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.


  6. And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.


  7. Should everyone show filial affection towards their parents, the solution to the aging problems in the whole society is around the corner.


  8. Dear, I will take a good, I will go instead of you honor your parents, if there is an afterlife, I would like to with you again.


  9. The best advice for the youth is to be modest and prudent, respect their parents and venerate, their relatives and friends.


  1. 要孝敬父母。

    Honour thy father and thy mother.

  2. 人人都应孝敬父母。

    Everyone should show honour to their parents.

  3. 他孝敬父母值得称道。

    The respect he shows towards his parents is worthy of praise.

  4. 孝敬你的父亲和你的母亲。

    Honor your father and your mother.

  5. 小张很孝敬岳父母。

    Xiaozhang is very filial towards his parents-in-law.

  6. 这些孩子孝敬他们的双亲。

    The children treated their parents with filial respect.

  7. 孝在中这就是孝敬父母。

    Thus are being dutiful to our parents.

  8. 工业界有哪些人孝敬他。

    What men in industry provided the subsidies.

  9. 不但诚实, 而且关心, 孝敬妈妈!

    Not only honest and concerned about, and honor my mother!

  10. 孝敬父母是中华民族的美德。

    Showing filial respect for one's parents is a virtue of Chinese people.

  11. 高源年幼好学, 特别孝敬母亲。

    High source of young, studious and honor the mother in particular.

  12. 其实主要是要爱我,还是孝敬吧!

    Actually maivly is must love me, is filial piety!

  13. 人们在看烟花中感到孝敬的温暖。

    twinkle. Men see firework feel give presents warm.

  14. 因为我最讨厌不孝敬长辈的人啦!

    Because I am most repugnant am not filial piety the elder the human!

  15. 大恩大德的老爷, 我上有老母要孝敬。

    Honorable Sir, I have an aged mother to support.

  16. 孝敬父母, 尊敬老师也是美美是纯洁的, 美是无暇的。

    honor their parents, respect for teachers is also the U. S America is pure, the United States is flawless.

  17. 孝敬父母,就是我们应当向黄香的思想品德。

    Filial piety towards parents, is that to which we should hold fast.

  18. 儿女们都认为应当孝敬父母是应尽的义务。

    The sons and daughters all consider it a moral obligation to look after their parents.

  19. 孝敬父母,感恩他人是我们中华民族的传统美德。

    Honor their parents, others, Thanksgiving is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation.

  20. 万一当我们突遇不测, 将如何再来孝敬父母?

    In case when us dash forward meet contingency, how will come again give presents parents ?

  21. 拥有一颗感恩的心, 我们才懂得去孝敬父母。

    Have a grateful heart, we know how to honor your father and mother.

  22. 在春节时, 他们应该把孝敬他们的父母放在第一位。

    During the Spring Festival, they should put the obedience parents in the first place.

  23. 从古至今, 孝敬老人一直是中华民族的传统美德。

    Throughout history, being filial and respectful to the elders has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.

  24. 甚至连以后的丈夫首要条件也一定要孝敬老人。

    And even I'm eager make filial piety as the first qualification for my future husband.

  25. 所以我们说, 孝敬父母容易, 真诚地爱父母就比较困难。

    So, filial piety is easy to do but it is difficult to love parents sincerely.

  26. 是为了提倡大家多孝敬老人,特别是要孝敬自己的父母。

    It is celebrated to advocate the filial piety to the aged among people, especially, to their own parents.

  27. 我们再怎么强调孝敬父母的重要性都不足为过!

    We cannot emphasize the importance of honoring our parents to much!

  28. 夫妻得到黄金,回家孝敬母亲,并得以兼养孩子。

    Husband and wife to get gold, go home caring mother, and to and raise children.

  29. 很高兴我们家有一个这么好的孝敬老人的家风。

    Our family is very pleased to have a such a good family tradition and honor the elderly.

  30. 假如我有一百万,我是个孝子,我要用来孝敬我的双亲。

    If I have one, I was a dutiful son, I would like to honor my parents.


  1. 问:孝敬拼音怎么拼?孝敬的读音是什么?孝敬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孝敬的读音是xiàojìng,孝敬翻译成英文是 show filial respect for; give as a present...

  2. 问:孝敬宪皇后拼音怎么拼?孝敬宪皇后的读音是什么?孝敬宪皇后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孝敬宪皇后的读音是,孝敬宪皇后翻译成英文是 Empress Xiaojingxian



孝顺父母,尊敬亲长。《诗大序》:“先王以是经夫妇,成孝敬,厚人伦,美教化,移风俗。”《左传·文公十八年》:“孝敬忠信为吉德,盗贼藏奸为凶德。”《汉书·武帝纪》:“故旅耆老,复孝敬,选豪俊,讲文学。” 唐 许浑 《题卫将军庙》诗序:“既而以孝敬睦闺门,以然信居乡里。”《红楼梦》第五十回:“ 贾母 见他来了,心中喜欢,道:‘我怕你冻着,所以不许人告诉你去。你真是个小鬼灵精儿,到底找了我来。论礼,孝敬也不在这上头。’”