


1. 削 [xiāo]2. 削 [xuē]削 [xiāo]用刀斜着去掉物体的表层。~苹果皮。~铅笔。打乒乓球时用球拍平而略斜地击球:~球。削 [xuē]义同削(xiāo),用于一些复合词:~铁如泥。~足适履。减少;减弱:~减。~弱。除去:~……


1. 价 [jià]2. 价 [jiè]价 [jià]商品所值的钱数:~钱。~格。涨~。调~。待~而沽。商品之间相互比较和交换的基础:~值。代~。化学名词:“原子~”。价 [jiè]旧时称派遣传递东西或传达事情的人:“走~驰书来诣”。……



汉语拼音:xuē jià








  1. b: well, i'm not authorized to agree to such a big reduction. would you mind waiting a day or two, until i get a reply from the home office?


  2. New local supplies should also cut prices: gas plants can be relatively small, cheap and easy to build.


  3. Manufacturers can supply blades with undercut protection positioned around the core to help slow the steel core wear .


  4. Sarah Jeffries says she buys things only when the price has been reduced. She gets all the children' s clothes from used clothing stores.


  5. You know tha few countries are selling this kind of products at cheap prices in large quantities.


  6. Low prices are one of the fruits of competition: penalising business giants for price cuts would be perverse.


  7. The company hopes to recoup its losses by taking a cut from the sale of each game for the console.


  8. "It's called a leisure suit, " he said romantically.


  9. You know that some countries are selling this kind of products at cheap prices in large quantities.


  1. 减价,削价

    To cut down a price.

  2. 夏季大削价

    Summer price cuts.

  3. 竞争性削价

    predatory price cutting.

  4. 大幅度削价

    at a greatly reduced price.

  5. 停业削价出售

    close business sale

  6. 削价处理商品

    selling goods at reduced prices.

  7. 忍痛削价出售

    reluctantly sell sth. at a discount

  8. 这个削价出售吗?

    Is it on sale?

  9. 不顾血本地削价

    predatory price cutting

  10. 那件衣服削价了。

    The coat was reduced from the original price.

  11. 这些货物将削价出卖。

    These goods will be sold at a discount.

  12. 削价竞销, 自乱阵脚

    selling goods at a discount and throwing their own ranks off balance

  13. 削价抢竞争者的生意

    underprice a competitor

  14. 店内商品均削价处理

    Savings and Discounts All Around the Store

  15. 剩下的货物将削价出售。

    The rest of the goods will be sold off.

  16. 目前我们只好使商品削价。

    We have to cheapen commodities at the moment.

  17. 削价, 减税, 紧缩开支, 减少产量

    Cut prices, taxes, spending, production

  18. 公司冒险将产品削价出售。

    The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products.

  19. 他们正在削价出售过时服装。

    They are selling oldfashioned clothes at a discount.

  20. 他们正在削价偷偷出售商品。

    They are selling the goods under the counter at reduced prices.

  21. 店内所有商品均削价处理

    Savings and discounts all around the store

  22. 你需要电脑吗?它们在削价。

    Do you need a computer? They are on sale.

  23. 滞销书将于下周削价出售。

    The unsalable books are to be remaindered next week.

  24. 库存货品亦将设法削价倾销。

    We shall try to dispose of the stocks we do have at a discount.

  25. 我们今天正巧有衬衫削价处理。

    We happen to have some shirts on sale today.

  26. 他们试图通过削价来招揽生意。

    They're trying to attract business by cutting prices.

  27. 精选的品牌本周削价出售。

    Brands are on offer this week.

  28. 再也经不住大幅度削价了。

    It'simply can't stand such a big cut.

  29. 清仓削价销售对顾客很有吸引力。

    The clearance sale is pulling well.

  30. 那家商店春季将冬衣削价出售。

    The store shaved the price of winter suits in the spring.


  1. 问:削价拼音怎么拼?削价的读音是什么?削价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:削价的读音是xuējià,削价翻译成英文是 to cut the price; to lower the price; to mark...

  2. 问:削价者拼音怎么拼?削价者的读音是什么?削价者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:削价者的读音是xuē jià zhě,削价者翻译成英文是 price cutter



读音:xuē jià

解释:讲价钱。 买东西 的时候和别人讲价钱,要卖东西的人便宜一点。 南方称“讲价” 北方称“砍价”