







汉语拼音:nǎi mā






  1. 受雇给人家奶孩子的妇女。又称奶娘。

    《红楼梦》第二九回:“还有几个粗使的丫头,连上各房的老嬷嬷奶妈子,并跟着出门的媳妇子们,黑压压的站了一街的车。” 郭沫若 《我的童年》第一篇二:“抚育我母亲的 刘奶妈 (好象是 云南 人)背着我母亲逃难。” 秦瘦鸥 《秋海棠》九:“爸爸,今儿奶妈说他们都要回去了。”



  1. Mammy: I ain't aiming for you to go after Mr. Wilkes and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog!


  2. He refused to hire a wet-nurse, insisting that his wife suckle the child herself. Fortunately, she had enough milk.


  3. It was too late to save that piglet, but Her Ladyship bought it anyway, and gave it a decent burial on the shore.


  4. Nurse Go, you cot-quean, go, get you to bed; Faith, you'll be sick to-morrow for this night's watching.


  5. 'Oh! dear nurse! ' said the child, looking earnestly up in her face, 'let me lie by my brother! '


  6. She had risen, as the nurse said, and the lashes of her eyes were wet with tears.


  7. Then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee?


  8. 'I have to ask the husband face-to-face whether he will let his wife work as a wet nurse, ' he says. # P!


  9. Napoleon, the Prophet Mohammed and I have one thing in common. We were all breast-fed by a wet nurse.


  1. 好的,然后奶妈进来

    Okay. So the nurse comes in.

  2. 被奶妈娇惯的孩子。

    Children pampered by nannies.

  3. 奶妈给这个婴儿喂奶。

    The wetnurse suckled the infant.

  4. 奶妈给这个婴儿喂奶。

    The wetnurse suckled the infant.

  5. 好的,奶妈,我来了!

    Yes, nurse, I'm coming!

  6. 孩子们小时候由奶妈照看。

    The children were farmed out to nannies at an early age.

  7. 如果你骂他, 你好像他奶妈

    If he scold you , it is because he cares for you.

  8. 她和母亲以及奶妈见面。

    She had met with her mother and her nurse.

  9. 奶妈,我的父亲、我的母亲呢?

    Where is my father, and my mother, nurse?

  10. 拿瓶葡萄酒庆祝一下,奶妈。

    Have a drink of sherry, Mammy.

  11. 奶妈又在呼唤茱丽叶了。

    The nurse called out again.

  12. 奶妈问她为什么如此悲伤。

    Her nurse asks what is the cause of her grief.

  13. 奶妈说是因为我不漂亮

    Nurse says I'm not pretty.

  14. 作为奶妈, 女人是无与伦比的。

    Woman is unrivaled as a wet nurse.

  15. 她奶妈送她去托儿所的时候。

    Her nanny triedto take her to Baby Gap.

  16. 她给婴儿雇了一个奶妈。

    She had a wet nurse for the infant.

  17. 那奶妈和村民干嘛摸我?

    Then why did nursing mother and villagers touch me?

  18. 还有一个角色空缺,那个奶妈

    in Romeo and Juliet the nurse.

  19. 奶妈好像可怜的白草包小孩!

    Mammy Acting like poor, whitetrash children!

  20. 在卧室, 奶妈在给思嘉量腰围。

    In the bedroom, Scarlett is having Mammie measure her waist.

  21. 奶妈小心地扶茱丽叶到床上。

    The nurse carefully helped Juliet to her bed.

  22. 奶妈便把发生的事告诉了他。

    The nurse told him what happened.

  23. 她雇了一个奶妈给婴儿喂奶。

    She had a wet nurse for the infant.

  24. 奶妈, 帮斯佳丽小姐收拾一下行李。

    Start packing Miss Scarlett's things, Mammy.

  25. 奶妈的角色我还没怎么学会呢

    I barely learned the nurse.

  26. 如果你骂他,你好象是他的奶妈。

    If you scold him, you are like a nanny to him.

  27. 你好, 奶妈!你带来了什么消息呢?

    Greetings, Nurse! What news do you bring?

  28. 在奶妈的怀抱中呜呜哭闹还呕吐。

    Mewling and puking in the nurses arms.

  29. 过来,奶妈。那边的那位绅士是谁?

    Come hither, nurse. What is yond gentleman

  30. 过来,奶妈。那边得那位绅士是谁?

    Come hither, nurse. What is yond gentleman


  1. 问:奶妈拼音怎么拼?奶妈的读音是什么?奶妈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奶妈的读音是nǎimā,奶妈翻译成英文是 wet nurse



奶妈,在城乡都普遍存在,尤其以农村为多,这是封建社会等级差别造成的一种旧的社会习俗。 奶妈也称保姆、乳娘、奶姥、嬷嬷、嬷媪、阿母、奶子等,名称五花八门,因时代不一而名称各异。但总而言之,她是一种专门为别人哺乳、带育婴儿的行当。 农村中,许多家庭生下孩子后,由于生母奶水少,不足以哺乳婴儿,或是生母身体极度虚弱 ,也有的是被疾病所缠 ,甚至有生母在产期夭亡的,还有就是富裕人家,不希望自己带孩子而将婴儿托付给奶妈喂养。