




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:liào jí







  1. 预料到。

    清 周中孚 《郑堂札记》卷四:“然则公安、竟陵之派,固 敬美 之所料及也。”



  1. Collecting and winding wires adopts the movable type to adjust the distance, thus increasing the length of the products.


  2. Suitable for all kind of plastic raw material & color mixing , virgin . Regrind & master batch mixtures vill have effective result.


  3. Material tube can move forth and backward, it facilitates the cleaning of hopper. Three(four)-step thermal controller is better for shaping.


  4. Prepares surfaces of furniture for painting and decorating ; mixes and applies paint or decorative materials .


  5. The results show that multi-component epoxy asphalt has good performance as surfacing material of cement concrete bridge.


  6. you raise me up. . . to more than icon be.


  7. Mix the shredded carrot, black fungus, glass noodles, chicken shreds and prawns with seasoning until well combined.


  8. Main products, materials and shop all additives imported from Japan, the formula used Japanese technology.


  9. Mix minced pork and fish with marinade and chopped ingredients, stir well to a paste.


  1. 食品、料及其他自动贩卖机随处可见。

    Food, drink, and other vending machines are found everywhere.

  2. 其中最重要的是盐、料及各种调料。

    Among the most important are salt, spices, and various flavorings.

  3. 我从未料及事情会发展到这个地步。

    I had never thought things would develop into such a situation.

  4. 我从未料及事情会发展到这个地步。

    I had never thought things would develop into such a situation.

  5. 参与注塑部的机器,料及模具供应商评审工作。

    To participate the criticism examination wk to the venders of injection machines, materials moulds.

  6. 最后熄火, 加入拂匀的蛋白, 调味料及菊花瓣, 用蟹籽装饰即成。

    Turn off the fire. Stir with egg whites, seasoning and petals. Garnish with crab roe.

  7. 请确保随本申请表并提交以证明文件及料。

    Please ensure the supporting documents and materials are submitted together with this application form.

  8. 含铜酞菁染料废水及树脂废水的处理工艺研究及应用

    Application and research of copper phthalocyanine content dye wastewater and resin wastewater treatment process

  9. 粉状物料连续定量给料设备及控制系统的研究

    Research on Device and Control System of Successively Quantificationally Providing Pulverous Material

  10. 用于统计抽样,比,料分析及图像化的方法和软体。

    Techniques and software for statistical sampling, simulation, data analysis and visualization.

  11. 把辣汁料与蒜及姜茸拌匀。

    Mix chilli sauce ingredients together with garlic and ginger.

  12. 新型五甲川吡喃鎓盐染料的合成及锁模性能

    Syntheses and Properties of Pentamethine Pyrylium Dyes

  13. 全部材料及调味料拌匀。

    Mix all ingredients with seasoning.

  14. 做法1。将调味料加入豆腐及鲮鱼肉中, 拌匀后放入深碟内。

    Method 1.Mix bean curd and dace with seasoning mix.Stir well and put on a deep serving plate.

  15. 制法1。将调味料加入豆腐及鲮鱼肉中, 拌匀后放入深碟内。

    Mix bean curd and dace with seasoning mix. Stir well and put on a deep serving plate.

  16. 最后下调味料将牛肉及粉丝兜匀,盛于椰菜上,即可享用。

    Lastly add in seasoning and stir beef and vermicelli evenly. Place over the cabbage. Serve.

  17. 烧热2汤匙油,加入芦笋及调味料,炒匀至热透。

    Heat 0 tbsp oil. Add asparagus and seasoning mix. Stir well until heated through.

  18. 动态毛吸法测定纤维及粉末料的接触角研究

    The studies of determining contact angle of fibers and powder filler by the dynamic method of wicking

  19. 对引进焦炭塔除焦系统及中子料位计的看法

    Comments on imported decoking system and neutron level indicator on coke drum

  20. 中包水口快换及干式料工作衬技术的应用

    Rapid Change of Tundish Nozzle and Application of Working Line of Dry Magnesia Refractory

  21. 煮滚半锅水, 下上汤及调味料, 先放莲藕, 白萝卜及冬菇滚至稔。

    Bring half pot of water to boil. Add stock and seasoning. Add lotus root, turnip and black mushrooms, cook until soft.

  22. 自动送料, 包胶布, 切断, 退料及计数。

    Automatic feeding, tapping, cutting, reject production quantity count.

  23. 质料以真丝,色丁,雪纺,棉料及弹性料等。

    Materials such as silk, satin, chiffon, cotton and stretch fabric, etc.

  24. 散料, 粉料及袋物装船工艺设计与设备选型

    Shipment design and equipment selection of bulk, powder and bag contained materials

  25. 混合菌群共培养对偶氮染料的协同脱色及降解的研究

    Study of Synergetic Degradation and Decolorization of Azo Dye by Mixed Consortium.

  26. 汽车保险杠、仪表盘及门板专用料的研制

    Developing of Automobile Bumper、 Instrument Panel and door Special Materials

  27. 料,有蒜泥,韭菜段,生姜末及其他调味料放在一起拌匀。

    Liu, garlic, scallions, ginger and other Health and seasoning mix well together.

  28. 介绍了糖的甜度及其影响因素,糖的热能及合成甜味料。

    In this paper, the sweetness of sugars and its affecting factors, also the heat energy of sugars and synthetic sweeteners are discussed.

  29. 在荞麦面上洒上海带及配以调味料伴食。

    Put the seaweed on top of the soba and serve with dip.

  30. 人工砂及矿物掺和料配制高性能混凝土的研究

    Research of Proportioning High Performance Concrete with Artificial Sand and Mineral Admixture


  1. 问:料及拼音怎么拼?料及的读音是什么?料及翻译成英文是什么?

    答:料及的读音是liàojí,料及翻译成英文是 To expect; to predict.




拼音:liàojí 英文:anticipate 基本解释 [anticipate;foresee;expect] 料想到 中途大雨,原未料及 详细解释 预料到。 清 周中孚 《郑堂札记》卷四:“然则公安、竟陵之派,固 敬美 之所料及也。”