







汉语拼音:niǔ kòu






  1. 即纽扣。可以把衣服扣起来的小形球状物或片状物。

    清 潘荣陛 《帝京岁时纪胜·皇都品汇》:“马公道,广锡铸重皮钮扣。” 叶圣陶 《隔膜·欢迎》:“他的国货草帽摆在炕几上,马褂全卸了钮扣。” 老舍 《四世同堂》四五:“ 瑞宣 淡淡的一笑,随手又系上个钮扣。”



  1. We found a brass button in his stomach, and a round ball, and lots of rubbage.


  2. As a duck with its eyelids, so he with his nose Trims his belt and his buttons, and turns out his toes.


  3. He arrived at Paddington Station and smartly turned out in his best suit, favorite Panama hat and a red rose in his buttonhole.


  4. A generally disk-shaped fastener used to join two parts of a garment by fitting through a buttonhole or loop.


  5. He was dressed in an hussar's jacket with gold buttons, shiny leather boots and an odd-looking wooden cloak sticking out of his back. '


  6. There was one especially absent-minded young man in the assembly line who sewed on buttons.


  7. Such a cluster of buttons is called a "connected component" in a "random graph" , where a graph is just a set of nodes connected by lines.


  8. Observing on his left cheek a bloodstain the size of a button, she leaned over to look at it carefully and laid one Finger on it.


  9. putting back his handkerchief he took out the soap and stowed it away , buttoned into the hip pocket of his trousers.


  1. 钮扣传声器

    button microphone

  2. 钮扣夹滑台

    button clamp slide

  3. 扣上衣服上的钮扣。

    Do up the buttons on a dress.

  4. 钮扣封口床垫套

    mattress cover with button closing

  5. 钮扣式咬口机

    button nip machine

  6. 钮扣钉得太紧

    Button is sewn too tight

  7. 装饰扣用于装饰的钮扣

    Such an object used for decoration.

  8. 红色钮扣非常显眼!

    Red main button is very visible!

  9. 红色钮扣非常显眼!

    Red main button is very visible!

  10. 我扣不上这个钮扣。

    I can't fasten on this button.

  11. 他理好腰带和钮扣。

    He trims his belt and his button.

  12. 她的衬衫的钮扣是红的。

    She has red buttons on her blouse.

  13. 我们用钮扣把衣服扣好。

    We use buttons to fasten our clothes.

  14. 扣上衬衫钮扣把雨衣扣好

    Buttoned his shirt buttoned up her raincoat.

  15. 他的钮扣被解开了。

    His buttons were undone.

  16. 你的钮扣全解开了。

    Your buttons areall undone.

  17. 她裙子上的钮扣坏了。

    The fastener on her skirt broke.

  18. 我上衣的钮扣脱线了。

    The buttons on my coat came unfastened.

  19. 只是松了几个钮扣而已

    A couple buttons came undone.

  20. 只是松了几个钮扣而已。

    A couple buttons came undone.

  21. 你把大衣的钮扣扣错了。

    You have buttoned up your coat the wrong way.

  22. 钮扣有时是用骨头做的。

    Buttons are sometimes made of bone.

  23. 我衬衣的钮扣很不容易扣。

    My shirt doesn't button easily.

  24. 服装。服装用附件。钮扣。分类。

    And a wide range of application of bisphenol S in pesticide, dyestuff and accessory ingredient intermediate etc. are narrated.

  25. 缝个钮扣笨拙得象男人。

    What a mannish way to stitch on a button!

  26. 钮洞尺寸与钮扣大小不相配

    Buttonhole is not match button size

  27. 他有一颗钮扣松开了。

    He has got a button undone.

  28. 你有两颗钮扣松开了。

    You've got two buttons undone.

  29. 这件外衣用钮扣, 那件外衣用拉链。

    This coat buttons, but that one zips.

  30. 她喜欢从背部扣钮扣的女装。

    She liked that dress that buttons down the back.


  1. 问:钮扣拼音怎么拼?钮扣的读音是什么?钮扣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钮扣的读音是niǔkòu,钮扣翻译成英文是 button

  2. 问:钮扣孔拼音怎么拼?钮扣孔的读音是什么?钮扣孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钮扣孔的读音是,钮扣孔翻译成英文是 buttonhole

  3. 问:钮扣蕨拼音怎么拼?钮扣蕨的读音是什么?钮扣蕨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钮扣蕨的读音是niǔkòujué,钮扣蕨翻译成英文是 Pellaea rotundifolia

  4. 问:钮扣状物拼音怎么拼?钮扣状物的读音是什么?钮扣状物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钮扣状物的读音是niǔkòuzhuàngwù,钮扣状物翻译成英文是 Buttons

  5. 问:钮扣状的拼音怎么拼?钮扣状的的读音是什么?钮扣状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钮扣状的的读音是,钮扣状的翻译成英文是 buttony

  6. 问:钮扣电池拼音怎么拼?钮扣电池的读音是什么?钮扣电池翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钮扣电池的读音是,钮扣电池翻译成英文是 Button cell

  7. 问:钮扣草族拼音怎么拼?钮扣草族的读音是什么?钮扣草族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钮扣草族的读音是niǔkòucǎo zú,钮扣草族翻译成英文是 Trib.; 17.; Spermacoceae

  8. 问:钮扣形缝合术拼音怎么拼?钮扣形缝合术的读音是什么?钮扣形缝合术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钮扣形缝合术的读音是niǔ kòu xíng féng hé shù,钮扣形缝合术翻译成英文是 button suture



纽扣本作钮扣。   钮扣是衣服上的一种配件,有金属的,塑料的,也有绳编织的,纽扣虽小但使用方便。百年来一直沿用,目前纽扣已经成为现代人的装饰品,时尚人士也在扣子上做起了DIY,比如有人在自己心爱的扣子上写上自己或心爱人的名字,或刻上秘书最拿手的图案,也有一些心灵手巧的人,用绳子或布条编出漂亮的绳扣来点缀自己的生活。