


超越职权,自作主张:~专。~自。~行(xíng )。~断(专行)。专~独行。~离职守。独揽,占有:~权。~利。~兵(拥有兵权)。~国。~美。长(cháng )于,善于:~长(cháng )。不~辞令。……


1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:shàn cháng







  1. 专门宣扬自己的长处。

    宋 叶适 《<沉子寿文集>序》:“余尝患文人擅长而护短,好自矜耀,挈其所能,莫与为比,而视他人顾若无有。”

  2. 在某方面有专长。

    《明史·忠义传一·王祎》:“明年修《元史》,命 禕 与 濂 为总裁。 禕 史事擅长,裁烦剔秽,力任笔削。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·掌故·陈侍御奏折》:“即如我朝以骑射擅长,凡对敌而与我较骑射,必败之道也。” 巴金 《随想录·中国人》:“我不擅长辞令,又缺乏随机应变的才能。”



  1. I couldn't look at him in the face. Damn, I'm really bad at tying shoes. My feet were safer to look at then his face.


  2. If you're good at it, managing the workplan can be one of the more challenging and rewarding aspects of project management.


  3. (to Vincent)I do what I do best. . . . You do what you do best, trying to stop guys like me.


  4. The crux of the problem is: No matter how good you are at interaction, you've also got to be pretty good at information design.


  5. But I am good at learning new knowledge, and work with a high sense of responsibility, able to devote to devote.


  6. When I was much younger - maybe eight or nine years of age - I had a go as a striker but I was always much better at the back.


  7. Some of the most in-demand writers aren't all that good at the kind of "good writing" your Grade 5 English teacher liked.


  8. "Going forward" is so infectious that it has spread from inarticulate bankers and analysts to people who once had a fine way with words.


  9. second, to repair the damage done to the ego by reminding yourself of anything else at all that you are good at.


  1. 我不擅长…

    I’m a sucker for ~

  2. 擅长算术的

    clever at arithmetic.

  3. 她擅长烹调。

    Cooking is her forte.

  4. 他擅长滑冰。

    He is apt at skating.

  5. 她擅长音乐。

    She is adept in music.

  6. 我擅长社交。

    I am a sociable person.

  7. 他擅长烹饪。

    He's an excellent cook.

  8. 她擅长演说。

    She excels as an orator.

  9. 他擅长教学。

    He is a skillful teacher.

  10. 她擅长刺绣。

    She is good at needlework.

  11. 我擅长跳高。

    I am good at the high jump.

  12. 我擅长绘画。

    I excel at drawing pictures.

  13. 吉姆擅长运动。

    Jim is capable at sports.

  14. 他擅长心算。

    He is good at mental arithmetic.

  15. 她擅长插花。

    She is good at arranging flowers.

  16. 约翰擅长音乐。

    John is accomplished in music.

  17. 她擅长弹钢琴。

    Her forte is playing the piano.

  18. 擅长侍弄花草

    to have green fingers/ a green thumb

  19. 他们擅长绘画。

    They had been dab hands at painting.

  20. 但你很擅长

    You clearly are.

  21. 他擅长击球。

    He bats very well.

  22. 不擅长某事

    to be inept at something

  23. 他擅长侧泳。

    He has a good sidestroke.

  24. 他们擅长叠罗汉。

    They are good at making a human pyramid.

  25. 而且我很擅长

    And I'm good at it.

  26. 是你擅长理科

    You are the science one.

  27. 她擅长打网球。

    She playing tennis.

  28. 他很擅长摄影。

    He takes a good photo.

  29. 想必你很擅长,

    I think you are good at it.

  30. 他不擅长绘画。

    He's a poor draughtsman.


  1. 问:擅长拼音怎么拼?擅长的读音是什么?擅长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擅长的读音是shàncháng,擅长翻译成英文是 be skilled in

  2. 问:擅长外交拼音怎么拼?擅长外交的读音是什么?擅长外交翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擅长外交的读音是shàncháng wàijiāo,擅长外交翻译成英文是 be skilled in diplomacy

  3. 问:擅长武术拼音怎么拼?擅长武术的读音是什么?擅长武术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擅长武术的读音是shàncháng wǔshù,擅长武术翻译成英文是 be skilled at martial arts

  4. 问:擅长的拼音怎么拼?擅长的的读音是什么?擅长的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:擅长的的读音是,擅长的翻译成英文是 strong



【释义】:在某方面有特长 例:他擅长油画