


1. 拽 [zhuài]2. 拽 [zhuāi]3. 拽 [yè]拽 [zhuài]拉,牵引:~住。~不动。拽 [zhuāi]用力扔:把球~过来。胳膊有病,转动不灵。拽 [yè]同“曳”。……


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……






  1. They grabbed my arms and carried me over to the open tailgate of a pickup. They slammed me down on the bed of the truck.


  2. If it were a race, then United are dragging their owners behind them like a tractor, while City's owners are providing rocket fuel.


  3. Maggie attempts to make a dash for the house, in her shuffling way, but I stay her with my hand.


  4. A few silent seconds passed. "We'll shop around a bit more, " he said, dragging the kid with him. I watched him all the way out the door.


  5. In a mood of tenderness that was not usual with her, she drew down her mother's head, and kissed her brow and both her cheeks.


  6. It shows a young man in a black T-shirt being dragged by his hair in a public park.


  7. Could not one of my girls' girls drag my old handbag around and sometimes think fondly of me?


  8. The little girl plucked at her mother's pants crying.


  9. Among the more exciting rides is the Sky Flyer, which looks like two pendulum arms with passengers cabins located at each end.


  1. 人们拖拽着货物慢慢前行。

    The draft moved slowly behind these people.

  2. 人们拖拽着货物慢慢前行。

    The draft moved slowly behind these people.

  3. 你俩像拽如愿骨一样拽着我。

    You tug at me like I'm some kind of wishbone.

  4. 一双粗糙的手拽着我的上衣。

    Rough hands plucked at my jacket.

  5. 博套着皮带拽着我走在前面。

    Beau was pulling ahead of me with his leash.

  6. 小妞们拿着皮条儿, 痞子们拽着手枪

    My ladies with the thongs the thugs with the firearms

  7. 这个小男孩正拽着一匹马。

    The little boy is towing a horse.

  8. 噢, 他知道我所拖拽着的鬼魂吗?。

    Oh does he know the ghosts I drag.

  9. 这些人相互拽着往下沈, 愈陷愈深。

    They drag one another always farther down.

  10. 散发着蒸汽的老式火车头拖拽着空车皮。

    Old fashioned locomotive emitting steam, locked onto empty cars.

  11. 上山时, 马用力拉拽着马车的挽绳。

    The horse pulled on the traces when getting up the hill.

  12. 几条狗用力拽着皮带,急于要去公园。

    The dogs were straining at the leash, eager to get to the park.

  13. 然后,欢天喜地的孩子们拽着他下了树洞。

    And then, as so often before, the gay children dragged him from his tree.

  14. 囚犯们双腕或双手被绳子缚住拽着走。

    The prisoners were triced up by the wrists or hands.

  15. 琼斯太太继续拽着他沿着街道往前走。

    Mrs. Jones continued to drag him up the street.

  16. 这次我不会再被拽着参加了,我会自告奋勇。

    This time I won't be dragged in. I will volunteer.

  17. 他是通过经验自我不要的经验 来拽着经验自我的。

    through experiences that the experiencing self doesn't need.

  18. 我们一起讲笑话, 拽着小孩子得胳膊转圈儿。

    We tell jokes and I swing the little kids around.

  19. 他在沙发后面抓住了她,用胳膊拽着她打转。

    He caught her behind the sofa and whirled her up in his arms.

  20. 他在沙发后面抓住了她,用胳膊拽着她打转。

    He caught her behind the sofa and whirled her up in his arms.

  21. 我们一起讲笑话,拽着小孩子的胳膊转圈儿。

    We tell jokes and I swing the little kids around.

  22. 死拽着手术刀,不愿意去颐享天年的老顽固?

    who refuses to retire her scalpel and go join her friends in boca?

  23. 它一边拽着我的毛毯一边大叫。我闻到了烟味!

    He was pulling at my blankets and barking. 1 smelt smoke!

  24. 他们拽着我的脚拖我走,我的头在自己的呕吐上经过。

    They dragged me by my feet, sweeping my head through my own vomit.

  25. 麦琪拖着脚,努力想冲向房子,但我的手拽着她。

    Maggie attempts to make a dash for the house, in her shuffling way, but I stay her with my hand.

  26. 一个小男孩跑上来,非常激动地拽着他的袖子。

    A little boy came running up and tugged at his sleeve excitedly.

  27. 既然已经是个成人了, 我随身拖拽着很多的想法。

    Now that I'm an adult, I dragged a lot of that around with me.

  28. 既然已经是个成人了,我随身拖拽着很多得想法。

    Now that I'm an adult,I dragged a lot of that around with me.

  29. 或许在他们看电视得时候他会死拽着遥控器不放。

    Perhaps he hogs the remote control when they watch TV.

  30. 或许在他们看电视的时候他会死拽着遥控器不放。

    Perhaps he hogs the remote control when they watch TV.