


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:bù guān







  1. 不牵涉;不涉及。

    《韩非子·内储说上》:“无弃灰所易也,断手所恶也,行所易不关所恶,古人以为易,故行之。” 晋 陆云 《谢平原内史表》:“片言隻字,不关其间;事踪笔跡,皆可推校。” 唐 司空图 《偶书》诗之一:“鶯也解啼花也发,不关心事最堪憎。” 茅盾 《子夜》十三:“明儿 三先生 生气,可不关我的事。”



  1. Probably none of my business, but I'm just letting you know how I feel. (And how your prospects feel).


  2. It's nice of you to fret about these things, but it's really none of your business.


  3. What your mind may or may not be able to imagine, is really none of my concern. Kindly get out of your God's face.


  4. Does it matter to you at all that God's spiritual Jerusalem, the church, is now married to the world?


  5. A: You know. . . perhaps it's none of my business, but you shouldn't have driven through that stop sign.


  6. How much money I earn is none of your concern.


  7. I said angrily. 'It's none of your business, ' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation! '


  8. Lufthansa said in August that it had to shut down an engine on one of its flights of the super jumbo.


  9. So basically are to meet him as an enemy, but this does not concern him, even if he has no family, I still lose love.


  1. 不关我的事

    None of my business.

  2. 这不关我事。

    It isn't my racket.

  3. 不关你的事。

    None of our business.

  4. 不关你的事。

    It's none of your business.

  5. 这,这不关我事

    Well, it's. That's really not my job.

  6. 不关你的事,不关你的事

    None of your business? None of your business?

  7. 不关你的屁事!

    It is none of your goddamned business!

  8. 这不关你事,不关你事

    It's none of your business,all right?It's none of your business.

  9. 我一无所知/ 不关我事

    for all I know/ care

  10. 这不关你事儿

    that's none of your concern

  11. 那不关我的事。

    That's your business.

  12. 谁开了门不关?

    Who has left the door open ?

  13. 这不关我得事。

    It's no concern of mine.

  14. 这不关我的事。

    It's no concern of mine.

  15. 这不关他得事。

    That doesn't concern him.

  16. 这不关他的事。

    That doesn't concern him.

  17. 这不关钱的事。

    Oh, it's not about the money.

  18. 都不关你的事。

    They're none of your business.

  19. 这不关你的事。

    This is none of your business.

  20. 这不关你得事。

    This is none of your business.

  21. 这不关他的事。

    This matter does not concern him.

  22. 这不关我们的事。

    It's not our business.

  23. 不关我的事,不过

    Not my business. But, um.

  24. 我儿子不关我的事?

    My son is not my business?

  25. 私人秘密,不关你事?

    This is private.Do you mind?

  26. 私人秘密,不关你事?

    This is private. Do you mind?

  27. 窗户不关犹如开门揖盗。

    Leaving the windows open is inviting thieves to enter.

  28. 也不关钱的事儿

    There was no money involved.

  29. 这不关你的事儿。

    It's not your business.

  30. 这不关你的事儿。

    It's not your business.


  1. 问:不关拼音怎么拼?不关的读音是什么?不关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不关的读音是bùguān,不关翻译成英文是 have nothing to do with; not get involved

  2. 问:不关心拼音怎么拼?不关心的读音是什么?不关心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不关心的读音是bù guān xīn,不关心翻译成英文是 indifference

  3. 问:不关押拼音怎么拼?不关押的读音是什么?不关押翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不关押的读音是bù guān yā,不关押翻译成英文是 nonconfinement

  4. 问:不关心地拼音怎么拼?不关心地的读音是什么?不关心地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不关心地的读音是,不关心地翻译成英文是 indifferently

  5. 问:不关心点拼音怎么拼?不关心点的读音是什么?不关心点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不关心点的读音是bù guān xīn diǎn,不关心点翻译成英文是 point of indifference

  6. 问:不关心的拼音怎么拼?不关心的的读音是什么?不关心的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不关心的的读音是,不关心的翻译成英文是 unconcerned

  7. 问:不关心论拼音怎么拼?不关心论的读音是什么?不关心论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不关心论的读音是,不关心论翻译成英文是 indifferentism

  8. 问:不关厂协议拼音怎么拼?不关厂协议的读音是什么?不关厂协议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不关厂协议的读音是bù guān chǎng xié yì,不关厂协议翻译成英文是 no -lockout agreement

  9. 问:不关痛痒的拼音怎么拼?不关痛痒的的读音是什么?不关痛痒的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不关痛痒的的读音是,不关痛痒的翻译成英文是 innocuous


拼音:bù guān注音:ㄅㄨˋ ㄍㄨㄢ条目:不关(不关)引证解释:不牵涉;不涉及。《韩非子·内储说上》:“无弃灰所易也,断手所恶也,行所易不关所恶,古人以为易,故行之。” 晋 陆云 《谢平原内史表》:“片言只字,不关其间;事踪笔迹,皆可推校。” 唐 司空图 《偶书》诗之一:“莺也解啼花也发,不关心事最堪憎。” 茅盾 《子夜》十三:“明儿 三先生 生气,可不关我的事。”