


求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……





汉语拼音:qǐng wèn







  1. 敬辞。用于请求对方解答问题。

    《论语·颜渊》:“ 颜渊 曰:‘请问其目。’子曰:‘非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动。’”《水浒传》第二七回:“ 张青 道:‘请问都头,今得何罪?配到何处去?’” 吴组缃 《山洪》十六:“问了之后,还是放不下心,又提着笨重的犁头和耘耙,绕了不近的路,冒雨跑到学堂里去想请问 王先生 。”

  2. 犹试问。

    《墨子·尚贤中》:“事则不与,禄则不分,请问天下之贤人将何自至乎王公大人之侧哉!” 唐 杜甫 《渔阳》诗:“繫书请问 燕 耆旧,今日何须十万兵。” 瞿秋白 《一九二三年由俄归国后所作短文二篇·最低问题》:“地方官对此种丧权辱国事情,只知道戒严,请问他防范的是谁,保护的又是谁?”

  3. 请安问候。

    宋 曾巩 《抚州颜鲁公祠堂记》:“ 李辅国 迁太上皇居西宫,公首率百官请问起居,又輒斥。”



  1. May I ask? You spoke of honoring obligations as if it's a good thing?


  2. "Excuse me, " she said to a man at the bottom of the staircase, "but where have we landed? "


  3. I would like to publish a product advertising in your publications, I would like to ask the way of a specific ad cooperation ?


  4. Two. How much would it be , please ?


  5. Nice to see someone still remembers that this is meant to be a football match, not a day out at a theme park. Now will someone tell Dyer?


  6. Guest: How much are a box of white chocolates and strawberry chocolates fixed price?


  7. How much force does the tyre return for a given vertical deflection and how long is the contact patch in that case?


  8. A year ago, at the press conference, you said you were a bit worried about China's assets in the United States.


  9. I see. How much deposit should I pay?


  1. 请问,请问?

    Pardon me?Pardon me?

  2. 请问?请问?

    Pardon me? Pardon me?

  3. 请问贵庚?

    May I ask your age?

  4. 请问服务台。

    Please inquire at the service desk.

  5. 请问是谁?

    who's calling?

  6. 请问尊姓大名?

    Would you give me your name?

  7. 请问有事吗

    Uh, can I help you?

  8. 请问尊姓大名?

    Would you be kind enough to tell me your name?

  9. 请问你贵姓?

    May I ask who is calling?

  10. 请问你姓名?

    May I have your name?

  11. 请问您贵姓?

    And your name, please?

  12. 请问您贵庚?

    Might I ask how old you are?

  13. 请问,高小姐。

    Excuse me, Miss Gao.

  14. 请问您贵庚?

    Might I ask how old you are?

  15. 请问邮资多少

    How much is the postage

  16. 请问您贵姓?

    Could you please tell me your surname?

  17. 请问贵庚多少

    May I please ask our age.

  18. 请问怎么称呼?

    What name shall I say?

  19. 请问贵姓, 先生?

    Who shall I say, sir?

  20. 请问贵庚多少?

    May I please ask our age?

  21. 请问邮费多少?

    Can you tell me the postage?

  22. 请问夫人贵姓?

    May I have your name, Madam?

  23. 请问如何前往?

    How do I get to the hotel XXX?

  24. 先生, 请问贵姓?

    who shall I say is calling, sir?

  25. 先生,请问贵姓?

    Who shall I say is calling, sir?

  26. 请问先生贵姓?

    By the way, may I have your name, sir?

  27. 请问怎么出去?

    Could you show me the way out, please?

  28. 请问是哪位?

    Who is this?

  29. 请问是琼吗

    Is it Joan, please.

  30. 请问您尊姓大名?

    May I ask your name? 'he said.


  1. 问:请问拼音怎么拼?请问的读音是什么?请问翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请问的读音是qǐngwèn,请问翻译成英文是 excuse me; I would like to ask