


1. 弥 [mí]2. 弥 [mǐ]弥 [mí]满,遍:~满。~月(a.整一个月;b.婴儿满月)。~望(满眼)。~天(满天,形容极大的)。补,合:~补。~缝。~封。更加:~坚。欲盖~彰。水满的样子:~漫。久,远:~留(病久留不去,后称病重将……









汉语拼音:mí liú zhī jì







  • 【解释】:弥留:本指久病不愈,后多指病重将死;际:时候。病危将死的时候。
  • 【出自】:《尚书·顾命》:“病日臻,既弥留。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;指病危将死的时候


  1. What could the Colonel have to say to him in these fading moments?


  2. Until sees the point of death to lie down on the bed mother, he only then realizes him loves her.


  3. Even on his deathbed, he was urged by his friends to admit that he had made up all the stories about China.


  4. Towards the end of her life, when she could no longer walk unaided, her father carried her down to the beach for one last lingering look.


  5. On his deathbed, Raphael bequeathed his mistress enough money to live "honorably" for the rest of her life.


  6. As Dr. Roberts lay dying last week in a hospital in Macon, Ga. , suffering from pneumonia, Mr. Gates flew down to be at his bedside.


  7. As his last act upon earth, Comrade Napoleon had pronounced a solemn decree: the drinking of alcohol was to be punished by death.


  8. On May 24, in1543, Copernicus in his illness, just as he had seen in the published YangShu "celestial circulate. "


  9. I would have offered consolation during his final hour, if I'd been really listening, thinking and in tune with the Infinite.


  1. 我弥留之际

    As I lay dying.

  2. 她在弥留之际。

    She is at the point of the death.

  3. 弥留之际, 他承认了罪行。

    He admitted his guilty at the point of death.

  4. 他躺在床上, 弥留之际。

    So there he was on his deathbed.

  5. 在我弥留之际直到他也是

    To my dying breath until he does.

  6. 在弥留之际, 他还想着孩子。

    When he was dying, he still thought of the children.

  7. 论我弥留之际中道德的瓦解

    On the Collapse of Morality in As I Lay Dying

  8. 他虽在弥留之际,但十分清醒。

    Although dying, he was quite conscious.

  9. 人们说在弥留之际,人生的片段

    They say your life flashes before your eyes.

  10. 在弥留之际, 这位老人仍很清醒。

    He was conscious up until he died.

  11. 在弥留之际,这位老人仍很清醒。

    He was conscious up until he died.

  12. 弥留之际的肯塔克眼里闪现着笑容。

    A smile lit the eyes of the expiring Kentuck.

  13. 在弥留之际, 他会向女儿乞求麻醉药。

    In the final stages he would beg his daughter for the needle.

  14. 他羞愧地承认犯了罪。弥留之际,他承认了罪行。

    He was shamed into admitting his guilt.

  15. 浅析我弥留之际的重要叙述者与主题

    A Brief Analysis of an Important Narrator and Themes of As I Lay Dying

  16. 那只避邪蜡烛照着她弥留之际得痛苦。

    The ghostcandle to light her agony.

  17. 那只避邪蜡烛照着她弥留之际的痛苦。

    The ghostcandle to light her agony.

  18. 从荒原与我弥留之际看荒原文学的意蕴

    The Implications of The Waste Land and As I Lay Dying as the Masterpieces of Wilderness Literature

  19. 在弥留之际,他艰难地梳理密密麻麻的往事。

    So, painstakingly, he combed the thatch of the past.

  20. 病人弥留之际,加深得昏睡通常是死得前兆。

    In the moribund patient deepening coma are the usual preludes to death.

  21. 病人弥留之际,加深的昏睡通常是死的前兆。

    In the moribund patient deepening coma are the usual preludes to death.

  22. 我不知道自己弥留之际将会身在何方。

    I don't know where I will be at the end of my life.

  23. 我不知道自己弥留之际将会身在何方。

    I don't know where I will be at the end of my life.

  24. 但是梅子一天天瘦了下去, 终于到了弥留之际。

    However plum one day a thin continue, and finally to happen.

  25. 上校究竟有什么事要在弥留之际对他讲呢

    What could the Colonel have to say to him in these fading moments

  26. 在父亲弥留之际,他与父亲的关系变得更加亲密起来。

    He grew closer to his father during his last days.

  27. 你母亲弥留之际,要你跪下来为她祷告,你却拒绝了。

    You wouldn't kneel down to pray for your mother on her deathbed when she asked you.

  28. 弥留之际,老人把整个商队的命运和未来交给了儿子。

    In his last time Hassan let Nassau lead the whole caravan.

  29. 我弥留之际是福克纳创作生涯前期的重要作品之一。

    As I Lay Dying is one of the greatest novels by Faulkner during his early creative years.

  30. 第三帝国在弥留之际还在信口说瞎话,就象它在建立初一样。

    The third Reich was expiring, as it had begun, with a shabby lie.