







汉语拼音:dào yuè







  1. 直达天上。喻高。

    唐 刘昭禹 《冬日暮国清寺留题》诗:“高鐘疑到月,远烧欲连星。”

  2. 谓怀孕足月。

    刘绍棠 《青枝绿叶》七:“ 永春嫂 拖着快到月的重身子。”



  1. If he is running late, by contrast, he may try to push his way to the front of the ticket line before sprinting for the platform.


  2. It is nearly mid January, and everything seems so deceptively peaceful here in my room in the evening, with just a side-lamp on.


  3. In developing countries, the cost of any of these three technologies can be as high as 72 percent of average salary.


  4. He stepped to the platform and paused: a little dingy station, a small crowd of travelers.


  5. Please don't leave me when the automatic teller machine, to a month just to pay.


  6. How does the lunar regolith affect transmission of seismic energy?


  7. You should have anywhere from 14 to 30 days to get a full refund on your purchase.


  8. Hardly had he rushed onto the platform when the departure bell rang.


  9. The moon doesn't go black because indirect sunlight still reaches it after passing through the Earth's atmosphere.


  1. 阿妹等哥到月圆

    Long Wait For My Lover

  2. 到月头儿了,该付房租了。

    It's time to pay the month's rent.

  3. 为什么能观察到日环食, 而不能观察到月环食?

    Why could we observe eclipse instead of annular eclipse of the moon?

  4. 将修理工每日记时卡上的记录登记到月时间表上。

    Transfer times clocked on the daily time card to the mechanics monthly time sheet.

  5. 据说她是因为偷吃了丈夫的长生药被放逐到月宫中去的。

    It seems she was banished to the Moon because she stole the pill of immortality from her husband.

  6. 花期六月到九月。

    Flowering period June to September.

  7. 月到中秋分外明

    The harvest moon is exceptionally bright

  8. 七月到了八月,八月到了九月。

    July passed into August, August into September.

  9. 这个月到现在一直下雨。

    It has rained so far this month.

  10. 秋天是从九月到十一月。

    Autumn lasts from September to November.

  11. 九月到四月是足球季节。

    The football season is from September to April.

  12. 迪斯尼八月到北京巡演

    Disney will be on tour in Beijing in August

  13. 九月到十一月也就是秋季。

    The season begins in September and ends in November.

  14. 冰冷充斥了整个一月到六月

    Chilling is cool from january to june

  15. 年龄档次从6个月到47岁不等。

    The age range is from 6 months to 47 years.

  16. 我们从四月到八月生活在那里。

    We lived there from April to August.

  17. 九月到了,我们感觉就像狮子。

    September came and we felt like lions.

  18. 甚至到了下个月到了夏季学期结束

    And the next month. And after summer break.

  19. 五月到八月间是螃蟹的繁殖季节。

    Between May and August is the breeding season for crabs.

  20. 这个月到目前为止每天都在下雨。

    It has rained every day so far this month.

  21. 用九个月到一年的时间才能完成。

    Working for nine months to a year.

  22. 从八月到一月, 每个星期天都有比赛。

    It is played on Sundays from August to January.

  23. 在英国,长的假期是从六月到十月。

    In Britain the long vacation is from June to October.

  24. 我们每个月到林子里去野餐一次。

    Once a month, we go off to the woods for a picnic.

  25. 从猪仔到成猪需要5个月到1年的时间。

    It takes five months to a year to get piglets ready for slaughter.

  26. 而最脆弱的阶段是孕期的第4个月到第6个月。

    But the most vulnerable stage is when a woman is between four and six months pregnant.

  27. 而最脆弱得阶段是孕期得第4个月到第6个月。

    But the most vulnerable stage is when a woman is between four and six months pregnant.

  28. 她去年五月到伦敦, 此後一直在报社工作

    She moved to London last May and has since got a job on a newspaper

  29. 她去年五月到伦敦, 此后一直在报社工作。

    She moved to London last May and has since got a job on a newspaper.

  30. 他于三月到东京进行了一次公务访问。

    He made an official visit to Tokyo in March.